FBI had ghost buses full of FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters on Jan 6

my my
a whistle blower here, a whistle blower there.
Hope Trump gets elected. And "if" he does, he wipes out the whole 7th floor of the fbi building.

It's been stated so many times already, leftists repeat after me, Jan. 6, 2021 was a false flag.

These left have proven over and over again, they'll use any tactic necessary for power, and over YOU. That includes COVID, shots, Russian BS, racists BS, ballot harvesting BS, indictment BS, impeachment BS, and TDS.

Here you go leftwhichs, communist takeover of USA, written 1963. The left has followed it almost to the letter, and a lot more. What better way to destroy the FBI than from within? Yep, the left are fucking things up badly. Communists? Maybe. Bad intentions? 100%

If the congressman is right and on the right track, this keeps getting worse and worse. And by “worse,” I mean for the appearance of what our FBI did and about how the FBI has been operated.
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my my
a whistle blower here, a whistle blower there.
Hope Trump gets elected. And "if" he does, he wipes out the whole 7th floor of the fbi building.

Put down the pipe, tyrone.
If the congressman is right and on the right track, this keeps getting worse and worse. And by “worse,” I mean for the appearance of what our FBI did and about how the FBI has been operated.
I know this video is long, but dude it’s all there about the fbi and trump!! All true

Some guy on Youtube. You like the story and swallow it whole.This is all it takes for you to throw the country under the bus.

Jeez. Boomers turned out be awful.
I followed the story of the corruption. You saying the da in tx didn’t win the award?

Funny how you demofks misidentify truth for lying politicians and corrupt government intelligence, the oxymoron
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Christopher Wray dances around this every time he testifies before Congress.

He never just says, “No, the FBI had no confidential human assets in the Capitol on J6.”

That means they DID.
That's why we need to see all the video footage that day. I bet there are antifa possing as Trump supporters.
my my
a whistle blower here, a whistle blower there.
Hope Trump gets elected. And "if" he does, he wipes out the whole 7th floor of the fbi building.

Yee Haw! :cuckoo:
Every single witness against Donald Trump at both impeachments, the January 6th Hearings, and at all of his criminal trials, were people that Donald Trump personally hired or promoted. Including members of his own family, his long time accountant and lawyers, as well as White House staffers.
I used to like Canadians before I came to USMB and saw how you and Richard H, and Donald H are.

Odd how those 2 have the H thing going, innit?
Some guy on Youtube. You like the story and swallow it whole.This is all it takes for you to throw the country under the bus.

Jeez. Boomers turned out be awful.
No, you turned out awful. Should have had more discipline and less communist indoctrination.
That's why we need to see all the video footage that day. I bet there are antifa possing as Trump supporters.
It's been an open secret and the subject of much fiction, from John Grisham to Spy Kids, that our intelligence agencies have always been rogue in that they will work around those they consider merely the current occupants of the White House, to continue their operations as they see fit. There was never much concern about that. We just assumed that their mission was to protect America and that by keeping the elected officials in the dark, they gave plausible deniability while doing the nation's dirty work.

But, under Trump it was different. Trump was not part of the establishment and the intel community depends on the establishment to in turn give them their freedom. Trump was un-blackmailable, which meant he was dangerous to them. So they went after him with a vengeance we would hope they would reserve for international bad actors.

It is not just that people in charge of intelligence agencies are elite Ivy Leaguers who look down on conservative Republicans. They never treated GWB like that. Why would they? GHWB was one of them. They went around Trump's guidance in Iran-contra, but they had White House Staffers colluding with them to do it.

It may turn out to be that Trump's greatest contribution (among his many great ones) will be to dismantle the anti-Republic forces that have been given the carte blanche that national security justifies and used it to thwart the will of the voters.
I would imagine the FBI has the goods on the Biden Crime Family.

If Joe Biden refuses to do what the Deep State wants, he will be out of office so fast his head will spin. Kamala will be the new President and the FBI probably has the goods on her too.

Shades of J. Edgar Hoover. …


8. Hoover 'knew too much' for any president to fire him​

As Emily Maitlis says: "J Edgar Hoover was an enigmatic figure who was adored in his lifetime and had a public approval rating of around 80%. But nowadays, he is seen as the man who spied on America."

But what triggered his fall from grace? Following the FBI field office burglary and aware his credibility was exhausted, Hoover gave Nixon an opportunity to dismiss him. A crippling fear of repercussion prevented Nixon from doing so.

Hoover knew too much, so while a succession of presidents after Roosevelt were wary of him (Truman feared Hoover was building a Gestapo, Kennedy called him "that bastard"), they would not oust him. The only block to Hoover was his own mortality. He died in April 1972, just a few months before Watergate broke.

Find out more about Hoover’s fall from grace by listening here.

9. He took most of his biggest secrets to his grave​

As soon as Hoover died, the order came to seal his office. But Hoover was ahead of the game from beyond the grave. He had left his secretary, Helen Gandy, instructions to get rid of 48 years' worth of files. There’s much conjecture about what the files contained. What is certainly likely is that among those documents were secrets that kept everyone from political activists to presidents in check for half a century.
I would imagine the FBI has the goods on the Biden Crime Family.

If Joe Biden refuses to do what the Deep State wants, he will be out of office so fast his head will spin. Kamala will be the new President and the FBI probably has the goods on her too.

Shades of J. Edgar Hoover. …


8. Hoover 'knew too much' for any president to fire him

As Emily Maitlis says: "J Edgar Hoover was an enigmatic figure who was adored in his lifetime and had a public approval rating of around 80%. But nowadays, he is seen as the man who spied on America."

But what triggered his fall from grace? Following the FBI field office burglary and aware his credibility was exhausted, Hoover gave Nixon an opportunity to dismiss him. A crippling fear of repercussion prevented Nixon from doing so.

Hoover knew too much, so while a succession of presidents after Roosevelt were wary of him (Truman feared Hoover was building a Gestapo, Kennedy called him "that bastard"), they would not oust him. The only block to Hoover was his own mortality. He died in April 1972, just a few months before Watergate broke.

Find out more about Hoover’s fall from grace by listening here.

9. He took most of his biggest secrets to his grave

As soon as Hoover died, the order came to seal his office. But Hoover was ahead of the game from beyond the grave. He had left his secretary, Helen Gandy, instructions to get rid of 48 years' worth of files. There’s much conjecture about what the files contained. What is certainly likely is that among those documents were secrets that kept everyone from political activists to presidents in check for half a century.
I would imagine the FBI has the goods on the Biden Crime Family.
Of course you would. That’s why you believe, dope. :uhoh3:
Of course you would. That’s why you believe, dope. :uhoh3:
So do you seriously believe the current FBI would not gather information on important people like Hoover did? What stops them?

The FBI has been running basically I unchecked for yers and many people in our nation no longer trust the FBI. The Sheeple do and you seem to be an excellent sheeple

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