FBI Director Declares 'Huma Amedin LIES / LIED' About Classified Material On Pedophile Weiner Laptop


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
NOVEMBER 2016: Huma Abedin claims she has NO IDEA how classified e-mails from Hillary's server is found on the laptop she shares with her Pedophile pervert husband, Anthony Weiner, and claims she JUST found out about them being there:

"Karen Dunn, Huma Abedin's Lawyer, immediately following reports that the FBI discovered possible Clinton emails on her estranged husband’s computer, claimed that Abedin did not know how the emails could have reached Weiner’s device and only learned about the possibility of emails being on Weiner’s laptop via media reports (in November)."

3 MAY 2017: FBI Director Comey testifies before Congress that Huma Abedin "regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner":

"Missing from much of the news media coverage of FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week that long-time top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner, is that the revelation directly contradicts Abedin’s own claims from last November about how the emails famously made it to Weiner’s laptop computer.

During last Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on FBI oversight, Comey stated Abedin appears to have engaged in a “regular practice of forwarding e-mails” to Weiner’s computer, possibly for him to print out.

testimony, which came during an exchange with Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) about classified emails found on Weiner’s computer, went thusly:

KENNEDY: OK. Was there classified information on – on former Congressman Weiner’s computer?


KENNEDY: Who sent it to him?

COMEY: His then spouse, Huma Abedin, appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding e-mails to him, for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the Secretary of State."


1. Gee, WHY was this extremely damaging news about Huma Abedin LYING about her potential ESPIONAGE - forwarding classified info to her personal laptop which she shared with a criminal perverted pedophile sexter - NOT be covered in almost every major media?
- Oh yeah, we ARE talking about the Fake News / ALL-IN for Hillary/Barry/the DNC Media.

2. Can you smell the bull$hit?
- Ok who else is having a hard time believing Huma's BULLSHIT about forwarding CLASSIFIED documents from Hillary's personal server to HER personal joint-use laptop at home, which was sitting on Weiner's 'junk' while he was sitting naked sexting a 15yo girl, just so she could print the information out at her house and bring it back to Hillary at the State Department?
- Um, doesn't the State Department have printers?
- Hillary did not Huma to print out classified documents for her - we all know HILLARY HAD HER MAID DOING THAT FOR HER.

3. WHY isn't Huma ALREADY in handcuffs and being interrogated regarding what she was REALLY doing sending classified information from the classified, un-protected server of the well-connected, piss-poor cyber security savvy Hillary Clinton to her personal home laptop shared with the criminal Anthony Weiner...especially considering her family's 'connection'?
-- Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

NOVEMBER 2016: Huma Abedin claims she has NO IDEA how classified e-mails from Hillary's server is found on the laptop she shares with her Pedophile pervert husband, Anthony Weiner, and claims she JUST found out about them being there:

"Karen Dunn, Huma Abedin's Lawyer, immediately following reports that the FBI discovered possible Clinton emails on her estranged husband’s computer, claimed that Abedin did not know how the emails could have reached Weiner’s device and only learned about the possibility of emails being on Weiner’s laptop via media reports (in November)."

3 MAY 2017: FBI Director Comey testifies before Congress that Huma Abedin "regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner":

"Missing from much of the news media coverage of FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week that long-time top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner, is that the revelation directly contradicts Abedin’s own claims from last November about how the emails famously made it to Weiner’s laptop computer.

During last Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on FBI oversight, Comey stated Abedin appears to have engaged in a “regular practice of forwarding e-mails” to Weiner’s computer, possibly for him to print out.

The testimony, which came during an exchange with Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) about classified emails found on Weiner’s computer, went thusly:

KENNEDY: OK. Was there classified information on – on former Congressman Weiner’s computer?


KENNEDY: Who sent it to him?

COMEY: His then spouse, Huma Abedin, appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding e-mails to him, for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the Secretary of State."


1. Gee, WHY was this extremely damaging news about Huma Abedin LYING about her potential ESPIONAGE - forwarding classified info to her personal laptop which she shared with a criminal perverted pedophile sexter - NOT be covered in almost every major media?
- Oh yeah, we ARE talking about the Fake News / ALL-IN for Hillary/Barry/the DNC Media.

