FBI and DOJ list details on why they invaded a former President of the United States

If there were lies on the warrant, why would he repeat them? And the agents waited until The Trumpster had left the building before they broke in and rifled through Melania's bras and panties.
Lol why would he repeat them? So he can whine like a little bitch like he always does about his political enemies.
Biden's Hand Picked AG is in charge of the DOJ- and is seeking to rig the 2024 election in Brandon's favor.
Just because that explanation makes sense to you, does not mean it is rooted in reality. Evidence is evidence.
... yeah... NOTHING.
You think it is unprecedented for a former President to have his own home invaded.... what is MORE unprecedented is the absolute silence from the White House, who obviously knew... the FBI or the DOJ.
No explanation just what the hell this was about. Nothing.
And the media?? - Nothing. No details of anything.
Other Democrats... they are staying clear of it.
The American media might as well be state owned and controlled.
Why would they need to explain it when no one is asking??

It doesn't matter what party you think is who you believe it - this whole thing is one of the ugliest events in recent history.
If in fact, as we are sure to see, that this is once again a Democrat controlled nothing burger... that there was no CLEAR EVEDENCE OF VERY SERIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND EVIDENCE THAT IT EXISTED THERE... if they just went on a fishing expedition on a former President???

What will the American People's response be??
I'm betting the FBI will come up with whatever smoking gun that Democrats need for the next attack Trump scandal, and that they somehow screw up their planted evidence scandal, making the scandal even worse.
... yeah... NOTHING.
You think it is unprecedented for a former President to have his own home invaded.... what is MORE unprecedented is the absolute silence from the White House, who obviously knew... the FBI or the DOJ.
No explanation just what the hell this was about. Nothing.
And the media?? - Nothing. No details of anything.
Other Democrats... they are staying clear of it.
The American media might as well be state owned and controlled.
Why would they need to explain it when no one is asking??

It doesn't matter what party you think is who you believe it - this whole thing is one of the ugliest events in recent history.
If in fact, as we are sure to see, that this is once again a Democrat controlled nothing burger... that there was no CLEAR EVEDENCE OF VERY SERIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND EVIDENCE THAT IT EXISTED THERE... if they just went on a fishing expedition on a former President???

What will the American People's response be??
Why does the thread title say "DOJ and FBI list details" for Trump raid and yet the OP says they haven't uttered a peep? We already know they haven't said anything. Thread title is clickbait. Very annoying. I only opened this because I thought there was news.
The Democrats are up to their old smoke and mirror lies again. I don't trust them any more.
6 now running into 7 years of the ugliest hateful and EVIL acts I have ever seen come out of The DemNazi Party, and they still aren't done, and won't be done until they are all burning in Hell after Judgement Day!
They went to the colleges of atheist hate, and they expect Patriots' progeny to trash their forebears and the Founders. The Democrat Party is digging itself into its own grave. :dig: How sad.
There is a turncoat in Trump's midst. He's about to make himself look guilty as sin looking for them. Someone told the FBI what he had and where it was hidden. When this person is outed maybe they will let you in on some background. The FBI is not going to comment on any ongoing investigation. Any fool knows that.
Democrats no longer need snitches. They let their computers hack into people's privacy, by way of getting border crossers to do their dirty work for them.
There is a turncoat in Trump's midst. He's about to make himself look guilty as sin looking for them. Someone told the FBI what he had and where it was hidden. When this person is outed maybe they will let you in on some background. The FBI is not going to comment on any ongoing investigation. Any fool knows that.
Yeah man, they told the FBI to break into the empty safe. Oh wait... :auiqs.jpg:
... yeah... NOTHING.
You think it is unprecedented for a former President to have his own home invaded.... what is MORE unprecedented is the absolute silence from the White House, who obviously knew... the FBI or the DOJ.
No explanation just what the hell this was about. Nothing.
And the media?? - Nothing. No details of anything.
Other Democrats... they are staying clear of it.
The American media might as well be state owned and controlled.
Why would they need to explain it when no one is asking??

It doesn't matter what party you think is who you believe it - this whole thing is one of the ugliest events in recent history.
If in fact, as we are sure to see, that this is once again a Democrat controlled nothing burger... that there was no CLEAR EVEDENCE OF VERY SERIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND EVIDENCE THAT IT EXISTED THERE... if they just went on a fishing expedition on a former President???

What will the American People's response be??
What are YOU gonna do, oh wise leader?
Why did those perverts go through the former president's daughter's underwear? Somethin ain't right in the FBI.
Criminals hide shit in their women's stuff all the time, pretty common search location to be honest......Believe me, when the POS fbi shows up they consider everyone a criminal.....Even the local cop directing traffic.
Just because that explanation makes sense to you, does not mean it is rooted in reality. Evidence is evidence.
Starting when it investigated Trump for a fictitious conspiracy with Russia, the FBI has given media outlets a lot of free content, and profit. I don’t understand why FBI brass don’t just cut out the middle man and launch their own news network. - Aaron Mate’

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