FBI / Conspirators Knew Dossier Inacurate BEFORE Election/Investigation/Special Counsel Appointment


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Same information reported as it were new.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified that he went to the FBI in August 2016 prior to the election and told them the information in Steele's Russian-authored, Hillary-paid-for Dossier was unreliable / debunked and that Steele had a serious hate-on for Trump.

Ohr testified that both Mueller and Weismann - a top Mueller prosecutor now - were already involved with Steele and the FBI and knew about the Dossier prior to the election, prior to the investigation being opened, and prior to Mueller ever being appointed Special Counsel.

Congress confirmed the date Ohr testified he briefed the FBI conflict with the date the FBI claims they 1st new the information in the dossier was debunked / unreliable. This date is CRITICAL for the defense of the FBI, for NSA Director Clapper, for CIA Director Brenna, and for Deputy US AG Rosenstein because evidence shows they illegally used the information in the dossier, falsely claiming it was legitimate Intel, as the basis for the ICAs and ICRs they briefed to Congress and the FISA court, conning them into giving the FBI illegal warrants to spy on the Trump team and conning Congress into agreeing to open an investigation of a NON-Crime and the appointment of Mueller, already working with the FBI, as Special Counsel.

According to Ohr's testimony, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Weisman, and Mueller ALL KNEW the Russian-authored dossier paid for by Hillary and delivered by Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele was NOT RELIABLE yet they still chose to use the data to write the Intel Community Assessments and Intel Community Reports used to brief the FISA Court and Congress, falsely presenting the information as LEGITIMATE Intel, which THE KNEW it was NOT.

This CRUCIAL TESTIMONY proves the collaborated effort of those engaged in the Conspiracy against the President began BEFORE the election, BEFORE the investigation had officially been opened, and BEFORE Mueller had been appointed Special Counsel.

THAT is the proverbial nail in the coffin of the entire Conspiracy Theory and the Conspirators / Witch Hunters....unless they can somehow spin this / pull a Houdini and sweep it all magically under the carpet....with the help of their surrogate Fake News Media that stand a good chance of doing just that....

Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony

Same information reported as it were new.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified that he went to the FBI in August 2016 prior to the election and told them the information in Steele's Russian-authored, Hillary-paid-for Dossier was unreliable / debunked and that Steele had a serious hate-on for Trump.

Ohr testified that both Mueller and Weismann - a top Mueller prosecutor now - were already involved with Steele and the FBI and knew about the Dossier prior to the election, prior to the investigation being opened, and prior to Mueller ever being appointed Special Counsel.

Congress confirmed the date Ohr testified he briefed the FBI conflict with the date the FBI claims they 1st new the information in the dossier was debunked / unreliable. This date is CRITICAL for the defense of the FBI, for NSA Director Clapper, for CIA Director Brenna, and for Deputy US AG Rosenstein because evidence shows they illegally used the information in the dossier, falsely claiming it was legitimate Intel, as the basis for the ICAs and ICRs they briefed to Congress and the FISA court, conning them into giving the FBI illegal warrants to spy on the Trump team and conning Congress into agreeing to open an investigation of a NON-Crime and the appointment of Mueller, already working with the FBI, as Special Counsel.

According to Ohr's testimony, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Weisman, and Mueller ALL KNEW the Russian-authored dossier paid for by Hillary and delivered by Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele was NOT RELIABLE yet they still chose to use the data to write the Intel Community Assessments and Intel Community Reports used to brief the FISA Court and Congress, falsely presenting the information as LEGITIMATE Intel, which THE KNEW it was NOT.

This CRUCIAL TESTIMONY proves the collaborated effort of those engaged in the Conspiracy against the President began BEFORE the election, BEFORE the investigation had officially been opened, and BEFORE Mueller had been appointed Special Counsel.

THAT is the proverbial nail in the coffin of the entire Conspiracy Theory and the Conspirators / Witch Hunters....unless they can somehow spin this / pull a Houdini and sweep it all magically under the carpet....with the help of their surrogate Fake News Media that stand a good chance of doing just that....

Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony

Where are the FISA judges and why are they not holding these people accountable?

Where is a competent DOJ chief and why is he not dealing with this massive abuse of power?

People should be in jail awaiting trial for this. Why are they not acting for WE THE PEOPLE?
The only thing new is the contradiction in time line. The new information means they committed fraud on the courts, multiple times.. They committed perjury, knowingly and with malice. This means all plea deals and immunity deals are null and void. People should be going to prison. Everyone with knowledge, which means everyone right up to and including Obama and Hillary.
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I personally think the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who oversees the FISA Court Judges, needs to act. He needs to bring in lawyers and start dealing with these people. The FISA Judges first and then refer the rest to lower courts for prosecution. If these judges will not protect the courts competence, integrity, and independent status of the judiciary, then he needs to clean house and hold them accountable as well.
This is all the existing evidence that is needed to prove the criminal conspiracy against Donald Trump / The President which began prior to the 2016 election, during the Obama administration, by his Senior Cabinet Officials / the Directors and Chiefs of his Intel and Law Enforcement Agencies.
Same information reported as it were new.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified that he went to the FBI in August 2016 prior to the election and told them the information in Steele's Russian-authored, Hillary-paid-for Dossier was unreliable / debunked and that Steele had a serious hate-on for Trump.

