FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

Curious. You must have gone to some of your legacy media sources and found that the information is legitimate. How awkward it is for you!

In the shake of a tail feather, you went from calling anyone who said they existed a LIAR to ...well, "maybe it's true, maybe it's not".

Quite a turnabout. Perhaps there is hope for you yet! :D
They're not moving these threads to the conspiracy theory board anymore, so it's real.
Time to call former acting attorney general and caucasian M&M - Matthew Whitaker and get him on the case.
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As expected, you're still refusing to providing any evidence for your faked accusations.

That's because you're making it all up, for the glory of fascism and Mother Russia.

I understand why you're so upset. The rubles won't flow into your account unless you show good results, and as it is, you're just making things worse for your side.
As expected, you’re not paying attention to what the Dems/Marxists are already saying.

From Post 798:

As expected, you’re not paying attention to what the Dems/Marxists are already saying.
They're pointing out that your side lies very badly. I point it out as well. We're in agreement there.

Still notable is your unwillingness to provide any actual evidence of wrongdoing by Biden. Come on, can't the Kremlin just make something up for you?
They're pointing out that your side lies very badly. I point it out as well. We're in agreement there.

Still notable is your unwillingness to provide any actual evidence of wrongdoing by Biden. Come on, can't the Kremlin just make something up for you?
You’re still not understanding. The Dems/Marxists are pointing out a perceived entitlement to lie, cheat and obstruct. Dems/Marxists are fine with the activities of the Biden Crime Family syndicate and take no issue with ignoring the law. Biden can direct his flunkies in the DOJ and FBI to stall any legitimate investigation because his crime syndicate includes those federal agencies.

It’s what, five years on and the FBI or DOJ has done little to nothing regarding an investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop or his false statements on a federal firearms application.

Whine all you wish but you’re not getting any of that Burisma money whether you shine Sloppy Joe’s shoes or not.
You’re still not understanding. The Dems/Marxists are pointing out a perceived entitlement to lie, cheat and obstruct.
And still no evidence presented for any wrongdoing by Biden.

By continuing to weasel, you continue to make it worse for yourself. You and your corrupt masters can't deflect your way out of this.

Biden can direct his flunkies in the DOJ and FBI to stall any legitimate investigation because his crime syndicate includes those federal agencies.
Trump weaponized DoJ as no president before or since did. Turning the sleaze dial up to "11", he ordered Barr to fake something, anything, about any Democrat.

Barr tried his best. He used every weapon fair and foul from the government, but he couldn't find a thing to work with. The Democrats were that squeaky clean.

Same with Durham. Same with Comer. They found absolutely nothing.

Now, are you going to tell us Trump and Barr were part of the plot to save the Bidens as well?
And still no evidence presented for any wrongdoing by Biden.

By continuing to weasel, you continue to make it worse for yourself. You and your corrupt masters can't deflect your way out of this.

Trump weaponized DoJ as no president before or since did. Turning the sleaze dial up to "11", he ordered Barr to fake something, anything, about any Democrat.

Barr tried his best. He used every weapon fair and foul from the government, but he couldn't find a thing to work with. The Democrats were that squeaky clean.

Same with Durham. Same with Comer. They found absolutely nothing.

Now, are you going to tell us Trump and Barr were part of the plot to save the Bidens as well?
And still the investigation into the Biden Crime Family is ongoing. As you know, Biden’s flunkies in the DOJ and FBI are just stooges who do what they’re told.

Why don’t you revisit the Russia Collusion hoax and enjoy the lies and incompetence of the Dems/Marxists who still live and breath that scam.
LIAR! Evil Joseph Biden held a press conference and ADMITTED, ON THE AIR, bribing Ukraine President by threatening to withhold his billion dollars if they did not call off the investigation into his son's treacherous dealings.

You are sick.
So a sitting vice president would commit a crime on television. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Jeezus fuck you are stupid.

I've seen that video a number of times. There is ZERO evidence the video proves that objective had anything to do with Biden attempting to thwart investigation into Burisma. In fact, the evidence proves the OPPOSITE.

Here are the multiple sourced FACTS.

