FBI informant charged with lying about Biden

What do you think is bullshit?

All this: "Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) obtained and published an FBI file recording Smirnov’s claim that Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, which employed the president’s son, had paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million in bribes."

There's no evidence that Mykola Zlochevsky ever said this. There's no evidence of bribes. There's no evidence of that $5 million to Joe Biden. There were claims of recordings of Mykola Zlochevsky by Smirnov. There's no evidence they ever existed.

The FBI, under Trump, didn't find this guy's claims credible, nor could find anything to back up this guy's story.
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:laughing0301: Hey dumb ass, you are the Nazi, the democrats are the Nazi's, this is indisputable fact, its been painstakingly explained for your dumb ass on numerous occasions, everything you cretins believe true is a lie!

Americans on the other hand, you know the people you fucking hate, they just want freedom and justice for all, its indisputable fact that you fascist fucks do not share that fervor! :wink:
Shut up crybaby, your cult fantasyland does not exist.
Shut up crybaby, your cult fantasyland does not exist.
How old are you??? Do you even know what you are, do you even possess the honesty to admit that much??? Lets play a fucking game, answer a few questions and discover for retarded self that you, and the other cretins in this thread are stone fucking cold Nazi's, stone cold mind you!

Freedom of speech?

Equal justice under the law?

Freedom of Religion or freedom from religion?

Right to keep and bear arms or not???

Tell us tard, tells us how you fervently support the above and why, and what they mean??? :slap:
How old are you??? Do you even know what you are, do you even possess the honesty to admit that much??? Lets play a fucking game, answer a few questions and discover for retarded self that you, and the other cretins in this thread are stone fucking cold Nazi's, stone cold mind you!

Freedom of speech?

Equal justice under the law?

Freedom of Religion or freedom from religion?

Right to keep and bear arms or not???

Tell us tard, tells us how you fervently support the above and why, and what they mean??? :slap:
Take your attention begging exercise and cram it.

And make sure to genuflect for your criminal Orange God, while you do it.
Biden wants to dump the entire scandal on an "informant"? What about the FBI agents who set up the treasonous attempt to undermine the administration of a sitting president not to mention the bosses who approved the attempt?
Biden wants to dump the entire scandal on an "informant"? What about the FBI agents who set up the treasonous attempt to undermine the administration of a sitting president not to mention the bosses who approved the attempt?

What 'scandal'? Remember, despite y'all's layers upon useless layers of empty promises, you don't have any payments to Joe Biden. You can't demonstrate bribery. You can't demonstrate a policy change that was paid for. You can't demonstrate a single crime by Joe Biden.

So by 'scandal', you mean whatever you can make up.
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:laughing0301: Hey dumb ass, you are the Nazi, the democrats are the Nazi's, this is indisputable fact, its been painstakingly explained for your dumb ass on numerous occasions, everything you cretins believe true is a lie!

Americans on the other hand, you know the people you fucking hate, they just want freedom and justice for all, its indisputable fact that you fascist fucks do not share that fervor! :wink:

Hey Dumbass! Your idiotic deflection is noted.

If YOU wanted freedom and justice for all, you wouldn't be here every day promoting hatred and anarchy.
Biden wants to dump the entire scandal on an "informant"? What about the FBI agents who set up the treasonous attempt to undermine the administration of a sitting president not to mention the bosses who approved the attempt?
Stop making stuff up. Just admit the whole thing was a lie and move on to your nest right wing conspiracy.
Hey Dumbass! Your idiotic deflection is noted.

If YOU wanted freedom and justice for all, you wouldn't be here every day promoting hatred and anarchy.
There's the fascist sociopath in you, civil rights a deflection, "hatred & anarchy!" You fuckers are profoundly stupid. I ask your dumb fucking ass about "freedom of speech" and you come back with hatred & anarchy! You sexual deviants would seamlessly fuse your deviant asses to the rectums of Hitlers brown shirts, you'd fit right in with them! :fu:
View attachment 902946

Charges were announced against FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, accused of making false statements that were central to the Biden impeachment inquiry.

WASHINGTON ― A central piece of evidence in the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden may have just evaporated.

The Justice Department on Thursday announced that an FBI informant was lying when he said a Ukrainian oligarch told him he’d bribed Biden.

Special counsel David Weiss, the U.S. attorney prosecuting the president’s son Hunter Biden on gun purchase and tax delinquency crimes, announced that FBI informant Alexander Smirnov has been charged with making a false statement and creating a false record related to the bribery allegation.

