FBI and DOJ list details on why they invaded a former President of the United States

Why would Trump waive anything?

So that the DOJ can lie about him with impunity?

The DOJ as well as Brandon are right now free to tell the truth about the panties they seized from the First Lady or anything else.

So Trump has no right to claim the warrant was unjustified and then refuse to have information about the warrant released
Why would Trump waive anything?

So that the DOJ can lie about him with impunity?

The DOJ as well as Brandon are right now free to tell the truth about the panties they seized from the First Lady or anything else.
Trump is the one lying with impunity.

The DoJ is and should remain silent. They shouldn’t make special exceptions unless absolutely necessary.
You're schooling the equivalent of warmed over roadkill.
I just heard Lara Trump say that the FBI showed the secret service the abstract but didn't allow them to keep it.
Trump was never served. He was in New York.

This is getting stinkier and stinkier. The GOP is starting their own investigation. They got newspaper clippings, cocktail napkins, personal letters. What the hell did they want with confiscating Melania's underwear? Sell on ebay?

So Trump has no right to claim the warrant was unjustified and then refuse to have information about the warrant released

President Trump has every right to claim the warrant was unjustified.

Regardless of whether he waives his rights or not.

Its up to the DOJ to prove their own case.
Why did those perverts go through the former president's daughter's underwear? Somethin ain't right in the FBI.
... yeah... NOTHING.
You think it is unprecedented for a former President to have his own home invaded.... what is MORE unprecedented is the absolute silence from the White House, who obviously knew... the FBI or the DOJ.
No explanation just what the hell this was about. Nothing.
And the media?? - Nothing. No details of anything.
Other Democrats... they are staying clear of it.
The American media might as well be state owned and controlled.
Why would they need to explain it when no one is asking??

It doesn't matter what party you think is who you believe it - this whole thing is one of the ugliest events in recent history.
If in fact, as we are sure to see, that this is once again a Democrat controlled nothing burger... that there was no CLEAR EVEDENCE OF VERY SERIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND EVIDENCE THAT IT EXISTED THERE... if they just went on a fishing expedition on a former President???

What will the American People's response be??
Ah the whole thing just feels glorious! It made my month. So excited for what comes next!

You know contrary to what republicans like to believe, the evidence is likely pretty clear cut. Say what you want about these departments’ ethics; they aren’t dumb enough to go after a former president and political candidate with nothing to show for. Deep down republicans on this board are scared. They just won’t admit it.
... yeah... NOTHING.
You think it is unprecedented for a former President to have his own home invaded.... what is MORE unprecedented is the absolute silence from the White House, who obviously knew... the FBI or the DOJ.
No explanation just what the hell this was about. Nothing.
And the media?? - Nothing. No details of anything.
Other Democrats... they are staying clear of it.
The American media might as well be state owned and controlled.
Why would they need to explain it when no one is asking??

It doesn't matter what party you think is who you believe it - this whole thing is one of the ugliest events in recent history.
If in fact, as we are sure to see, that this is once again a Democrat controlled nothing burger... that there was no CLEAR EVEDENCE OF VERY SERIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND EVIDENCE THAT IT EXISTED THERE... if they just went on a fishing expedition on a former President???

What will the American People's response be??
Why doesn’t Trump just tell us what the search was for? He definitely knows.
Why doesn’t Trump just tell us what the search was for? He definitely knows.

Trump has already told us what the search was for- it was a fishing expedition designed to help Sleepy Joe's 2024 effort.

If Biden disagrees, the ball is in his court as well as his hack, Garland.
Trump was served a warrant. There is absolutely nothing stopping him from releasing that information.

As for the lack of information from other sources. The DOJ doesn't comment on ongoing investigations, both to protect the defendant and their own investigation which is not unprecedented but common. The White House doesn't comment on ongoing investigations of the DOJ. This to prevent the appearance of political meddling in law enforcement. Also common before Trump turned it on its head.
If you believe the silence is for any reason other than to protect Garland and Biden, then i have a few bridges I would like to sell you.
Trump has already told us what the search was for- it was a fishing expedition designed to help Sleepy Joe's 2024 effort.

If Biden disagrees, the ball is in his court as well as his hack, Garland.
Well, regardless of whether or not that is true, he could easily tell us what the warrant says and what the agents told him. Why doesn’t he?
If you believe the silence is for any reason other than to protect Garland and Biden, then i have a few bridges I would like to sell you.
How does Biden have the authority to issue warrants for no reason? Or warrants with reason for that matter.
In that case he's really screwed. This means they knew exactly what he had and where it was. Someone who knows where the bodies are buried has sold him out.
If they knew that, then why did they haul away 15 boxes of documents?
How does Biden have the authority to issue warrants for no reason? Or warrants with reason for that matter.
Who said Biden issued the warrants? The DOJ issued them and got a corrupt judge to sign off on them.
Well, regardless of whether or not that is true, he could easily tell us what the warrant says and what the agents told him. Why doesn’t he?

If there were lies on the warrant, why would he repeat them? And the agents waited until The Trumpster had left the building before they broke in and rifled through Melania's bras and panties.
Actually, you don't get how search warrants work. They've already built their case and presented it to a judge. The Search Warrant is only to confirm what they've already figured out.
That's how they are supposed to work. That doesn't mean they work that way in the Biden administration.

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