GOP senator says he doesn’t remember signing 2016 letter urging ‘reform’ of Ukraine prosecutor’s office

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told reporters Thursday he did not recall signing a letter urging reforms in the office of the Ukrainian prosecutor President Trump has alleged former Vice President Joe B…

““The United States, the European Union, the I.M.F., and Ukraine’s leading reform figures were all pressing for Viktor Shokin to be removed from office because he was one of the biggest obstacles to fighting corruption in the entire country. This was a bipartisan goal in Congress as well.”

The withholding of loan guarantees spoken of by Biden in that video was the incentive to get the Poroshenko/Ukrainian Parliament to fire Shokin, the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor, which was the foreign policy of the United States, and the International Monetary Fund with the approval of Democrat and Senate Republicans, at that time.

Why? Because Obama was wary of providing military support to Ukraine, at the time, given the massive corruption in the Country, and SHOKIN was NOT doing his job to fight corruption and naturally Obama didn't want taxpayer funds misappropriated in a corrupt country.

That is precisely the OPPOSITE of the claim.

What, do you (who believe the conspiracy theory) think a man with 30 years in the Senate would be stupid enough to admit to a federal crime on television? If you do, you are unaware of the facts and haven't thought it through.


The conspiracy theory alleges that then-Vice President Biden withheld loan guarantees to pressure Ukraine into firing a prosecutor to prevent a corruption investigation into Burisma and to protect his son. The United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the prosecutor, in accord with the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States. The US government, along with the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, believed the prosecutor to be corrupt and ineffective and too lenient in investigating companies and oligarchs, including Burisma and its owner. A January 2018 video shows Biden taking credit for withholding the loan guarantees to have the prosecutor fired, acting to implement bipartisan US policy rather than for the reasons the conspiracy theory alleges.

The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal

Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

Republicans wanted Shokin removed, as well:


(Even the GOP chairman of the Homeland Security Committee which spearheaded this report, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, backed the effort to remove Shokin, saying the “whole world” agreed he wasn’t doing a good job.)


The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal

Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

Wayback Machine

Factchecking right wing lies

(Even the GOP chairman of the Homeland Security Committee which spearheaded this report, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, backed the effort to remove Shokin, saying the “whole world” agreed he wasn’t doing a good job.)

TIMELINE -Key dates in the U.S. political controversy over Ukraine

Some Democrats are calling for the impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump over reports that he asked his Ukrainian counterpart to launch an investigation that could damage his Democratic political rival Joe Biden.

April 21, 2014: Biden, then vice president, visited Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, in a show of support for the country’s government amid rising tensions with Russia.

May 13, 2014: Burisma Group, a private company that has drilled for natural gas in Ukraine since 2002, announced that Hunter Biden would be joining its board. Around that time, Burisma’s founder, a former government official named Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for alleged money laundering by Britain’s Serious Fraud Office.

Dec. 8, 2015: Biden visited Kiev again and spoke out against bureaucratic corruption that he said was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Biden threatened to withhold loan guarantees unless Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been widely accused of corruption, was removed.

Shokin had investigated Burisma but the probe was dormant at the time Biden pushed for the prosecutor’s termination, Bloomberg reported earlier this year, citing a former Ukrainian official.

March 29, 2016: The Ukrainian Parliament voted to remove Shokin.

Jan. 23, 2018: Biden, at a Council on Foreign Relations event, detailed how he had threatened to withhold funds from Ukraine if Shokin was not removed.

April 2019: Hunter Biden’s term as a Burisma board member expired and he stepped down from the company.

May 16, 2019: Bloomberg quotes Ukraine’s current top prosecutor as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or his father.
You’re still not understanding. The Dems/Marxists are pointing out a perceived entitlement to lie, cheat and obstruct. Dems/Marxists are fine with the activities of the Biden Crime Family syndicate and take no issue with ignoring the law. Biden can direct his flunkies in the DOJ and FBI to stall any legitimate investigation because his crime syndicate includes those federal agencies.

It’s what, five years on and the FBI or DOJ has done little to nothing regarding an investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop or his false statements on a federal firearms application.

Whine all you wish but you’re not getting any of that Burisma money whether you shine Sloppy Joe’s shoes or not.

You guys talk shit, but prove shit.
So a sitting vice president would commit a crime on television. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Jeezus fuck you are stupid.

