FBI Insiders Admit Biden Regime’s White Supremacy Hysteria is Baseless


If you support Democrats, you're supporting AND PAYING FOR all of the above.

And the border, and the panty raids, and the list goes on ad nauseum
What panty raids?
Why won't trump release the home video?
You fucks really think the FBI took the time no sniff panties?
Wow, I'm like so totally shocked that a Democrat led government is completely lying to us for the billionth time in order to weaponize law enforcement as an arm of their tactical division campaign.

So let's review: There was no insurrection (see Reuters report with quotes from the FBI, August 2021), there was no Russian collusion (see NY Times headline, March 2019), and meanwhile the biggest threat to a black man in America is another black man.

The verdict is definitively in: Democrats don't care about racial minorities, but only about stoking civil discord by utilizing falsely perceived "oppression" to otherize anyone who subscribes to MAGA.

Disgusting, shameful, and utterly basis.

Give yourselves a pat on the back Lefties, you've concocted a total fantasy land in which you are the morally upright do-gooders - while in reality the mirror opposite holds true.

Ya just gotta love it.
The elderly confused gentleman referred to in the OP was once openly racist. Remember the word he used to describe integrated schools? (Today that word has been substituted by "rain forest.")

Now that he is the nominal President, he wants everyone to know how much he absolutely loves those folks. He has always been very condescending in his treatment of them (remember his weird stories about being a lifeguard?).

He (or more accurately his advisers) want to overhaul his reputation. So he has been told to appoint oodles of such folks: his press secretary, his Cabinet choices, his Supreme Court choice, et al.

But bet you dollars to donuts, he has not truly changed.

He knows that the Dems need the votes of a certain constituency (the one that saved him in the South Carolina primary) and he aims to deliver them.
Wow, I'm like so totally shocked that a Democrat led government is completely lying to us for the billionth time in order to weaponize law enforcement as an arm of their tactical division campaign.

So let's review: There was no insurrection (see Reuters report with quotes from the FBI, August 2021), there was no Russian collusion (see NY Times headline, March 2019), and meanwhile the biggest threat to a black man in America is another black man.

The verdict is definitively in: Democrats don't care about racial minorities, but only about stoking civil discord by utilizing falsely perceived "oppression" to otherize anyone who subscribes to MAGA.

Disgusting, shameful, and utterly basis.

Give yourselves a pat on the back Lefties, you've concocted a total fantasy land in which you are the morally upright do-gooders - while in reality the mirror opposite holds true.

Ya just gotta love it.
Biden is hoping to instigate an armed uprising which (since it lacks sufficient support) will fail. He then will say all Americans have to turn in their firearms. The people (sheeple) will agree with Joe and force Cingress to pass draconian gun confiscation laws. Our nation then will be well on its way to becoming a new Venezuela.

Hopefully all Trump Deplorables will realize it is far better to vote the Democrats out than to start a war. Plus the fumbling, bumbling Biden administration is looking like it will lose big time in the Midterms. Inflation is not going to magically go away before November. .

So I say don’t let Biden provoke you into taking up arms or committing any acts of terrorism. Also be careful of those who try to talk you into starting a new revolutionary war or committing violence or kidnapping. Such people likely come from Biden’s Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI).
Hopefully all Trump Deplorables will realize it is far better to vote the Democrats out than to start a war.

Well yeah. We're not the ones who burn down cities in the name of "equity", that's the Dems' job.

And you're right about the mid terms.

MAGA will prevail.

Well yeah. We're not the ones who burn down cities in the name of "equity", that's the Dems' job.

And you're right about the mid terms.

MAGA will prevail.

The Dems do love their fiery riots. Another good reason to vote them out. I am all for PEACEFUL riots but once the burning starts I am all for the police.
As long as it works for democrats and is supported by the mainstream media, Biden will get away with labeling republicans "domestic terrorists" while the Country goes down the freaking drain.
It's working, but not for Democrats. Biden's Hitler speech cost Democrats thousands and thousands of votes, as did the FBI Gestapo raid

of a former president's home.
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You will find it much easier to find a Laotian Midget than you will a real dues paying member of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in America
Oh, they're around here and there. They usually get together in small gatherings one night a week and do sister swaps.
There was no insurrection (per your precious FBI) - and the only person who died on "JANUARY 6TH!!!" was a Trump supporter. (Ashli Babbit.)

Despite that, we've all heard Republicans condemn that day a million times over.

How about the Left? Did they ever decry the months of record billions in damage during the Floyd riots? The 35 deaths? The destruction of Federal buildings?

The live execution of a retired black cop. (David Dorn RIP)

At this point, it's futile to feign equivocation.

The Left are clearly the problem. They will not apologize for the violence their para-military entities (BLM + Antifa), commit.

That says it all.
The riots weren`t about George Floyd. They were about 300 years of George Floyds.

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