FBI Investigating Bundy-supporters in BLM dispute

I point a weapon at federal agents, I would expect some kind of legal consequences....that is if they showed incredible restraint in not shooting me. :D

It just warms the heart how progressive see any federal agent as the new knights, with rights above and beyond us mere peons.

You miss the point.

We are talking about the law. And those who may have broken the law.

There was a time when Conservatives were FOR the rule of law.

What happened?

Real conservatives still do. The radical fringe on the right, the Neo Fascists, see themselves as above the law and view violence, or the threat of violence, as means to an end. The end is never explained but the means are quite clear; we can bet the end is not framed by the words in the Preamble to our Constitution.
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It just warms the heart how progressive see any federal agent as the new knights, with rights above and beyond us mere peons.

They are the Khmer Rouge democrats. They usher in totalitarianism and seek to make it clear that the ONLY way to retain our Republic, is a violent confrontation with them. They want civil war.

So, the title to this thread is:

FBI Investigating Bundy-supporters in BLM dispute

That is fact, it is happening right now.

You can find the information in the OP. Do you even have the ability to focus on the content of an OP, or are you just here to troll?
does anyone believe they should be arrested because they were not a militia under government control?
You miss the point.

We are talking about the law. And those who may have broken the law.

There was a time when Conservatives were FOR the rule of law.

What happened?

Statist, you are a totalitarian thug advocating dictatorship.

You and your fellow thugs are not the first to use "law" as a means of subjugating free men.

The Intolerable Acts

Pretty similar to what you Obamunists are doing, doncha think?

My assessment is that you leftists see civil war as your opportunity to end the Constitution once and for all, ushering in the totalitarian state you dream of. Thus, you agitate and push in hopes of sparking widescale conflict.

If the FBI opens fire on U.S. citizens, all hell will break loose. Again, I think that's what you want, as an excuse to revoke civil rights and establish dictatorship.
So, the title to this thread is:

FBI Investigating Bundy-supporters in BLM dispute

That is fact, it is happening right now.

You can find the information in the OP. Do you even have the ability to focus on the content of an OP, or are you just here to troll?

The FBI has been dispatched to engage in a violent confrontation with those who supported Bundy.

The intent and virtually assured outcome is violence. If, or rather when, the FBI opens fire on this group, it won't be the meek slaughter of Waco, it will spark a nation-wide reaction.

I believe that is the intent of the Administration. Obama wants a civil war as a vehicle to revoke the U.S. Constitution.
So, the title to this thread is:

FBI Investigating Bundy-supporters in BLM dispute

That is fact, it is happening right now.

You can find the information in the OP. Do you even have the ability to focus on the content of an OP, or are you just here to troll?

The FBI has been dispatched to engage in a violent confrontation with those who supported Bundy.

The intent and virtually assured outcome is violence. If, or rather when, the FBI opens fire on this group, it won't be the meek slaughter of Waco, it will spark a nation-wide reaction.

I believe that is the intent of the Administration. Obama wants a civil war as a vehicle to revoke the U.S. Constitution.

No. The FBI is investigating and when the FBI is dispatched, it is to enforce the law.

You do understand that difference, right?
The laws are more totalitarian and the punishments more draconian than at any time in our history. The "law" is behind every rebellion.

Mohamed Bouazizi broke the law by not having the funds to pay for a vendor's license. Every time he got the money, the cost of the license (or bribe if you prefer) went up. His produce was confiscated time and again. It is his self immolation that sparked the revolution in Tunis and the Arab Spring. What sparks rebellion is usually a small injustice that just pushes people beyond toleration. It is always legal and always follows the law.

The government passes a law, finds or makes a lawbreaker, and confiscates their property. It's all legal, according to those with the power to make the laws. If Cliven Bundy was one man with one incident of breaking a bureaucratic rule no one would have paid attention nor come to his defense. He isn't. He is just one of hundreds if not thousands of individuals who lose their homes and businesses under laws that just happen to be unjust and oppressive.
No. The FBI is investigating and when the FBI is dispatched, it is to enforce the law.

You do understand that difference, right?

The FBI is agitating. They are dispatching a paramilitary force to confront the patriots. No different than the Red Coats at Lexington. Obama is sending his troops against the resisting Americans, to provoke a reaction.

Do you personally desire civil war? Do you view it as means of resolving the problem of that out-dated Constitution?
It just warms the heart how progressive see any federal agent as the new knights, with rights above and beyond us mere peons.

You miss the point.

We are talking about the law. And those who may have broken the law.

There was a time when Conservatives were FOR the rule of law.

