FBI Investigating Whether ‘Materially False’ Statements Given In Hillary Email Probe

Hillary is toast. There is so much there she cannot escape it.
soon to be president hillary,,,I love the way she scares your yarmulka off
I love your blithe ignorance. If the FBI doesnt get Hillary Bernie Sanders will. ANd if he doesnt Mike Bloomberg will.
ever hear the expression rabbi "when pigs fly"" I know they're unclean animals but bacon is good
Ever hear the expression "Go fuck yourself, you ignorant little piece of shit"?
Yeah you bring nothing to this discussion.
Hillary is toast. There is so much there she cannot escape it.
soon to be president hillary,,,I love the way she scares your yarmulka off
I suspect the FBI will recommend prosecution for Hillary, but she won't be indicted. Too big of a chance that staunch Democrats would be on a Washington DC Grand jury.
yeah Those 1 way juries are a bitch ...ask Zimmerman
You mean Zimmerman who was acquitted because his actions satisfied the definition of justifiable homicide by reason of self defense?
satisfied your definition ,,,Mine was murder but we stray from the subject and I don't want trouble from the mods
Hillary is toast. There is so much there she cannot escape it.
soon to be president hillary,,,I love the way she scares your yarmulka off
I love your blithe ignorance. If the FBI doesnt get Hillary Bernie Sanders will. ANd if he doesnt Mike Bloomberg will.
ever hear the expression rabbi "when pigs fly"" I know they're unclean animals but bacon is good
Ever hear the expression "Go fuck yourself, you ignorant little piece of shit"?
Yeah you bring nothing to this discussion.
lol you must be a rabbi for the RNC
Hillary is toast. There is so much there she cannot escape it.
soon to be president hillary,,,I love the way she scares your yarmulka off
I suspect the FBI will recommend prosecution for Hillary, but she won't be indicted. Too big of a chance that staunch Democrats would be on a Washington DC Grand jury.
yeah Those 1 way juries are a bitch ...ask Zimmerman
You mean Zimmerman who was acquitted because his actions satisfied the definition of justifiable homicide by reason of self defense?
satisfied your definition ,,,Mine was murder but we stray from the subject and I don't want trouble from the mods
OK you just got pwned. The jury made a judgment based on the facts and law. My opinion is irrelevant here. Your opinion is merely wrong.
Yeah, dont talk about shit you know nothing about.
Hillary is toast. There is so much there she cannot escape it.
soon to be president hillary,,,I love the way she scares your yarmulka off
I love your blithe ignorance. If the FBI doesnt get Hillary Bernie Sanders will. ANd if he doesnt Mike Bloomberg will.
ever hear the expression rabbi "when pigs fly"" I know they're unclean animals but bacon is good
Ever hear the expression "Go fuck yourself, you ignorant little piece of shit"?
Yeah you bring nothing to this discussion.
lol you must be a rabbi for the RNC
You must be the poster boy for Iggy.
Hillary is toast. There is so much there she cannot escape it.

A 3 month old story...you're quick on the uptick again I see, Jackie.



She is done and even your of the least cognisant caste of drones know it.

The FBI is investigating whether members of Hillary Clinton’s inner circle “cut and pasted” material from the government’s classified network so that it could be sent to her private email address, former State Department security officials say.
Clinton and her top aides had access to a Pentagon-run classified network that goes up to the Secret level, as well as a separate system used for Top Secret communications.}
That's from yesterday, sploogy.
Report: FBI Investigating Whether ‘Materially False’ Statements Given In Hillary Email Probe
The FBI has expanded its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server and is now looking into whether “materially false” statements were given to federal agents, Fox News is reporting.

Sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News that agents are focusing on U.S. Code 18, Section 1001 which governs “materially false” statements made in writing, orally or through a third party. The section could apply to Clinton, her aides or her attorneys if they made any misleading or false statements about her emails which caused federal agents to expend more resources and time on the investigation.

Violations of the code are punishable by up to five years in prison.

Politico reported earlier this week that the FBI has ramped up its investigation. While the probe was initially characterized as a fact-finding inquiry, one former FBI official told the news outlet that it now resembles a “full-blown investigation.” The FBI is now interviewing State Department officials about whether classified information was mishandled on Clinton’s homebrew email setup. The agency has also requested documents from tech companies that Clinton hired to manage her email system.

Last week, it was revealed that Clinton and two of her top aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, had signed nondisclosure agreements pertaining to the handling of classified information just days after taking office in Jan. 2009.

Signing those documents could have ramifications for the trio.

That undermines a claim Clinton has made while defending her use of her off-the-books email system. She’s repeatedly stated that she did not receive any emails that were “marked” classified when they were sent or received. The nondisclosure agreement seemingly nullifies Clinton’s defense.

(RELATED: Document Completely Undermines Hillary’s Classified Email Defense)

Many of the emails Clinton sent and received contain foreign government information which the federal government considers to be classified upon origination.

Clinton signed another nondisclosure agreement government the most sensitive type of classified information, “top secret/sensitive compartmented information,” or TS/SCI. In doing so, Clinton acknowledged “that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of SCI by me could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation.”

Clinton did not turn her work-related State Department emails over to the agency until December, nearly two years after leaving office.

Report: FBI Investigating Whether ‘Materially False’ Statements Given In Hillary Email Probe

So who said that Hillary wasn’t being investigated, just her server? It looks like not only Hillary, but Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills could be facing time as well.

A 3 month old story...you're quick on the uptick again I see, Jackie.

Articles quoted in this thread show that the investigation into Hillary and her aides have been going on since 2015 and continue today. Perhaps you had better start looking at an alternate candidate...Maybe the socialist? LOL

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