FBI Continues To Crash And Burn

They were after Carter Page NOT the Russians...

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

'Disclosures that FBI and Justice Department officials abused secret surveillance laws by spying on a Trump campaign adviser are raising new concerns about FBI counterintelligence lapses.

Classified memos produced by the House and Senate show FBI counterspies believed Carter Page, an energy consultant with business experience in Russia, would lead them to Russian intelligence activities aimed at influencing the Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Details of the year-long surveillance operation remain classified.

But information made public in recent weeks shows the main focus of the FBI spying was Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, and not Russian nationals.'

Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.


Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.
Have several layers in between doesn't make you innocent. If that were the case you could have people pay law firms order a contract killing, and you would get off scot free because of attorney-client privilege. The law firm had a duty to know what it was doing was illegal and inform its client of the fact.
Hate each other? No. They’ve made great deals together. She is good at distancing herself of that in which she is involved. She is a conniving you know what.
They were after Carter Page NOT the Russians...

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

'Disclosures that FBI and Justice Department officials abused secret surveillance laws by spying on a Trump campaign adviser are raising new concerns about FBI counterintelligence lapses.

Classified memos produced by the House and Senate show FBI counterspies believed Carter Page, an energy consultant with business experience in Russia, would lead them to Russian intelligence activities aimed at influencing the Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Details of the year-long surveillance operation remain classified.

But information made public in recent weeks shows the main focus of the FBI spying was Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, and not Russian nationals.'

Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.


Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.
They were after Carter Page NOT the Russians...

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

'Disclosures that FBI and Justice Department officials abused secret surveillance laws by spying on a Trump campaign adviser are raising new concerns about FBI counterintelligence lapses.

Classified memos produced by the House and Senate show FBI counterspies believed Carter Page, an energy consultant with business experience in Russia, would lead them to Russian intelligence activities aimed at influencing the Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Details of the year-long surveillance operation remain classified.

But information made public in recent weeks shows the main focus of the FBI spying was Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, and not Russian nationals.'

Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.


Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.

Hillary reached out and colluded with a foreign spy - who was working with Russians. The $12 million paid to him passed through Fusion GPS, who was working for the Russians. Hillary then illegally used the Russia-provided propaganda in a US election. Hillary broke laws and colluded with Russians / enemies of this state / nation.
- Treason
- Campaign Law

In 2009 Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid Russian crimes assiciated with their effort to acquire Uranium One. One of those crimes was BRIBERY.
- Hillary took $145 million from the KGB BANK, the leading financier behind the Russian attempt to buy Uranium One

- Bill Clinton took $500k PER SPEECH from none other than the KGB BANK.
--- After failing to receive an audience with Russian nuclear commissioners Slick Willy met directly with Putin.

Evidence now shows the Russians were working both Obama's CIA and FBI
- The CIA was paying shady Russians millions for dirt on Trump while the FBI was handing Steele millions for Russian propaganda on Trump

- Evidence shows the FBI was sharing classified evidence from its own investigation regarding Trump's team with Steele.

The NSA was handing over 'unintended collection' over to Obama, and his administration was leaking classified personal data to the media while Rice / Power was illegally unmasking Americans / Trump team members.

In 2012 Obama weaponized the IRS to target and silence Conservatives who opposed his re-election, to prevent them from having the same successful impact on his re-election that they had in 2010.

In 2016 Obama treasonously, politically weaponized the NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ to spy on the opposing political party Presidential candidate, to undermine his campaign, and to eliminate him / take him down if he should win.

This is the biggest scandal / crime / treason inthis nation's history, and if course it began and ended with the Clinton's and Obama...

They were after Carter Page NOT the Russians...

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

'Disclosures that FBI and Justice Department officials abused secret surveillance laws by spying on a Trump campaign adviser are raising new concerns about FBI counterintelligence lapses.

Classified memos produced by the House and Senate show FBI counterspies believed Carter Page, an energy consultant with business experience in Russia, would lead them to Russian intelligence activities aimed at influencing the Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Details of the year-long surveillance operation remain classified.

But information made public in recent weeks shows the main focus of the FBI spying was Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, and not Russian nationals.'

Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.


Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.
Have several layers in between doesn't make you innocent. If that were the case you could have people pay law firms order a contract killing, and you would get off scot free because of attorney-client privilege. The law firm had a duty to know what it was doing was illegal and inform its client of the fact.
Hillary's biggest F*Up was her server scandal. She had no 'layers' in between her and the crimes committed - she just thought if it all came to light she would be able to destroy all the evidence and counted on Obama and his sdministration to cover her ass.