2. Can you smell the bull$hit?
- Ok who else is having a hard time believing Huma's BULLSHIT about forwarding CLASSIFIED documents from Hillary's personal server to HER personal joint-use laptop at home, which was sitting on Weiner's 'junk' while he was sitting naked sexting a 15yo girl, just so she could print the information out at her house and bring it back to Hillary at the State Department?
- Um, doesn't the State Department have printers?
- Hillary did not Huma to print out classified documents for her - we all know HILLARY HAD HER MAID DOING THAT FOR HER.

3. WHY isn't Huma ALREADY in handcuffs and being interrogated regarding what she was REALLY doing sending classified information from the classified, un-protected server of the well-connected, piss-poor cyber security savvy Hillary Clinton to her personal home laptop shared with the criminal Anthony Weiner...especially considering her family's 'connection'?
-- Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

A page from the Obama/liberal playbook: "I know nothing or I just found out".
Sounds pretty serious. Her and her Weiner man may end up spending some time in the Big House. Clinton should join em, but it looks like she's gonna skate. She's apparently a NWO Global Elite 'Untouchable.' Her lackeys are gonna take the fall for her.
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NOVEMBER 2016: Huma Abedin claims she has NO IDEA how classified e-mails from Hillary's server is found on the laptop she shares with her Pedophile pervert husband, Anthony Weiner, and claims she JUST found out about them being there:

"Karen Dunn, Huma Abedin's Lawyer, immediately following reports that the FBI discovered possible Clinton emails on her estranged husband’s computer, claimed that Abedin did not know how the emails could have reached Weiner’s device and only learned about the possibility of emails being on Weiner’s laptop via media reports (in November)."

3 MAY 2017: FBI Director Comey testifies before Congress that Huma Abedin "regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner":

"Missing from much of the news media coverage of FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week that long-time top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner, is that the revelation directly contradicts Abedin’s own claims from last November about how the emails famously made it to Weiner’s laptop computer.

During last Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on FBI oversight, Comey stated Abedin appears to have engaged in a “regular practice of forwarding e-mails” to Weiner’s computer, possibly for him to print out.

The testimony, which came during an exchange with Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) about classified emails found on Weiner’s computer, went thusly:

KENNEDY: OK. Was there classified information on – on former Congressman Weiner’s computer?


KENNEDY: Who sent it to him?

COMEY: His then spouse, Huma Abedin, appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding e-mails to him, for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the Secretary of State."


1. Gee, WHY was this extremely damaging news about Huma Abedin LYING about her potential ESPIONAGE - forwarding classified info to her personal laptop which she shared with a criminal perverted pedophile sexter - NOT be covered in almost every major media?
- Oh yeah, we ARE talking about the Fake News / ALL-IN for Hillary/Barry/the DNC Media.

2. Can you smell the bull$hit?
- Ok who else is having a hard time believing Huma's BULLSHIT about forwarding CLASSIFIED documents from Hillary's personal server to HER personal joint-use laptop at home, which was sitting on Weiner's 'junk' while he was sitting naked sexting a 15yo girl, just so she could print the information out at her house and bring it back to Hillary at the State Department?
- Um, doesn't the State Department have printers?
- Hillary did not Huma to print out classified documents for her - we all know HILLARY HAD HER MAID DOING THAT FOR HER.

3. WHY isn't Huma ALREADY in handcuffs and being interrogated regarding what she was REALLY doing sending classified information from the classified, un-protected server of the well-connected, piss-poor cyber security savvy Hillary Clinton to her personal home laptop shared with the criminal Anthony Weiner...especially considering her family's 'connection'?
-- Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
And again, why would anyone consider that a real defense? Any low ranking member of the military who had responsibility for classified information and had it end up on an unauthorized laptop in the possession of someone without authorization to possess it could NOT use as a defense, "I don't know how it got there". I guess the rules are different if you're either Hillary or associated with her.
Doesn't anybody wonder why the hell Anthony Weiner aka "Carlos Danger" would have classified stuff on his computer? Was there really a pedophile ring in the Hillary campaign? Is all this fake news about an alleged connection between Trump and Russia just a smokescreen to take the pressure off Hillary and the boys? Will justice prevail under the quirky FBI director? Who knows.
I'm surprised Huma didnt use the Hilly defence of never sending or receiving any classified info and if Hilly didnt how could it be forwarded
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Why are RussianWrs calling Weiner a pedophile?

'Sexting' means sharing illicit photos / imagery - sending sexually explicit photos or messages - via the internet. When you, as an adult, do so with a 15yo girl it is legally classified as Sexual Exploitation of a Minor (Child Pornography).