Republicans brought Smirnov’s claims to light last summer as part of their investigation into alleged corruption in the Biden family.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) obtained and published an FBI file recording Smirnov’s claim that Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, which employed the president’s son, had paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million in bribes.

For months, Republicans have claimed the bribery allegation had come from a credible source. According to the Justice Department, the allegation had been made up.

Smirnov could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

More at the link below...

I'm glad the truth is finally coming out. What do you think?
They never ever had anything against Hunter, same old conservative baloney. All they have are liars and useful idiots like Hannity to spread the propaganda.
Biden wants to dump the entire scandal on an "informant"? What about the FBI agents who set up the treasonous attempt to undermine the administration of a sitting president not to mention the bosses who approved the attempt?
Why don’t you just back up a second and acknowledge the fake news y’all have been peddling as main evidence of the “Biden Crime Family”

Do you see the game yet?
:laughing0301: Hey dumb ass, you are the Nazi, the democrats are the Nazi's, this is indisputable fact, its been painstakingly explained for your dumb ass on numerous occasions, everything you cretins believe true is a lie!
Wow. You really drank the FSB Kool-Aid, comrade!


Give us a big kiss, you adorable Nazi, you!

Here are the REAL Nazis in the house:


Donald Trump dined with white nationalist, Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes

:laughing0301: Hey dumb ass, you are the Nazi, the democrats are the Nazi's, this is indisputable fact, its been painstakingly explained for your dumb ass on numerous occasions, everything you cretins believe true is a lie!

Americans on the other hand, you know the people you fucking hate, they just want freedom and justice for all, its indisputable fact that you fascist fucks do not share that fervor! :wink:
But, but Cummer's star witness tiurned out be, OOPS! A liar! Here's a short list of Trump's jerkoffs who ranted & raved about this guy:

Lumpy Hannity
Gym Jordan
Geezer Grassley
Margie Mayonnaise Face Greene

What could possibly go wrong? :auiqs.jpg:
James Comer is the world's expert at gaslighting.

This is exactly why Hunter Biden did not want to testify behind closed doors.

When someone testifies behind closed doors, Comer & co. come out and tell whopper lies about what was "revealed". Then the MAGA media runs wild with it.

Then, later, when the heat has died down and the truth comes out, Comer does not apologize and the MAGA media doesn't cover it.

Then Comer quickly issues another hoax.

And the rubes STILL have not caught on they are being gaslighted. The bumpkins fall for it over and over and time and time again.
BREAKING: Stunning bombshell rocks MAGA world as prosecutors charge an FBI informant with lying to his handler about alleged ties between Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and a Ukrainian energy company.

Fox News' favorite narrative just completely exploded and it gets even better...

Prosecutors have revealed that Alexander Smirnov falsely told FBI agents in 2020 that executives associated with Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Hunter as well as Joe himself $5 million each in 2015 and 2016.

Smirnov told the FBI that a Burisma exec claimed to have hired Hunter to "protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems."

The new indictment states that Smirnov's story "was a fabrication, an amalgam of otherwise unremarkable business meetings and contacts that had actually occurred but at a later date than he claimed and for the purpose of pitching Burisma on the Defendant’s services and products, not for discussing bribes to [Joe Biden] when he was in office."

Conspiracy theories about Burisma have been a staple of right-wing media for years now, forming the central pillar of the smear efforts to undermine Biden's presidency. They also played a central role in the Republican Party's sham impeachment attempt against President Biden.

Numerous Republicans referred to Smirnov in the past as "credible" though never by name. Then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy went as far as to call him "a trusted FBI informant" who "has alleged a bribe to the Biden family."

The indictment concludes by totally debunking the Burisma lies, stating: "In short, the Defendant transformed his routine and unextraordinary business contacts with Burisma in 2017 and later into bribery allegations against [Joe Biden], the presumptive nominee of one of the two major political parties for President, after expressing bias against [Joe Biden] and his candidacy."

Sorry Republicans, it turns out that only one party has a criminal for a leader.

May be an image of 3 people and the Oval Office

The FBI under Trump in 2020 didn't find this man's claims remotely credible and could find nothing to back up anything he said.
And Comer knew that. But Comer has never let facts or truth get in the way of an opportunity to perpetrate another hoax on the willfully stupid rube herd.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

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