FBI is 'purging' staffers with conservative viewpoints and retaliating against whistleblowers who have complained of misconduct, Republican Rep. Jim J

Republicans have gone from resorting on lying, to depending on lying.

When you ask them a question, is a lie isn't their first response, they aren't following the days talking points.
ah another propagandist…maybe you can helton your fellow stalinist and produce his evidence
Mammoth Mammaries is a sleazy liar. Nothing Donald Trump says has any bearing at all on that.
I've noticed that like your fellow republicans, you've descended to name calling instead of debate.

You're like Trump, whose debate strategy was to name-call his opponents. Lie about their statements and positions, and play to the least educated of their followers.
ah another propagandist…maybe you can helton your fellow stalinist and produce his evidence
Actually your every post is proof of what I said. Take away the name calling, and your posts make no point at all.
Actually your every post is proof of what I said. Take away the name calling, and your posts make no point at all.
all i have asked is for your fellow stalinist to provide proof of his comments…he claims there are statements from these purged agents…why can’t you all provide them?
haha you don’t engage in serious debate…we all know…you spread propaganda for the demafasict
I have. Even going so far as to use a law school lecture to explain to you the definition of hearsay.

Which was a weird thing to do to someone who claims to have experience litigating cases in federal court.
I have. Even going so far as to use a law school lecture to explain to you the definition of hearsay.

Which was a weird thing to do to someone who claims to have experience litigating cases in federal court.
haha you shown us you don’t know what hearsay is and now you have shown that you are a liar
I noticed they have descended to reflexive name calling. Democrats are automatically, Stalinists, communists, racists, and Nazi's.

democrat are Nazis because you follow the Nazi agenda.

You are indeed and undeniably Stalinists, communists, racists, and Nazi's.
all i have asked is for your fellow stalinist to provide proof of his comments…he claims there are statements from these purged agents…why can’t you all provide them?
Strange request. You suddenly support publishing what they believed to be private conversations. To use them in a context where the people can't rebut or explain them.
They don't engage in serious debate at all. For them, the only fight they can win is name calling.

And yet not a one of you from the Nazi party can answer the simple question as to whether federal whistleblower protections accrue to those outside of your Reich? It appears they do not.

“It’s time to stop the FBI from being the enforcer of a political party’s ideology,” says Ernie Tibaldi, a retired agent from San Francisco. “We need to re-establish the FBI as the apolitical and independent law enforcement entity that it always was.”

He expressed gratitude to Friend “for having the courage to stand up to the corruption that has taken over the leadership of the FBI.”

Many former agents hailed Friend, a SWAT team member in Florida, as a “hero” after he was punished for refusing to participate in what he regarded as unnecessarily heavy-handed SWAT raids over Jan. 6 misdemeanors.

In his whistleblower complaint to the Department of Justice inspector general, Friend alleged that the FBI has been manipulating case-file management in order to falsely inflate the threat of domestic terrorism, and using unconstitutional excessive force against political dissenters.}

Strange request. You suddenly support publishing what they believed to be private conversations. To use them in a context where the people can't rebut or explain them.
it’s strange to ask someone to prove their points? i guess to a stalinist it might seem strange…
I couldn’t show you that you’re wrong because you don’t respond to facts and logic.
hahaa yeah that’s it…

we are all still waiting on you to provide these statements from the purged agents
haha you shown us you don’t know what hearsay is and now you have shown that you are a liar
I can tell jut by your post that he struck a nerve. The definition of hearsay is clear, and is the reason it's excluded from direct testimony in federal court (with a couple of exceptions). Hearsay's utter unreliability, due to the "telephone game" nature of it's accuracy, makes it's unusable since the goal is proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
“We need to re-establish the FBI as the apolitical and independent law enforcement entity that it always was.”
Damn. Something we can both agree upon is that the FBI wasn’t “always” apolitical and independent. Have you guys even heard of J Edgar Hoover?
I've noticed that like your fellow republicans, you've descended to name calling instead of debate.

You're like Trump, whose debate strategy was to name-call his opponents. Lie about their statements and positions, and play to the least educated of their followers.

Attempting to dodge again I see.

Whether Donald Trump told lies or not has no bearing on the demonstrable fact that your little buddy mamooth is a shameless and pathological liar.

We all not that instead of you showing any sort of fact to support the lies by her, you instead fling shit at Trump, as if your hatred of Trump somehow justifies blatant lies.
hahaa yeah that’s it…

we are all still waiting on you to provide these statements from the purged agents
I’ll provide them to the first rational person who asks.

Run along, loser. I’m done wasting time on you.
I can tell jut by your post that he struck a nerve. The definition of hearsay is clear, and is the reason it's excluded from direct testimony in federal court (with a couple of exceptions). Hearsay's utter unreliability, due to the "telephone game" nature of it's accuracy, makes it's unusable since the goal is proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
i agree it is unrealizable that’s what i was telling him and why the dems use it to spread their propaganda
And yet not a one of you from the Nazi party can answer the simple question as to whether federal whistleblower protections accrue to those outside of your Reich? It appears they do not.
Being a whistleblower, doesn't protect against discipline for unrelated activities. If there was indeed retaliation, we would be talking about 32 agents, not just one.

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