FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)
nothing classified was hacked in Clintons server.

Contrary to your claims, the CIA yesterday informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified. Specifically, the CIA confirmed that "the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information."

you have no way of knowing that. Do you expect the hackers to admit that they stole national classified data? There are still thousands of missing e-mails, why were they destroyed by the Clinton cabal if they had nothing to hide?
ANY Sec of State who in fact transmitted classified information via nonsecure communications should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I don't give a flying fuck what political party they were in, nor any other excuse.
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Conservative Media Conspiracy Theories Doused By The Facts
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Blog ››› May 5, 2016 10:15 PM EDT ››› TYLER CHERRY

Nope. Many conservatives have been conditions to respond with their emotions rather than with reason or evidence. They'll ignore the FBI just like they did the State of Hawaii with Obama's birth certificate.

What can you expect from the Birther Party?
You are aware that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign which started the 'Birther Campaign'.

You are aw
ANY Sec of State who in fact transmitted classified information via nonsecure communications should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I don't give a flying fuck what political party they were in, nor any other excuse.
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Conservative Media Conspiracy Theories Doused By The Facts
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Blog ››› May 5, 2016 10:15 PM EDT ››› TYLER CHERRY

Nope. Many conservatives have been conditions to respond with their emotions rather than with reason or evidence. They'll ignore the FBI just like they did the State of Hawaii with Obama's birth certificate.

What can you expect from the Birther Party?
You are aware that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign which started the 'Birther Campaign'.

No, it wasn't.

And the Birther conspiracy idiocy belongs to the Birther Party: The GOP. As they've elected one of the most vocal birthers to represent them.
Talk about a SOCIOPATHIC LIE, as you libidios are the emotional ones, who when you DONT get your way, you burn, break or kill things that have pissed you off. Boy talk about a daffy lickspittle lapdog. Skippylar , at one time I felt sorry for you libidiots, today, I just pray for the chance you fuckers ruin America, then it will be open season on your sorry asses.

You've elected the most famous birther and one of the most vocal proponents of the birther conspiracy to represent you.

The GOP is the Birther party.
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

Who TF do you think has them? The server was insecure, she sent classified data over an illegal insecure server. It is highly likely that the Chinese, Russians, and several radical muslim elements have them. its also possible that the RNC has them. We have no way of knowing until someone steps up and tries to blackmail her with them.
Rumor is that Hillary will be interviewed by the FBI next week, even though she claims she hasn't heard from that at all about this "security review" LOL
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

Who's a hero? Dude is a criminal PERIOD

So is Hillary
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.
I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Absolutely, if they go back and say "hey Colin Powell transmitted classified data through a non government network" indict his ass as well. And any other criminal who did so.
nothing classified was hacked in Clintons server.

Contrary to your claims, the CIA yesterday informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified. Specifically, the CIA confirmed that "the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information."

you have no way of knowing that. Do you expect the hackers to admit that they stole national classified data? There are still thousands of missing e-mails, why were they destroyed by the Clinton cabal if they had nothing to hide?

The FBI found no evidence of any hack. And they're pretty good at looking for them. No hacker can produce a single document from that server nor the slightest evidence of any hack.

So you're literally citing your imagination as evidence. That's not how our legal system works.
I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.


The CIA has seen the emais and none of them were classified !
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

Who TF do you think has them? The server was insecure, she sent classified data over an illegal insecure server. It is highly likely that the Chinese, Russians, and several radical muslim elements have them. its also possible that the RNC has them. We have no way of knowing until someone steps up and tries to blackmail her with them.
So no link?

nothing classified was hacked in Clintons server.

Contrary to your claims, the CIA yesterday informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified. Specifically, the CIA confirmed that "the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information."

you have no way of knowing that. Do you expect the hackers to admit that they stole national classified data? There are still thousands of missing e-mails, why were they destroyed by the Clinton cabal if they had nothing to hide?

The FBI found no evidence of any hack. And they're pretty good at looking for them. No hacker can produce a single document from that server nor the slightest evidence of any hack.

So you're literally citing your imagination as evidence. That's not how our legal system works.

Actually, you don't know that, all we've heard is rumors to this point.

BUT the hack is irrelevant to whether a crime was committed. Why don't you get that?
Absolutely, if they go back and say "hey Colin Powell transmitted classified data through a non government network" indict his ass as well. And any other criminal who did so.
They did say that, and they have cleared him.

Which is why Hillary will be cleared.
nothing classified was hacked in Clintons server.

Contrary to your claims, the CIA yesterday informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified. Specifically, the CIA confirmed that "the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information."

you have no way of knowing that. Do you expect the hackers to admit that they stole national classified data? There are still thousands of missing e-mails, why were they destroyed by the Clinton cabal if they had nothing to hide?

The FBI found no evidence of any hack. And they're pretty good at looking for them. No hacker can produce a single document from that server nor the slightest evidence of any hack.

So you're literally citing your imagination as evidence. That's not how our legal system works.

How would you know if your e-mail had been hacked? Answer: you wouldn't until the hacker did something with one of your e-mails. If he/she just stole them and is sitting on them you would never know.

But that is really secondary to her crimes of not properly securing classified data, some top secret and some SAP. If anyone else with a security clearance did that, they would already be in jail.
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?
When a whistle blower exposed the George Bush Domestic Spy program, you libidiots rejoiced, now that Obama has tripled the efforts, nothing to see here, move along.
Goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiots vote Dumbocrat. Classified information was given to the private server of the vagina candidate, she is a traitor to the country and in older times would be executed. Today she is a hero of the libidiots.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.


The CIA has seen the emais and none of them were classified !

bullshit. the FBI has identified thousands of classified emails. are you drunk?
Absolutely, if they go back and say "hey Colin Powell transmitted classified data through a non government network" indict his ass as well. And any other criminal who did so.
They did say that, and they have cleared him.

Which is why Hillary will be cleared.
Colin voted for Obama twice, that right there should have him executed for a traitor to the country.

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