I've seen that video a number of times. There is ZERO evidence the video proves that objective had anything to do with Biden attempting to thwart investigation into Burisma. In fact, the evidence proves the OPPOSITE.

Here are the multiple sourced FACTS.

GOP senator says he doesn’t remember signing 2016 letter urging ‘reform’ of Ukraine prosecutor’s office

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told reporters Thursday he did not recall signing a letter urging reforms in the office of the Ukrainian prosecutor President Trump has alleged former Vice President Joe B…

““The United States, the European Union, the I.M.F., and Ukraine’s leading reform figures were all pressing for Viktor Shokin to be removed from office because he was one of the biggest obstacles to fighting corruption in the entire country. This was a bipartisan goal in Congress as well.”

The withholding of loan guarantees spoken of by Biden in that video was the incentive to get the Poroshenko/Ukrainian Parliament to fire Shokin, the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor, which was the foreign policy of the United States, and the International Monetary Fund with the approval of Democrat and Senate Republicans, at that time.

Why? Because Obama was wary of providing military support to Ukraine, at the time, given the massive corruption in the Country, and SHOKIN was NOT doing his job to fight corruption and naturally Obama didn't want taxpayer funds misappropriated in a corrupt country.

That is precisely the OPPOSITE of the claim.

What, do you (who believe the conspiracy theory) think a man with 30 years in the Senate would be stupid enough to admit to a federal crime on television? If you do, you are unaware of the facts and haven't thought it through.


The conspiracy theory alleges that then-Vice President Biden withheld loan guarantees to pressure Ukraine into firing a prosecutor to prevent a corruption investigation into Burisma and to protect his son. The United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the prosecutor, in accord with the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States. The US government, along with the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, believed the prosecutor to be corrupt and ineffective and too lenient in investigating companies and oligarchs, including Burisma and its owner. A January 2018 video shows Biden taking credit for withholding the loan guarantees to have the prosecutor fired, acting to implement bipartisan US policy rather than for the reasons the conspiracy theory alleges.

The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal

Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

Republicans wanted Shokin removed, as well:


(Even the GOP chairman of the Homeland Security Committee which spearheaded this report, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, backed the effort to remove Shokin, saying the “whole world” agreed he wasn’t doing a good job.)


The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal

Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

Wayback Machine

Factchecking right wing lies

(Even the GOP chairman of the Homeland Security Committee which spearheaded this report, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, backed the effort to remove Shokin, saying the “whole world” agreed he wasn’t doing a good job.)

TIMELINE -Key dates in the U.S. political controversy over Ukraine

Some Democrats are calling for the impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump over reports that he asked his Ukrainian counterpart to launch an investigation that could damage his Democratic political rival Joe Biden.

April 21, 2014: Biden, then vice president, visited Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, in a show of support for the country’s government amid rising tensions with Russia.

May 13, 2014: Burisma Group, a private company that has drilled for natural gas in Ukraine since 2002, announced that Hunter Biden would be joining its board. Around that time, Burisma’s founder, a former government official named Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for alleged money laundering by Britain’s Serious Fraud Office.

Dec. 8, 2015: Biden visited Kiev again and spoke out against bureaucratic corruption that he said was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Biden threatened to withhold loan guarantees unless Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been widely accused of corruption, was removed.

Shokin had investigated Burisma but the probe was dormant at the time Biden pushed for the prosecutor’s termination, Bloomberg reported earlier this year, citing a former Ukrainian official.

March 29, 2016: The Ukrainian Parliament voted to remove Shokin.

Jan. 23, 2018: Biden, at a Council on Foreign Relations event, detailed how he had threatened to withhold funds from Ukraine if Shokin was not removed.

April 2019: Hunter Biden’s term as a Burisma board member expired and he stepped down from the company.

May 16, 2019: Bloomberg quotes Ukraine’s current top prosecutor as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or his father.
The sock puppet uses the corporate controlled media fir his sources for truth,what a surprise there. :rofl: :lmao: :laughing0301:
Can you come up with another reason Hunter was appointed to the Burisma board of directors, and subsequently took in 11 million dollars from 2013 - 2018 for doing absolutely nothing?
No, isn’t it obvious? I mean you see the corruption in this, how does anyone miss that?

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