It has all come to light.
She has been caught red-handed.
The FBI has been caught red-handed.
The DOJ has been caught red-handed.
The CIA has been caught red-handed.
The NSA has been caught red-handed.
Obama has been caught red-handed.

Their world is on fire, and its 'every man for himself'.

If the diversionary, 'Insurance Policy' witch hunt collapses, is halted, and the attention turns to the real crimes and the actual evidence they will all fall like dominos...

They have no choice but to keep pushing the lie / false narrative...
They were after Carter Page NOT the Russians...

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

'Disclosures that FBI and Justice Department officials abused secret surveillance laws by spying on a Trump campaign adviser are raising new concerns about FBI counterintelligence lapses.

Classified memos produced by the House and Senate show FBI counterspies believed Carter Page, an energy consultant with business experience in Russia, would lead them to Russian intelligence activities aimed at influencing the Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Details of the year-long surveillance operation remain classified.

But information made public in recent weeks shows the main focus of the FBI spying was Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, and not Russian nationals.'

Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.


Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.
Have several layers in between doesn't make you innocent. If that were the case you could have people pay law firms order a contract killing, and you would get off scot free because of attorney-client privilege. The law firm had a duty to know what it was doing was illegal and inform its client of the fact.
Hillary's biggest F*Up was her server scandal. She had no 'layers' in between her and the crimes committed - she just thought if it all came to light she would be able to destroy all the evidence and counted on Obama and his sdministration to cover her ass.

It has all come to light.
She has been caught red-handed.
The FBI has been caught red-handed.
The DOJ has been caught red-handed.
The CIA has been caught red-handed.
The NSA has been caught red-handed.
Obama has been caught red-handed.

Their world is on fire, and its 'every man for himself'.

If the diversionary, 'Insurance Policy' witch hunt collapses, is halted, and the attention turns to the real crimes and the actual evidence they will all fall like dominos...

They have no choice but to keep pushing the lie / false narrative...
Caught red-handed only in your imagination.
Colin Powell told Hillary to use private server.
The real scandal is Rob Porter having security clearance, and others with temporary clearance.
They were after Carter Page NOT the Russians...

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

'Disclosures that FBI and Justice Department officials abused secret surveillance laws by spying on a Trump campaign adviser are raising new concerns about FBI counterintelligence lapses.

Classified memos produced by the House and Senate show FBI counterspies believed Carter Page, an energy consultant with business experience in Russia, would lead them to Russian intelligence activities aimed at influencing the Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Details of the year-long surveillance operation remain classified.

But information made public in recent weeks shows the main focus of the FBI spying was Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, and not Russian nationals.'

Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.



You are the stupid one. You need to be put away in a funny farm.
They were after Carter Page NOT the Russians...

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

'Disclosures that FBI and Justice Department officials abused secret surveillance laws by spying on a Trump campaign adviser are raising new concerns about FBI counterintelligence lapses.

Classified memos produced by the House and Senate show FBI counterspies believed Carter Page, an energy consultant with business experience in Russia, would lead them to Russian intelligence activities aimed at influencing the Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Details of the year-long surveillance operation remain classified.

But information made public in recent weeks shows the main focus of the FBI spying was Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, and not Russian nationals.'

Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
Get out of my country you multiculturalist unAmerican pajama boy!

You are the one soiling this country. You are a racist. You just try it.
Are you capable of understanding calendars or is that too much for you to comprehend moron? The FISA warrant was obtained on October 21. Page left the Trump campaign September 26. He was not a Trump campaign worker. Trump says he does not recall ever meeting Page. Page has been on the government radar since 2013.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.


Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.
Have several layers in between doesn't make you innocent. If that were the case you could have people pay law firms order a contract killing, and you would get off scot free because of attorney-client privilege. The law firm had a duty to know what it was doing was illegal and inform its client of the fact.
Hillary's biggest F*Up was her server scandal. She had no 'layers' in between her and the crimes committed - she just thought if it all came to light she would be able to destroy all the evidence and counted on Obama and his sdministration to cover her ass.

It has all come to light.
She has been caught red-handed.
The FBI has been caught red-handed.
The DOJ has been caught red-handed.
The CIA has been caught red-handed.
The NSA has been caught red-handed.
Obama has been caught red-handed.

Their world is on fire, and its 'every man for himself'.

If the diversionary, 'Insurance Policy' witch hunt collapses, is halted, and the attention turns to the real crimes and the actual evidence they will all fall like dominos...

They have no choice but to keep pushing the lie / false narrative...
Caught red-handed only in your imagination.
Colin Powell told Hillary to use private server.
The real scandal is Rob Porter having security clearance, and others with temporary clearance.

