FBI Director Testifies He Doesn't Know Who's Leading Investigation in IRS Case

No one in this administration seems capable of knowing or remembering anything yet we are asked to believe the government can run obamacare I can only imagine the kind of stuff they won't be able to remember about that.
and who is "The One" who is no where to be seen this week, ??,,in the middle of all these 23 scandals? hmm, I don't recall Nixon going on a campaign tour during water-gate.
All these different officials giving the I don't know, I don't remember, I don't recall line would almost be funny if it was not so pathetic.
This government, much less the FBI doesn't know it's ass from it's face; but Mullen is obfuscating. How do so many people "not know"? Lol.
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And these prog retards think government is competent to make our healthcare decisions!

It would be hilarious is it wasn't prog retards running this government...
Even this cat who knows nothing still knows more than the dipshit, traitor, marxist Obama. Obama may have gone to Columbia but only as the janitor on night shift

The solution is simple. Everyone who doesn't know what is going on in their department or the names of who works for them will immediately be fired for incompetence. Then questioned. Their computers confiscated and gone over just to find out how good their memories are in the office.

This is the government because no one not one person in the private sector would get away with this.

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