FBI admits it can’t verify dossier claims of Russia/Trump Collusion


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Dems and Hillary's campaign funded this dossier and it remains unsubstantiated. It seems to be nothing more than an attempt to smear Trump. And it's likely that some Dems abused their power to try and take Trump down. What we have here is nothing but FBI/Clinton collusion.

"The FBI is declining to repudiate the Russia dossier on which it partially relied to start an investigation into the Trump campaign, but it concedes the document’s major core charges of election collusion remain unsubstantiated.

Sources familiar with House and Senate investigations say this is the FBI’s dossier talking point 17 months after agents were first briefed in July 2016 as Donald Trump battled Hillary Clinton for the White House.
The most recent FBI witness was Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who spent nearly eight hours last week in a closed session before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Republicans believe they have unearthed a scandal inside the bureau’s top echelons over its determination to target Trump associates based on flimsy evidence and improper Justice Department contacts.

Republican committee members pressed Mr. McCabe about a dossier that was financed by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign based on gossip-tinged information from paid, unidentified Kremlin operatives."

FBI says Russia dossier’s collusion charges unsubstantiated
Crooked Hillary and Obama (and quite a few other democrats) need to be charged for attacking our democracy and trying overturn an election. There must some law against that.
The Dems and Hillary's campaign funded this dossier and it remains unsubstantiated. It seems to be nothing more than an attempt to smear Trump. And it's likely that some Dems abused their power to try and take Trump down. What we have here is nothing but FBI/Clinton collusion.

"The FBI is declining to repudiate the Russia dossier on which it partially relied to start an investigation into the Trump campaign, but it concedes the document’s major core charges of election collusion remain unsubstantiated.

Sources familiar with House and Senate investigations say this is the FBI’s dossier talking point 17 months after agents were first briefed in July 2016 as Donald Trump battled Hillary Clinton for the White House.
The most recent FBI witness was Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who spent nearly eight hours last week in a closed session before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Republicans believe they have unearthed a scandal inside the bureau’s top echelons over its determination to target Trump associates based on flimsy evidence and improper Justice Department contacts.

Republican committee members pressed Mr. McCabe about a dossier that was financed by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign based on gossip-tinged information from paid, unidentified Kremlin operatives."

FBI says Russia dossier’s collusion charges unsubstantiated


A). Justify an investigation long enough to go through Trump's shorts and hopefully turn up some kind of dirt on him somewhere to ruin him and either justify an impeachment hearing on the thinnest of grounds or just keep him hamstrung with distractions until he's out of office. Trump still has hundreds of vacant appointees still being manned by Obama's people.

B). Failing the first, ruin his public image enough with constant bad press to kill his reelection.
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Crooked Hillary and Obama (and quite a few other democrats) need to be charged for attacking our democracy and trying overturn an election. There must some law against that.

Hillary got pissed when Trump wouldn't agree to accept the results before the election. When she thought she was going to win, she and other Dems preached about how people who refuse to accept results were a threat to democracy. Only Al Gore and Hillary are allowed to challenge results when they lose. When a Republican loses, they want to destroy the ballets immediately to ensure no recount can take place.

Of course, they did recounts after Trump won and it actually caused Hillary to lose votes because some places were counting her ballets up to 7 times each. She, Obama, Soros and their shadow government seek to overthrow the Trump administration, which is definitely a serious crime. Just don't expect any of the Obama plants still sitting in high ranking positions to actually do their job with integrity. They exist to do the bidding of the one world government supporters.

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