The girl Weiner was 'sexting' with was 15yo:
- 15-Year-Old Sexting Victim Of Anthony Weiner Blasts FBI In Open Letter

- Anthony Weiner allegedly sexted with 15-year-old girl

IF he saved / downloaded any of the sexually explicit video or photos of the 15yo girl he was caught 'sexting' with he could / should be charged with possession of Child pornography as well...

While this entire story regarding Weiner's child pornography exploits WILL GO AWAY as he and his wife are protected from publicity by the Fake News / All-In Media and protected from legal punishment by 'other forces', Anthony Weiner should be facing jail time.

And let's not forget that perv boy had a laptop filled with classified info sitting on his junk with him having no security clearance, need to know, etc.
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Why are RussianWrs calling Weiner a pedophile? Something they know that they are withholding from the Authorities?

Wow, you really have no clue.
Actually, I have not link to any indictments? Many people here like to throw around accusations of ILLEGAL activity with no evidence of such. Are you one of them? Or are you not aware that accusing someone of being a pedophile is a serious charge?
Why are RussianWrs calling Weiner a pedophile? Something they know that they are withholding from the Authorities?

Wow, you really have no clue.
Actually, I have not link to any indictments? Many people here like to throw around accusations of ILLEGAL activity with no evidence of such. Are you one of them?

Do your own fricken homework...preferably before posting something stupid.
Why are RussianWrs calling Weiner a pedophile? Something they know that they are withholding from the Authorities?

Wow, you really have no clue.
Actually, I have not link to any indictments? Many people here like to throw around accusations of ILLEGAL activity with no evidence of such. Are you one of them?

Do your own fricken homework...preferably before posting something stupid.
My homework would include knowing what court convicted Weiner and what prison he's in now for pedophilia, correct? Oh wait.......no such charges have been made. It's just another RussianWr throwing the word "pedophile" around with no facts to back it up.
NOVEMBER 2016: Huma Abedin claims she has NO IDEA how classified e-mails from Hillary's server is found on the laptop she shares with her Pedophile pervert husband, Anthony Weiner, and claims she JUST found out about them being there:

"Karen Dunn, Huma Abedin's Lawyer, immediately following reports that the FBI discovered possible Clinton emails on her estranged husband’s computer, claimed that Abedin did not know how the emails could have reached Weiner’s device and only learned about the possibility of emails being on Weiner’s laptop via media reports (in November)."

3 MAY 2017: FBI Director Comey testifies before Congress that Huma Abedin "regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner":

"Missing from much of the news media coverage of FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week that long-time top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin regularly forwarded classified emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner, is that the revelation directly contradicts Abedin’s own claims from last November about how the emails famously made it to Weiner’s laptop computer.

During last Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on FBI oversight, Comey stated Abedin appears to have engaged in a “regular practice of forwarding e-mails” to Weiner’s computer, possibly for him to print out.

The testimony, which came during an exchange with Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) about classified emails found on Weiner’s computer, went thusly:

KENNEDY: OK. Was there classified information on – on former Congressman Weiner’s computer?


KENNEDY: Who sent it to him?

COMEY: His then spouse, Huma Abedin, appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding e-mails to him, for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the Secretary of State."


1. Gee, WHY was this extremely damaging news about Huma Abedin LYING about her potential ESPIONAGE - forwarding classified info to her personal laptop which she shared with a criminal perverted pedophile sexter - NOT be covered in almost every major media?
- Oh yeah, we ARE talking about the Fake News / ALL-IN for Hillary/Barry/the DNC Media.

2. Can you smell the bull$hit?
- Ok who else is having a hard time believing Huma's BULLSHIT about forwarding CLASSIFIED documents from Hillary's personal server to HER personal joint-use laptop at home, which was sitting on Weiner's 'junk' while he was sitting naked sexting a 15yo girl, just so she could print the information out at her house and bring it back to Hillary at the State Department?
- Um, doesn't the State Department have printers?
- Hillary did not Huma to print out classified documents for her - we all know HILLARY HAD HER MAID DOING THAT FOR HER.

3. WHY isn't Huma ALREADY in handcuffs and being interrogated regarding what she was REALLY doing sending classified information from the classified, un-protected server of the well-connected, piss-poor cyber security savvy Hillary Clinton to her personal home laptop shared with the criminal Anthony Weiner...especially considering her family's 'connection'?
-- Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
so wait, I thought there were no classified documents on hitlery's server? D'OH!

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