Ohr testified that both Mueller and Weismann - a top Mueller prosecutor now - were already involved with Steele and the FBI and knew about the Dossier prior to the election, prior to the investigation being opened, and prior to Mueller ever being appointed Special Counsel.

Congress confirmed the date Ohr testified he briefed the FBI conflict with the date the FBI claims they 1st new the information in the dossier was debunked / unreliable. This date is CRITICAL for the defense of the FBI, for NSA Director Clapper, for CIA Director Brenna, and for Deputy US AG Rosenstein because evidence shows they illegally used the information in the dossier, falsely claiming it was legitimate Intel, as the basis for the ICAs and ICRs they briefed to Congress and the FISA court, conning them into giving the FBI illegal warrants to spy on the Trump team and conning Congress into agreeing to open an investigation of a NON-Crime and the appointment of Mueller, already working with the FBI, as Special Counsel.

According to Ohr's testimony, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Weisman, and Mueller ALL KNEW the Russian-authored dossier paid for by Hillary and delivered by Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele was NOT RELIABLE yet they still chose to use the data to write the Intel Community Assessments and Intel Community Reports used to brief the FISA Court and Congress, falsely presenting the information as LEGITIMATE Intel, which THE KNEW it was NOT.

This CRUCIAL TESTIMONY proves the collaborated effort of those engaged in the Conspiracy against the President began BEFORE the election, BEFORE the investigation had officially been opened, and BEFORE Mueller had been appointed Special Counsel.

THAT is the proverbial nail in the coffin of the entire Conspiracy Theory and the Conspirators / Witch Hunters....unless they can somehow spin this / pull a Houdini and sweep it all magically under the carpet....with the help of their surrogate Fake News Media that stand a good chance of doing just that....

Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony


Any day now!

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This is all the existing evidence that is needed to prove the criminal conspiracy against Donald Trump / The President which began prior to the 2016 election, during the Obama administration, by his Senior Cabinet Officials / the Directors and Chiefs of his Intel and Law Enforcement Agencies.
Conspiracy to affect a presidential election by fraud under color of law... I believe that is the definition of Treason Against the Untied States of America...
Same information reported as it were new.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified that he went to the FBI in August 2016 prior to the election and told them the information in Steele's Russian-authored, Hillary-paid-for Dossier was unreliable / debunked and that Steele had a serious hate-on for Trump.

Ohr testified that both Mueller and Weismann - a top Mueller prosecutor now - were already involved with Steele and the FBI and knew about the Dossier prior to the election, prior to the investigation being opened, and prior to Mueller ever being appointed Special Counsel.

Congress confirmed the date Ohr testified he briefed the FBI conflict with the date the FBI claims they 1st new the information in the dossier was debunked / unreliable. This date is CRITICAL for the defense of the FBI, for NSA Director Clapper, for CIA Director Brenna, and for Deputy US AG Rosenstein because evidence shows they illegally used the information in the dossier, falsely claiming it was legitimate Intel, as the basis for the ICAs and ICRs they briefed to Congress and the FISA court, conning them into giving the FBI illegal warrants to spy on the Trump team and conning Congress into agreeing to open an investigation of a NON-Crime and the appointment of Mueller, already working with the FBI, as Special Counsel.

According to Ohr's testimony, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Weisman, and Mueller ALL KNEW the Russian-authored dossier paid for by Hillary and delivered by Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele was NOT RELIABLE yet they still chose to use the data to write the Intel Community Assessments and Intel Community Reports used to brief the FISA Court and Congress, falsely presenting the information as LEGITIMATE Intel, which THE KNEW it was NOT.

This CRUCIAL TESTIMONY proves the collaborated effort of those engaged in the Conspiracy against the President began BEFORE the election, BEFORE the investigation had officially been opened, and BEFORE Mueller had been appointed Special Counsel.

THAT is the proverbial nail in the coffin of the entire Conspiracy Theory and the Conspirators / Witch Hunters....unless they can somehow spin this / pull a Houdini and sweep it all magically under the carpet....with the help of their surrogate Fake News Media that stand a good chance of doing just that....

Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony


Any day now!

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The left would come apart apoplecticly if SCOTUS SENT OUT SUBPOENAS and recommended/started prosecution of these traitors....
let me get back lest i get crushed by the rush of the paddy wagon going to pick them all up.
I did not say anyone was going to get arrested, just that the undeniable evidence of their crimes has been exposed. The US IG recommended McCabe for indictment for crimes almost a year ago (it seems) and the DOJ has protected him from indictment / prosecution. The 'Deep State' is DEEP and protects their own from crimes that apply to, seemingly, everyone but themselves.
let me get back lest i get crushed by the rush of the paddy wagon going to pick them all up.
I did not say anyone was going to get arrested, just that the undeniable evidence of their crimes has been exposed. The US IG recommended McCabe for indictment for crimes almost a year ago (it seems) and the DOJ has protected him from indictment / prosecution. The 'Deep State' is DEEP and protects their own from crimes that apply to, seemingly, everyone but themselves.
you always have "undeniable" evidence. :)
Any day now!

