Faux News: Sure It Will Tank The Economy And Cause A Recession But Trump Should Shut Down The Border

“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost

This sounds exactly like the government shutdown. Republicans lost bigly on this and want to repeat it. Is Trump the fool that these extreme rightwingers want him to be? The economy is Trump's last card and if he muffs it then he is finished.

This will not affect trade unless Mexico doesn't want to do business. Close it down to all but Commercial traffic and American citizens! what's wrong with that. Don't feed stray cats! and they go away.
You and "your ilk" have to stop pretending your smarter than Trump. He conducts business from the White House. Your platform is USMB...
True Trump is smarter than the Generals smarter than doctors and those climate changing believers Matter of fact he's so smart he won't show his grades cause he doesn't want to dazzle you with his brilliance
Not eating Mexican Avocados isn't going to send us into a recession. Mexico needs to understand that ushering illegals up to our border has consequences.
They need us, we don't need them.
Usage of the term "avocado." Check.

Boy are you an obedient LEMMING!!


Use of the term, "your ilk". Check.
Boy, are you an idiot... :eusa_dance:
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.
I heard it mentioned only keeping the truck trade lanes open.
That wouldn't instill enough "hurt." The threat is the freezing of so many businesses and Mexican money makers. Let the business lanes remain open and what's the problem? Is Trump only hitting Mexican tourism? What about Americans on vacay or doing business there? Are they going to be shut out too?
I don't think he really wants to do this.....he ought to shut up about it.
Some trump voters apparently have never heard of cutting off your nose to spite your face...

Shutting the border down is no different than any investment....spend $100 today to save $500 later. If you lowlifes understood this simple shit you wouldn't need to beg for free shit like you do.

You are the lowlife. You are the one who is shit and needs to be gotten rid of.

Haha..sorry Wetback, your free ride is coming to an end...on to Canada you and all your illiterate cockroach friends go.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
In poker, it's called a 'BLUFF'.

Trump has done this several times during his Presidency so far. Several times it has worked, several time it hasn't.

Only snowflakes have taken this bluff seriously and tried to make political hay out of it. Everyone else sees it for what it actually is.

The world is tragically filled with enough stupid people who are that way due to no fault of their own, so don't intentionally TRY to be stupid.

Take the Trump-hating glasses off, free your mind, and your ass will follow.
Your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming from your mouth
Eddie, now I am not going to tell you again. You should be concerned with surviving till 2024 so you might be able to put this all behind you. Stages of grief are by definition, or should be, temporary.
You and "your ilk" have to stop pretending your smarter than Trump. He conducts business from the White House. Your platform is USMB...
True Trump is smarter than the Generals smarter than doctors and those climate changing believers Matter of fact he's so smart he won't show his grades cause he doesn't want to dazzle you with his brilliance

No need. He can run this country without us seeing his grades, his income tax, hair, hands, penis, without collusion, without obstruction, and all the rest of the Democrat's bullshit. You lost the war. Now you just look petty.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.

Those cars that are built in the good old USA are built with parts that are made in Mexico. You really don't understand much about trade between the two countries, do you?

As for the rest of you who are clamoring for the border to be shut down, it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than just avocados that are affected. You guys gotta quit looking at just one thing and saying you don't need it, because it will involve a hell of a lot more than just that one thing you say you don't need.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost

The problem for you open border types is this....Good real Americans are so fed up with the invasion of Wetbacks that we are prepared to watch this mothafucker burn to the ground to stop it...We can't give two fucks about the economic impact in the short term.
Lol you are such a moron

"My shit is on point."
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.

Those cars that are built in the good old USA are built with parts that are made in Mexico. You really don't understand much about trade between the two countries, do you?

As for the rest of you who are clamoring for the border to be shut down, it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than just avocados that are affected. You guys gotta quit looking at just one thing and saying you don't need it, because it will involve a hell of a lot more than just that one thing you say you don't need.
/——/ build cars made in the USA with parts made in the USA.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.

Those cars that are built in the good old USA are built with parts that are made in Mexico. You really don't understand much about trade between the two countries, do you?

As for the rest of you who are clamoring for the border to be shut down, it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than just avocados that are affected. You guys gotta quit looking at just one thing and saying you don't need it, because it will involve a hell of a lot more than just that one thing you say you don't need.
/——/ build cars made in the USA with parts made in the USA.

Ever stop to consider the reason the car companies get their parts to build their cars from Mexico because there are no factories in this country that makes them? If you say build another factory, well, that is gonna take a couple of years to build and tool a factory for car parts, so what is the car company here in the US supposed to do?
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.

Those cars that are built in the good old USA are built with parts that are made in Mexico. You really don't understand much about trade between the two countries, do you?

As for the rest of you who are clamoring for the border to be shut down, it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than just avocados that are affected. You guys gotta quit looking at just one thing and saying you don't need it, because it will involve a hell of a lot more than just that one thing you say you don't need.

So what gives?
The wetback lovers better rush down to the border and start mixing concrete for that wall huh?
You mean like that government shut down you and your ilk was using this same argument for until Trump and the Republicans got SLAMMED so hard they had to stop and yell "UNCLE!!!?"
No. President Trump attempted to stand with the American people and do what was best for the nation while Democrats did and continue to stand with violent criminals, drug runners, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, murderers, cop killers, etc...to keep illegal immigration happening, keep the borders open, keep the crisis growing, keeping Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities operating.

Pelosi and the Democrats, for political party benefit, demonstrated they were willing to hurt American citizens more and burn the country down to the ground before letting the President 'win'. The President was not willing to do that.

The fact that you brag about how that makes DEMOCRATS the winner just shows how pathetic YOU are and how it is not President Trump who is un-patriotic.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.
Like a Ford?
Ever stop to consider the reason the car companies get their parts to build their cars from Mexico because there are no factories in this country that makes them? If you say build another factory, well, that is gonna take a couple of years to build and tool a factory for car parts, so what is the car company here in the US supposed to do?
You can thank Obama and the Democrats for driving them out of the country. Remember how he promised Detroit he would not let that happen / would not abandon them. I bet he told Ambassador Stephens that , too...
Ever stop to consider the reason the car companies get their parts to build their cars from Mexico because there are no factories in this country that makes them? If you say build another factory, well, that is gonna take a couple of years to build and tool a factory for car parts, so what is the car company here in the US supposed to do?
You can thank Obama and the Democrats for driving them out of the country. Remember how he promised Detroit he would not let that happen / would not abandon them. I bet he told Ambassador Stephens that , too...

Before you start talking about Benghazi, I suggest you watch the movie "13 Hours" which is an account of what happened over there.

Several mistakes were made. When the ambassador was told that there was a possibility of something going down on 9/11, the ambassador told his security detail to go back to the CIA station, because he wasn't going anywhere that day.

Then, when the attack started, the security detail wanted to go as soon as they knew about it, but the CIA station chief delayed them for around an hour.

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