Hmm...link refers to private email not private server, there is a huge difference....dumbass.
You are obviously too stupid to realize the FBI was Colluding with / paying Russians.

There is your Russian Collusion.


Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.
Have several layers in between doesn't make you innocent. If that were the case you could have people pay law firms order a contract killing, and you would get off scot free because of attorney-client privilege. The law firm had a duty to know what it was doing was illegal and inform its client of the fact.
Hillary's biggest F*Up was her server scandal. She had no 'layers' in between her and the crimes committed - she just thought if it all came to light she would be able to destroy all the evidence and counted on Obama and his sdministration to cover her ass.

It has all come to light.
She has been caught red-handed.
The FBI has been caught red-handed.
The DOJ has been caught red-handed.
The CIA has been caught red-handed.
The NSA has been caught red-handed.
Obama has been caught red-handed.

Their world is on fire, and its 'every man for himself'.

If the diversionary, 'Insurance Policy' witch hunt collapses, is halted, and the attention turns to the real crimes and the actual evidence they will all fall like dominos...

They have no choice but to keep pushing the lie / false narrative...
Caught red-handed only in your imagination.
Colin Powell told Hillary to use private server.
The real scandal is Rob Porter having security clearance, and others with temporary clearance.

Hmm...link refers to private email not private server, there is a huge difference....dumbass.
Not a big difference when Jared uses private email, and Ivanka, etc.
Mike Pence.
Kris Kobach.
other staffers.
The real scandal is Rob Porter having security clearance, and others with temporary clearance.
...but not Hillary giving illegal access to TOP SECRET / SCI Classified e-mails to her maid, IT techs, tech firms, etc who never had clearances, her e-mailing TS/SCI data, etc...

:p Bwuhahahaha....
At the same time, the Chinese were able to neutralize our entire China Intel infrastructure.

Steele didnt know that Hillary's campaign was funding him:
it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources.
Show us the evidence that Hillary was involved with steele reports or worked with russians. Its clear that putin and hillary hate each other, and russia far prefers trump in the whitehouse.
Have several layers in between doesn't make you innocent. If that were the case you could have people pay law firms order a contract killing, and you would get off scot free because of attorney-client privilege. The law firm had a duty to know what it was doing was illegal and inform its client of the fact.
Hillary's biggest F*Up was her server scandal. She had no 'layers' in between her and the crimes committed - she just thought if it all came to light she would be able to destroy all the evidence and counted on Obama and his sdministration to cover her ass.

It has all come to light.
She has been caught red-handed.
The FBI has been caught red-handed.
The DOJ has been caught red-handed.
The CIA has been caught red-handed.
The NSA has been caught red-handed.
Obama has been caught red-handed.

Their world is on fire, and its 'every man for himself'.

If the diversionary, 'Insurance Policy' witch hunt collapses, is halted, and the attention turns to the real crimes and the actual evidence they will all fall like dominos...

They have no choice but to keep pushing the lie / false narrative...
Caught red-handed only in your imagination.
Colin Powell told Hillary to use private server.
The real scandal is Rob Porter having security clearance, and others with temporary clearance.

Hmm...link refers to private email not private server, there is a huge difference....dumbass.
Not a big difference when Jared uses private email, and Ivanka, etc.
Mike Pence.
Kris Kobach.
other staffers.
30k violations of boththe FOIA and FRA ... and you are still trying to claim Hillary is not a Felon.... pathetic.
It sounds as if a huge part of the intelligence agencies of America were out to get Trump by order from Obama....

But they failed......the scum .....the rogue elements in the FBI....and also I must say....inside the CIA.....FAILED!

They will lose this fight against the patriots....they should stop NOW
But they failed......the scum .....the rogue elements in the FBI....and also I must say....inside the CIA.....FAILED!

They will lose this fight against the patriots....they should stop NOW

It all blew up in their faces...exposing Obama and Clintons as the biggest traitors and criminals in US History!
It sounds as if a huge part of the intelligence agencies of America were out to get Trump by order from Obama....

Both parties empowered the government to do this.

It did not take them long to abuse such powers.

The sad thing is, nothing will be done to fix this crap.
It sounds as if a huge part of the intelligence agencies of America were out to get Trump by order from Obama....

Both parties empowered the government to do this.

It did not take them long to abuse such powers.

The sad thing is, nothing will be done to fix this crap.
The GOP did not empower Obama,his administration, and Hillary to collude withforeign spies, engage in espionage, break laws, commit treason, etc....

The blame falls on 2 heads most heavily - Barry and Hillary.
The GOP did not weaponize the IRS, did not illegally spy on Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices / political opposition Presidential nominees in the middle of an election, etc...

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