FBI Insiders Admit Biden Regime’s White Supremacy Hysteria is Baseless

You said that Trump supporters killed her. Why are you responding with anything other than "oops, i was wrong about that"?
Boyland, She was a trump supporter.
She had drugs in her system.
She was part of the close crowd attacking the Capitol.

1). You can choose to say that she overdosed before she was trampled
2). She was trampled after she passed out and the trump supporters trampled her.

3). I'm sure your defense will be.......it was Antifa, or FBI, or the Capitol Police Crushed her (not trump supporters). I'm thinking this is your stance.
Boyland, She was a trump supporter.
She had drugs in her system.
She was part of the close crowd attacking the Capitol.

1). You can choose to say that she overdosed before she was trampled
2). She was trampled after she passed out and the trump supporters trampled her.

3). I'm sure your defense will be.......it was Antifa, or FBI, or the Capitol Police Crushed her (not trump supporters). I'm thinking this is your stance.
She overdosed you moron. I literally gave you a link so you wouldnt be uninformed, yet here you are doubling down on stupid. :cuckoo:
I agree she overdosed.
Dumb fuck KKKult member.

She died because NONE of her tramplers came to her defense, except the so-called boy friend, who wanted to sue.
So? 8 people once died at a Metallica concert too. Are we going to blame the crowd?
You said that Trump supporters killed her.
They Did. They trampled HER. Just crushed her as she was over dosing.
The trump supporters has ZERO regard for this soon dead patriot. LOL.
She over dosed and was trampled?
She was trampled before she over dosed?

We are in agreement that this stupid fuckstain trump supporter is dead. YUP?
Babbitt was a traitor, denying her Service.
They Did. They trampled HER. Just crushed her as she was over dosing.
The trump supporters has ZERO regard for this soon dead patriot. LOL.

Babbitt was a traitor, denying her Service.
She died from an overdose, yet you keep incorrectly claiming something else. :cuckoo:
She died from an overdose, yet you keep incorrectly claiming something else. :cuckoo:
You know what?
She died.
There is video of her being trampled.
There is video of her friend claiming that the police trampled her.
No Video of it actually happening. Her friend LIED. The (R) thing.
There is video of her walking up to the capitol before she got trampled.

TRUE, she had drugs in her system.
Did she die because of:

1). A trump induced Overdose?
2) A trump supporting trampling while overdosing?
3) Nope. She just overdosed 10 feet away from the breached doors that the insurrectionists broke through moments later.
Wow, I'm like so totally shocked that a Democrat led government is completely lying to us for the billionth time in order to weaponize law enforcement as an arm of their tactical division campaign.

So let's review: There was no insurrection (see Reuters report with quotes from the FBI, August 2021), there was no Russian collusion (see NY Times headline, March 2019), and meanwhile the biggest threat to a black man in America is another black man.

The verdict is definitively in: Democrats don't care about racial minorities, but only about stoking civil discord by utilizing falsely perceived "oppression" to otherize anyone who subscribes to MAGA.

Disgusting, shameful, and utterly basis.

Give yourselves a pat on the back Lefties, you've concocted a total fantasy land in which you are the morally upright do-gooders - while in reality the mirror opposite holds true.

Ya just gotta love it.

Gotta love what???? Yet another FuckBoi, turning up here and starting lying threads with Questionable Sources????

  • Overall, we rate Big League Politics Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and numerous failed fact checks.

You know what?
She died.
There is video of her being trampled.
There is video of her friend claiming that the police trampled her.
No Video of it actually happening. Her friend LIED. The (R) thing.
There is video of her walking up to the capitol before she got trampled.

TRUE, she had drugs in her system.
Did she die because of:

1). A trump induced Overdose?
2) A trump supporting trampling while overdosing?
3) Nope. She just overdosed 10 feet away from the breached doors that the insurrectionists broke through moments later.
So again, no one was murdered at our single mini riot in world history.
Gotta love what???? Yet another FuckBoi, turning up here and starting lying threads with Questionable Sources????

  • Overall, we rate Big League Politics Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and numerous failed fact checks.

Shut up, leftard troll.

Shut up and go away.
Rosanne Boyland. Trampled by trump led attackers.
Why do you not care about Rosanne Boyland?

I don't support ANY of the radical left, Antifa, BLM, whatever you call it, I don't support it.

Can you say the same about J6?

Such bologna.

I can name plenty of Republican politicians who criticized what happened on Jan 6th.

Can you name a single Democrat that criticized the most violent and costly riots in US history that went on for months? (They burned down a police station in Minneapolis, and then Kamala Harris bailed them out!)

Not only can you not name a solitary Leftist politician who called out the rioting - but evidence demonstrates they were downright complicit!

Open your eyes.

If you support Democrats, you're supporting AND PAYING FOR all of the above.

Fact check true.
Gotta love what???? Yet another FuckBoi, turning up here and starting lying threads with Questionable Sources????

  • Overall, we rate Big League Politics Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and numerous failed fact checks.

Ya gotta love it when gullible Lefties post Lefty websites that pretend to be neutral arbiters of truth, and then hold that up as some sort of eureka moment.

News flash: I voted Democrat from 2003-2018.

I know. It's awful. I apologize to my fellow patriots.

But the Republican Party has been transformed by MAGA - and the Democrat Party is going down the tubes thanks to authoritarian socialism .

Maybe you should wake up and realize there's a reason Trump isn't in jail - despite you being lied to so many times that he was about to be perp walked at any second.

There's a reason why the Party of women's rights can't even define what a woman is, so they let men play in their sports - and in some cases - literally beat them to a pulp. (Not to mention ogling them in bathrooms, and in some cases raping them.)

And, most tell-tale of all, there's a reason why your Party now supports souless warmongers like Liz Cheney.


If I could get red pilled, so can you.

Start taking responsibility for your naivete', instead of simply dismissing "right wing" opinions blindly.

You've been had.

But if you shape up and fly right like I have, there's ultimately no shame in it.
As long as it works for democrats and is supported by the mainstream media, Biden will get away with labeling republicans "domestic terrorists" while the Country goes down the freaking drain.
Wow, I'm like so totally shocked that a Democrat led government is completely lying to us for the billionth time in order to weaponize law enforcement as an arm of their tactical division campaign.

So let's review: There was no insurrection (see Reuters report with quotes from the FBI, August 2021), there was no Russian collusion (see NY Times headline, March 2019), and meanwhile the biggest threat to a black man in America is another black man.

The verdict is definitively in: Democrats don't care about racial minorities, but only about stoking civil discord by utilizing falsely perceived "oppression" to otherize anyone who subscribes to MAGA.

Disgusting, shameful, and utterly basis.

Give yourselves a pat on the back Lefties, you've concocted a total fantasy land in which you are the morally upright do-gooders - while in reality the mirror opposite holds true.

Ya just gotta love it.

Of course it's overblown!
Sippy Cup is a reprobate.

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