FBI, Big Tech, Big Media: Partners in collusion

The fact of the matter is that the thread premise is a lie.

The NY Post is an unreliable source and rightwing fake news site:

“Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.”

It’s perfectly appropriate, lawful, and warranted for US intelligence agencies to notify and warn social media of cyber-attacks and misinformation campaigns by America’s enemies, such as the Russian lies about Hunter Biden.

Social media remain at liberty to use the information as they see fit, they alone decide how to edit their content based on the information provided.

There is no ‘collusion,’ no ‘partnership,’ nothing is ‘censored’ by the FBI or any other agency.

And all of your insinuations are LIES. Wapo, NY Time and CBS have confirmed the authenticity of the laptop. And they know the name of the FBI SSA that conducted the propaganda briefings.

He said he was the one who took in the laptop, silly one!

Isn't it weird that this guy was willing to break all protocol and ethics of computer repair, and take this laptop and divulge all of the client's allegedly abandoned personal, and personal financial content to Rudy Giuliani?

How convenient, eh?
Well there is that.

And making copies of material that would be a felony if he were caught possessing it.
Yet you believe Russia and Trump colluded to steal the 2016 election.

The Mueller report as well as the Senate report detail the many meetings between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russian intel.

Well there is that.

And making copies of material that would be a felony if he were caught possessing it.

The Mueller report as well as the Senate report detail the many meetings between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russian intel.

You have a problem learning.

No collusion exited between Trump’s campaign and Russia. NONE! Mueller clearly stated this.

Disclaimer for idiots like you
…the above doesn’t refute the fact that Trump is an incompetent corrupt asshole.
Yes, now we know for a fact that the FBI was colluding with Twitter. Folks that believed this were called conspiracy nuts.

FBI, Big Tech, Big Media: Partners in collusion

3 Dec2022 ~~ By Michael Goodwin

The bold release by Elon Musk of Twitter files on how and why employees blocked The Post’s 2020 bombshell on Hunter Biden’s laptop marks a defining moment in modern American history. The disturbing details of arrogance and ignorance revealed the so-called geniuses pulling the technology levers to be as supernatural as the man behind the curtain in “The Wizard of Oz.”
The deflating reaction in both is the same: Is that all there is?
In this case, no, not by a long shot. For Musk’s revelations must be the start of a national campaign to expose the entire picture of the unholy collusion between partisan government censors and Big Tech.
Consider that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted to podcaster Joe Rogan the FBI warned the company in the fall of 2020 to watch out for Russian disinformation schemes.
“The FBI came to us, some folks on our team, and was like ‘hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that.’”
Zuckerberg said that by way of explaining why Facebook limited and in some cases blocked users from sharing The Post’s laptop report.
Twitter obviously got the same warning, which almost certainly involved James Baker, a former FBI general counsel who was involved in investigating the Trump campaign in 2016 and now holds a similar position at Twitter. Naturally, the released files show he was without remorse or doubt in urging repression of The Post’s story.
Moreover, as Intercept reporter Lee Fang has detailed and as a former Twitter official confirmed, the FBI held weekly meetings in Silicon Valley with tech officials about policing disinformation. Of course, their definition of disinformation was so broad as to include virtually anything that made Joe Biden or Democrats look bad.
There are two basic possibilities for explaining media complicity. First, perhaps the Times, Washington Post, CNN and others, all of whom are often favored with partisan leaks from the Justice Department, got misled by the FBI into thinking the story was bogus.
Indeed, since then, they and other media laptop deniers have authenticated key contents, though in a scattered fashion that has left unexplored the central issue of Joe Biden’s role.
Did the president of the United States profit from the selling of access to him, and is he compromised in dealing with foreign powers? No one in Big Media seems to care.
Lest you forget their power, remember that Joe Biden was elected president because millions of voters were not allowed to learn The Post had unmasked his deep connections to his son’s corrupt schemes.
The people who did that are not threats to democracy. They are its destroyers.

Our country is being run by the most evil people on earth. They are doing everything they can to maintain position a power, and are destroying this country... we know now for as fact that our DOJ and FBI have been hopelessly corrupted. They've rigged elections and lied to us while we watch Cocaine, Crack, heroine, fentanyl and Marijuana pour into this country unabated....
Maoist Democrats, the DOJ and FBI are winning by killing Americans and are avoiding accountability while they kill our children.

The Republican Party is the party of evil. Right wing fascists attack our voting rights, free speech rights and want to jail their political opponents. The FBI acted properly to try and stop misinformation. Misinformation that was designed to help Trump. You are the ones who are corrupt and criminals. You will lie, cheat and steal to take over this country and install fascism as the form of government.
The Republican Party is the party of evil. Right wing fascists attack our voting rights, free speech rights and want to jail their political opponents. The FBI acted properly to try and stop misinformation. Misinformation that was designed to help Trump. You are the ones who are corrupt and criminals. You will lie, cheat and steal to take over this country and install fascism as the form of government.
Haha, you're really funny.
You have a problem learning.

No collusion exited between Trump’s campaign and Russia. NONE! Mueller clearly stated this.

Disclaimer for idiots like you
…the above doesn’t refute the fact that Trump is an incompetent corrupt asshole.

Mueller did not clearly state this. Barr claimed this. Mueller detailed a meeting between Trump's campaign and a Russian agent in which internal polling data and other campaign information was turned over.
Mueller did not clearly state this. Barr claimed this. Mueller detailed a meeting between Trump's campaign and a Russian agent in which internal polling data and other campaign information was turned over.
A meeting is not collusion. Plus the meeting was probably deceptively set up by the FBI.


Disclaimer for fanatical Trump haters: the fat orange crook is still a fat orange crook.
A meeting is not collusion. Plus the meeting was probably deceptively set up by the FBI.


Disclaimer for fanatical Trump haters: the fat orange crook is still a fat orange crook.

They shared data during the meetings. And wow...the person he was running against was hacked by Russian intel. It would take a special type of idiocy to not be able to connect the dots. You possess it.
You have a problem learning.

No collusion exited between Trump’s campaign and Russia. NONE! Mueller clearly stated this.

Disclaimer for idiots like you
…the above doesn’t refute the fact that Trump is an incompetent corrupt asshole.
Quote Mueller clearly stating this in his report.
When you build your entire platform on lies and gaslighting and hate--that's a house of cards. It looks powerful for a while but it cannot last.

Twitter, Elon Musk, is what I've been waiting for--the beginning of the end for the haters, liars and grifters. They worked with the FBI on banning speech of a president they didn't like--our FBI did this. And we haven't even gotten to Covid yet.
They shared data during the meetings. And wow...the person he was running against was hacked by Russian intel. It would take a special type of idiocy to not be able to connect the dots. You possess it.
Lol. You are much too partisan for making sound opinions.

Mueller knew there was no collusion to steal the 2016 election. His report indicates this. Of course, he said something weasly like “it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, but we couldn’t find it.”

Do you think the Twitter reports by Taibbi are a nothing burger?
Lol. You are much too partisan for making sound opinions.

Mueller knew there was no collusion to steal the 2016 election. His report indicates this. Of course, he said something weasly like “it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, but we couldn’t find it.”

Do you think the Twitter reports by Taibbi are a nothing burger?
2016 was no different than 2020

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