FBI corruption continues unabated.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
For years people like me have posted stories about LEO misconduct. We have told you all time and time again about how most if not all cops engage in misconduct. Even the sainted FBI the “premier” Law Enforcement Agency regularly conducts massive misconduct in their investigations.

We have pointed out so many cases and the defenders of the thin blue lie continue to swear it is just a handful of cops or agents.

Well we have another handful of agents and prosecutors who engaged in misconduct. What were the odds? I mean seriously. What are the odds that corrupt Federal Agents just happened to find each other?

Why were they able to conceal exculpatory evidence? How could their supervisors be unaware? The only answer that makes sense is that this is the normal and usual practice.
You guys keep believing our government is going to police itself. Nothing could be more ridiculous.

Dumb Don and his people won’t do it because then they could face the same scrutiny, whether valid or not, by the next administration.

Wake up! Our government is terribly corrupt. We are a banana republic.
You guys keep believing our government is going to police itself. Nothing could be more ridiculous.

Dumb Don and his people won’t do it because then they could face the same scrutiny, whether valid or not, by the next administration.

Wake up! Our government is terribly corrupt. We are a banana republic.
Not exactly common knowledge is it ?
What percentage of Americans are onto it ? 10% of us maybe ?
So what's the harm in keeping it out here and to keep
shining a light on it ? The more people know the truth the better
chance there'll be of fixing the problem.
This "scandal", while egregious, is nothing compared to the complete corruption of, not only the justice system, but governments in general, as well as the education system. So, we have 3 basic gov't approved entities acting corruptly. What is the common denominator?
The original corruption of the FBI is a "the buck stops at the top" situation. The only question being, which top?
Hoover was probably as corrupt a "law enforcement officer" as has ever been in this country- but, who were his bosses? A culture of corruption exercised by corrupt people can only be ignored if the culture itself is corrupt.
That people (voters) can's see that is beyond amazing. That politicians ignore it is telling.

As for the "Thin Blue Line", I look at it like this: BLM etc., are called communist by those who worship uniforms with badges and guns with the advantage of the law enFORCEment approval on their side- the Thin Blue Line- militaristic uniformed enFORCEment of "law"- BLM, etc., disorganized citizens protesting militaristic tactics- so, who is communist?

Yes, I said worship- let me give you a few lines from a book I'm reading titled "Uncommon Valor", ( a story about WW2 and Iwo Jima), by Martha Maccallum, pg 53 - "Japan was doubling down on it's warrior culture, dynastic rule, and religious sovereignty of the emperor and moving farther away from any dream of a constitutional monarchy."

Japanese citizens and soldiers were indoctrinated into believing they were superior to everyone and were going to FORCE that belief on the world through aggressive, militaristic, beginning in China.
You guys keep believing our government is going to police itself. Nothing could be more ridiculous.

Dumb Don and his people won’t do it because then they could face the same scrutiny, whether valid or not, by the next administration.

Wake up! Our government is terribly corrupt. We are a banana republic.
Not exactly common knowledge is it ?
What percentage of Americans are onto it ? 10% of us maybe ?
So what's the harm in keeping it out here and to keep
shining a light on it ? The more people know the truth the better
chance there'll be of fixing the problem.
I’d like to think it’s much more than 10%, but who knows.
FBI sucks. They supposedly investigate "theft of inheritance" over $100K.. Cousin. POA stole $185 my inheritance. FBI says, "sounds like a case for a lawyer" Yeah right.
I agree that prosecutorial misconduct is the norm. Convictions are the measure of success, regardless of justice. This is commonly exemplified by prosecutors asking juries to "send a message" rather than simply determining guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Judges let them get away with this because being "supported by law enforcement" is essential for reelection.
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This "scandal", while egregious, is nothing compared to the complete corruption of, not only the justice system, but governments in general, as well as the education system. So, we have 3 basic gov't approved entities acting corruptly. What is the common denominator?
The original corruption of the FBI is a "the buck stops at the top" situation. The only question being, which top?
Hoover was probably as corrupt a "law enforcement officer" as has ever been in this country- but, who were his bosses? A culture of corruption exercised by corrupt people can only be ignored if the culture itself is corrupt.
That people (voters) can's see that is beyond amazing. That politicians ignore it is telling.

As for the "Thin Blue Line", I look at it like this: BLM etc., are called communist by those who worship uniforms with badges and guns with the advantage of the law enFORCEment approval on their side- the Thin Blue Line- militaristic uniformed enFORCEment of "law"- BLM, etc., disorganized citizens protesting militaristic tactics- so, who is communist?

Yes, I said worship- let me give you a few lines from a book I'm reading titled "Uncommon Valor", ( a story about WW2 and Iwo Jima), by Martha Maccallum, pg 53 - "Japan was doubling down on it's warrior culture, dynastic rule, and religious sovereignty of the emperor and moving farther away from any dream of a constitutional monarchy."

Japanese citizens and soldiers were indoctrinated into believing they were superior to everyone and were going to FORCE that belief on the world through aggressive, militaristic, beginning in China.

You have stumbled onto part of the problem. A lot of our fellow citizens are OK with the abuse of power so long as it targets them. BLM. Occupy whatever. Racist jackasses like the Bundy’s. The cops should be allowed to do whatever to go after them. But here is the funny thing. Everyone who thinks that way has a different definition of what exactly Them should be. If you are one of those racist idiots having the cops do this corrupt stuff to get rid of Occupy or BLM is just what is needed. We face the end of civilization or something.
You have stumbled onto part of the problem.
I didn't stumble.

Racist jackasses like the Bundy’s.

The cops should be allowed to do whatever to go after them.
The past is prelude.


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