What happened?

There was a time when the law wasn't ABOVE the law. There was a time when police officers were not militarized squads and platoons. There was a time when the government trusted the people to be able to defend themselves on their own.

That time is passed. Also, if there was definitive proof of people threatening to fire on government agents, why weren't these people arrested already? After they dispersed they could have been apprehended one by one.

When you used to see a cop, you used to feel safe. Now I see a cop I wonder why he gets to keep a gun in his house (off duty) with zero red tape and no questions, and I have to jump through hoops to get one. (I live in NYC).

Marty has idealized a fantasy of a time that never existed.
I point a weapon at federal agents, I would expect some kind of legal consequences....that is if they showed incredible restraint in not shooting me. :D

It just warms the heart how progressive see any federal agent as the new knights, with rights above and beyond us mere peons.

Wait...it's ok to point weapons at "us mere peons"?

evidently the police can do it all the time. Even if it is found out to be unwarranted.

and yes, its more of a crime to point a gun at a federal agent. In some cases it makes sense as they do represent the government. But the # of agents has ballooned past the point ever thought of by the founders of the government.
No. The FBI is investigating and when the FBI is dispatched, it is to enforce the law.

You do understand that difference, right?

The FBI is agitating. They are dispatching a paramilitary force to confront the patriots. No different than the Red Coats at Lexington. Obama is sending his troops against the resisting Americans, to provoke a reaction.

Do you personally desire civil war? Do you view it as means of resolving the problem of that out-dated Constitution?

The FBI is investigating Harry Reid's claims that armed militia is setting up highway checkpoints and harassing the residents of Bunkerville and Mesquite. The people of these communities deny the claims made by Reid's henchman. The Sheriff and Highway patrol deny the existence of checkpoints. The investigation will not have the desired result so the FBI is going to have to make something up. Of course they will. That's the point of them going.

These are the same people who made up a fake story about David Koresh being a child molester. The same people who manufactured a story about Donald Scott growing marijuana, when the government wanted his property. Making up a whole narrative about the Bundy ranch, all false, is nothing for this corrupt government.
does anyone believe they should be arrested because they were not a militia under government control?

I hope not.
Does anyone believe they should get a free pass just because they have guns and camo hats with American flags on 'em?
You miss the point.

We are talking about the law. And those who may have broken the law.

There was a time when Conservatives were FOR the rule of law.

What happened?

Statist, you are a totalitarian thug advocating dictatorship.

You and your fellow thugs are not the first to use "law" as a means of subjugating free men.

The Intolerable Acts

Pretty similar to what you Obamunists are doing, doncha think?

My assessment is that you leftists see civil war as your opportunity to end the Constitution once and for all, ushering in the totalitarian state you dream of. Thus, you agitate and push in hopes of sparking widescale conflict.

If the FBI opens fire on U.S. citizens, all hell will break loose. Again, I think that's what you want, as an excuse to revoke civil rights and establish dictatorship.

Really? I had no idea those militia guys were leftists and I'm not certain Stat is one either. He may be to the left of Genghis Kahn but that's hardly Trotsky territory.
So, the title to this thread is:

FBI Investigating Bundy-supporters in BLM dispute

That is fact, it is happening right now.

You can find the information in the OP. Do you even have the ability to focus on the content of an OP, or are you just here to troll?

The FBI has been dispatched to engage in a violent confrontation with those who supported Bundy.

does anyone believe they should be arrested because they were not a militia under government control?

I hope not.
Does anyone believe they should get a free pass just because they have guns and camo hats with American flags on 'em?

jakestarkey believes that.

no, they should not be given a free pass. if they broke the law, they answer to the law. they are not above the law. that said, the law must be based on our constitution and the laws of our land. they must not be based on tyranny. and i don't see any tyranny here.
Statist blah blah totalitarian blah blah dictatorship blah subjugating blah totalitarian state blah revoke civil rights blah dictatorship
And the award for May 2014 for best excessive use of patriot cliche rhetoric goes to Uncensored2008! Let's give him a big round of applause!

Ladies and gentleman we've not see all these tired overused phrases dragged out into such a beautiful aimless display since the Ron Paul rally in Minneapolis in 2008! It truly is inspiring, maybe we can get Uncensored2008 up here to lead a few "liberty" chants shall we?


Who's with me? Come on lets get him up here....
Thing about it is, most of these wingnuts probably aren't the most upstanding citizens. Half of them are probably already on an FBI watch list.
You mean there's no Constitution right to be an irrational nut job? That's bad news for Bundy supporters.

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