FBI had ghost buses full of FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters on Jan 6

my my
a whistle blower here, a whistle blower there.
Hope Trump gets elected. And "if" he does, he wipes out the whole 7th floor of the fbi building.

Dude, everyone in the room was struggling not to laugh at the whack-job. Please tell me you aren't falling for that crap.
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Dressed as Trump supporters.

Trump had to fire every single person hired or promoted by Obama

Every single witness against Donald Trump at both impeachments, the January 6th Hearings, and at all of his criminal trials, were people that Donald Trump personally hired or promoted. Including members of his own family, his long time accountant and lawyers, as well as White House staffers.
I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got __________!

It is clear, that the democrats stole the election and fabricated jan 6th, they incited the crowd into a mob
Ah, a familiar whine. Albeit a tired and worn one too.
So do this, poster 'elektra': prove it.
Man up, cowboy up, be a 'git-er-done' kinda fella.
Quit whining.
Instead, be a doer.
Prove to the forum what you allege.
So saddle up, Skippy.
Show us what your little pony can do.

The party of conspiracy crackpots
But damn, they are entertaining.
QAnon on hard liquor. Or Oxy. Or orange Kool-Aid.
We are gonna miss those slow-leaks when it is all over with.


Biden DOJ is the most corrupt in US history.
Don't whine about it, Angus.
Do something about it.
It ain't manly to anonymously complain about it on social media while using a fake name.
Git 'er done....and prove what you say is true. Make us think you have a man's honor in your word.

So saddle up, Skippy.
Show the forum you got gravitas and a bit of gravel in your gut.
And that deep down....you really ain't a whiner and complainer.


How come ALL of the insurrectionists at the Capital had plead guilty or have been found guilty in juries trials
You bring up a really interesting point, poster Dragonlady.
I mean by that, we have to have the greatest admiration for the FBI's recruiting/personnel office.
They have found, selected, and trained folks who will commit a riot (as part of their job) and then go to jail for it.
And not complain about it.
Going to jail as sort of a career ladder step.
And never once admit they are really FBI.
And their families willing go along with it, too!

I love this bar. We have a full and colorful little coven of QAnon/AlexJones nutters with their peculia brand.....fringie nutjob conspiracies.
Every single witness against Donald Trump at both impeachments, the January 6th Hearings, and at all of his criminal trials, were people that Donald Trump personally hired or promoted. Including members of his own family, his long time accountant and lawyers, as well as White House staffers.
Link us up to these I imaginary witness lists, KKKanadian Vermin.
my my
a whistle blower here, a whistle blower there.
Hope Trump gets elected. And "if" he does, he wipes out the whole 7th floor of the fbi building.

Military tribunals. Nothing else will work
Every single witness against Donald Trump at both impeachments, the January 6th Hearings, and at all of his criminal trials, were people that Donald Trump personally hired or promoted. Including members of his own family, his long time accountant and lawyers, as well as White House staffers.

So he should have hired Obama?
You know that's exactly what the last tRumper I asked how he could breath that way said.
Did you get through school by using lame videos as an argument? How did you figure you would get away with it in the big leagues?
I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got __________!

Ah, a familiar whine. Albeit a tired and worn one too.
So do this, poster 'elektra': prove it.
Man up, cowboy up, be a 'git-er-done' kinda fella.
Quit whining.
Instead, be a doer.
Prove to the forum what you allege.
So saddle up, Skippy.
Show us what your little pony can do.


But damn, they are entertaining.
QAnon on hard liquor. Or Oxy. Or orange Kool-Aid.
We are gonna miss those slow-leaks when it is all over with.


Don't whine about it, Angus.
Do something about it.
It ain't manly to anonymously complain about it on social media while using a fake name.
Git 'er done....and prove what you say is true. Make us think you have a man's honor in your word.

So saddle up, Skippy.
Show the forum you got gravitas and a bit of gravel in your gut.
And that deep down....you really ain't a whiner and complainer.



You bring up a really interesting point, poster Dragonlady.
I mean by that, we have to have the greatest admiration for the FBI's recruiting/personnel office.
They have found, selected, and trained folks who will commit a riot (as part of their job) and then go to jail for it.
And not complain about it.
Going to jail as sort of a career ladder step.
And never once admit they are really FBI.
And their families willing go along with it, too!

I love this bar. We have a full and colorful little coven of QAnon/AlexJones nutters with their peculia brand.....fringie nutjob conspiracies.
I would bet every time you go to a bar someone kicks the shit out of you.
my my
a whistle blower here, a whistle blower there.
Hope Trump gets elected. And "if" he does, he wipes out the whole 7th floor of the fbi building.

Ever notice or think that the real reason Wray says he can’t answer is because every person charged and convicted walks if he answered! Everyone understand he’s admitted it anyway with that rationale. Hahaha
my my
a whistle blower here, a whistle blower there.
Hope Trump gets elected. And "if" he does, he wipes out the whole 7th floor of the fbi building.

If the congressman is right and on the right track, this keeps getting worse and worse. And by “worse,” I mean for the appearance of what our FBI did and about how the FBI has been operated.
Every single witness against Donald Trump at both impeachments, the January 6th Hearings, and at all of his criminal trials, were people that Donald Trump personally hired or promoted. Including members of his own family, his long time accountant and lawyers, as well as White House staffers.

....and Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation too, right?

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