That DAY ... IS NOW!

Unlike with Mueller's Witch Hunt, we don't have to keep waiting for a day that will never come. The evidence against the Conspirators was just exposed.

Damn, one more stupid prediction thread to add to my bookmarks so I can laugh at you about it in 6 months.

When will you rubes ever learn

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you always have "undeniable" evidence. :)
Thank you. I can not help it if I post the irrefutable evidence that ACTUALLY proves something, as opposed to opinion, speculation, false claims, fake news, etc....
you always have "undeniable" evidence. :)
Thank you. I can not help it if I post the irrefutable evidence that ACTUALLY proves something, as opposed to opinion, speculation, false claims, fake news, etc....

Easy, at times I believe you go over the top. Not this time! Golf Balls remarks aside, your op is 100% accurate.

Now for reality, and it also is fact———> we are ALL spitting into the wind, and as it flies back in our face day after day, people like Golf Balls chuckle.

The ONLY thing that will EVER support our claims is Trump declassifying the pertinent documents, along with and including indictments.

The lefts arrogance that this will NOT happen is apparent. They know that the UK was involved in this, so believe Trump can’t release the documents, or all hell is going to break loose.

You aren’t going to like this, but——-> if the Conservatives can not, or are not willing to prove the conspiracy, we are sunk in 2020 just as badly as the Left is if they do. It is on Trump as far as the declassification, and God helps those that help themselves.

You tired of being called a rube, a dummy, a fool? Then demand Trump release the documents. Only one of 2 things will happen——-> either the Left or us will be proven IDIOTS! Without the release, we will ALWAYS be considered the idiots.

Personally, with it being better than a 50-50 proposition in our favor with the release, I would be screaming everywhere at Trump for it. I know, I am........especially once you understand, that appears to be what the Left fears the most.

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Same information reported as it were new.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified that he went to the FBI in August 2016 prior to the election and told them the information in Steele's Russian-authored, Hillary-paid-for Dossier was unreliable / debunked and that Steele had a serious hate-on for Trump.

Ohr testified that both Mueller and Weismann - a top Mueller prosecutor now - were already involved with Steele and the FBI and knew about the Dossier prior to the election, prior to the investigation being opened, and prior to Mueller ever being appointed Special Counsel.

Congress confirmed the date Ohr testified he briefed the FBI conflict with the date the FBI claims they 1st new the information in the dossier was debunked / unreliable. This date is CRITICAL for the defense of the FBI, for NSA Director Clapper, for CIA Director Brenna, and for Deputy US AG Rosenstein because evidence shows they illegally used the information in the dossier, falsely claiming it was legitimate Intel, as the basis for the ICAs and ICRs they briefed to Congress and the FISA court, conning them into giving the FBI illegal warrants to spy on the Trump team and conning Congress into agreeing to open an investigation of a NON-Crime and the appointment of Mueller, already working with the FBI, as Special Counsel.

According to Ohr's testimony, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Weisman, and Mueller ALL KNEW the Russian-authored dossier paid for by Hillary and delivered by Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele was NOT RELIABLE yet they still chose to use the data to write the Intel Community Assessments and Intel Community Reports used to brief the FISA Court and Congress, falsely presenting the information as LEGITIMATE Intel, which THE KNEW it was NOT.

This CRUCIAL TESTIMONY proves the collaborated effort of those engaged in the Conspiracy against the President began BEFORE the election, BEFORE the investigation had officially been opened, and BEFORE Mueller had been appointed Special Counsel.

THAT is the proverbial nail in the coffin of the entire Conspiracy Theory and the Conspirators / Witch Hunters....unless they can somehow spin this / pull a Houdini and sweep it all magically under the carpet....with the help of their surrogate Fake News Media that stand a good chance of doing just that....

Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony


Any day now!

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The left would come apart apoplecticly if SCOTUS SENT OUT SUBPOENAS and recommended/started prosecution of these traitors....

If I were you I would not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
let me get back lest i get crushed by the rush of the paddy wagon going to pick them all up.
I did not say anyone was going to get arrested, just that the undeniable evidence of their crimes has been exposed. The US IG recommended McCabe for indictment for crimes almost a year ago (it seems) and the DOJ has protected him from indictment / prosecution. The 'Deep State' is DEEP and protects their own from crimes that apply to, seemingly, everyone but themselves.

And what comes of that? All of the Trump sheep run around and say "we got ya", all of the Hillary sheep run around and say "fake news", a few of us sit back and laugh at both of you and in the end NOTHING FUCKING CHANGES...this has been going at least since Reagan when I was old enough to start paying attention...it has not changed since then it will not change now...not as long as people keep voting for the duopoly.

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