FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

the CIA tells Gowdy to apologize ......

FACT: CIA Says Clinton Did Not Expose Classified Information With That Email
Cummings' Response To Gowdy's Accusation: "You Failed To Check Your Facts Before You Made It, And The CIA Has Now Informed The Select Committee That You Were Wrong." In an October 18 reply to Gowdy, Cummings wrote that Gowdy's claim that Clinton sent classified information from her private email address was wrong and that the CIA had informed the committee that the information in Blumenthal's email was not classified:

On October 7, 2015, you sent me a 13-page letter making a grave new accusation against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Specifically, you accused her of compromising national security and endangering lives.

The problem with your accusation--as with so many others during this investigation--is that you failed to check your facts before

you made it, and the CIA has now informed the Select Committee that you were wrong. I believe your accusations were irresponsible, and I believe you owe the Secretary an immediate apology.


To further inflate your claim, you placed your own redactions over the name of the individual with the words, "redacted due to sources and methods." To be clear, these redactions were not made, and these words were not added, by any agency of the federal government responsible for enforcing classification guidelines.

Predictably, commentators began repeating your accusations in even more extreme terms, suggesting in headlines for example that "Clinton Burns CIA Libya Contact."

Contrary to your claims, the CIA yesterday informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified. Specifically, the CIA confirmed that "the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information."

Unfortunately, you sent your letter on October 7 without checking first with the CIA. Now that we have done so, we have learned that your accusations were incorrect. [Select Committee on Benghazi, 10/18/15]
Oh a press release from Democrats. That settles it!
For the record Elijah Cummings is a corrupt motherfucker who needs to be in jail.

any guess why Gowdy stoped the investigations ?

because he made the redactions that idiots like you believe ... he lied ... he should be in jail for forging government documents,wasting taxpayer money, and RW morons like you should be in jail for being dumbasses.
Where are the indictments?

they should be serving you your papers any day now ..
Typical. This is why it is impossible to take you seriously.

I wasn't being serious.
Oh a press release from Democrats. That settles it!
For the record Elijah Cummings is a corrupt motherfucker who needs to be in jail.

any guess why Gowdy stoped the investigations ?

because he made the redactions that idiots like you believe ... he lied ... he should be in jail for forging government documents,wasting taxpayer money, and RW morons like you should be in jail for being dumbasses.
Where are the indictments?

they should be serving you your papers any day now ..
Typical. This is why it is impossible to take you seriously.

I wasn't being serious.
When are you ever?
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
So after months of Republucans trumpeting how Hillary is under FBI investigation....we end up with nothing

Time for the right to throw the FBI under the bus

The poor stupid RWers will begin yelling BENGHAZ! again, I suppose. They need to keep up the hope that something will stop Hillary. With an opponent like Trump, she only has to worry about not looking like a raving lunatic to win.

When Hillary ends up in an orange jumpsuit, you liberal leftwing nutjobs will be declaring the war on women, while she the enabler of a racist, will have to pay for her crimes. Why is it a Republican who avoids taxes is demonized by the liberals, yet when their own liberals(John F'ing Kerry) does it, they adore them? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
ANY Sec of State who in fact transmitted classified information via nonsecure communications should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I don't give a flying fuck what political party they were in, nor any other excuse.
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Conservative Media Conspiracy Theories Doused By The Facts
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Blog ››› May 5, 2016 10:15 PM EDT ››› TYLER CHERRY

Nope. Many conservatives have been conditions to respond with their emotions rather than with reason or evidence. They'll ignore the FBI just like they did the State of Hawaii with Obama's birth certificate.

What can you expect from the Birther Party?
You are aware that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign which started the 'Birther Campaign'.

You are aw
ANY Sec of State who in fact transmitted classified information via nonsecure communications should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I don't give a flying fuck what political party they were in, nor any other excuse.
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Conservative Media Conspiracy Theories Doused By The Facts
US Officials Report No Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke The Law, Will Right-Wing Media Listen?

Blog ››› May 5, 2016 10:15 PM EDT ››› TYLER CHERRY

Nope. Many conservatives have been conditions to respond with their emotions rather than with reason or evidence. They'll ignore the FBI just like they did the State of Hawaii with Obama's birth certificate.

What can you expect from the Birther Party?
You are aware that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign which started the 'Birther Campaign'.

No, it wasn't.

And the Birther conspiracy idiocy belongs to the Birther Party: The GOP. As they've elected one of the most vocal birthers to represent them.
Talk about a SOCIOPATHIC LIE, as you libidios are the emotional ones, who when you DONT get your way, you burn, break or kill things that have pissed you off. Boy talk about a daffy lickspittle lapdog. Skippylar , at one time I felt sorry for you libidiots, today, I just pray for the chance you fuckers ruin America, then it will be open season on your sorry asses.
So after months of Republucans trumpeting how Hillary is under FBI investigation....we end up with nothing

Time for the right to throw the FBI under the bus

The poor stupid RWers will begin yelling BENGHAZ! again, I suppose. They need to keep up the hope that something will stop Hillary. With an opponent like Trump, she only has to worry about not looking like a raving lunatic to win.

When Hillary ends up in an orange jumpsuit, you liberal leftwing nutjobs will be declaring the war on women, while she the enabler of a racist, will have to pay for her crimes. Why is it a Republican who avoids taxes is demonized by the liberals, yet when their own liberals(John F'ing Kerry) does it, they adore them? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

Presidents don't wear orange jump suits. But people who pull frauds like Trump University do...
Get used to it, your vagina candidate, will do time, while all those things Obama did by executive order will be repealed. And then no more FREE stuff for you. ROTFLMAO, that is why you are ranting and raving, you might actually have to work.
Hillary Clinton for prison.jpg
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.

Did you not see the article yesterday where they said despite the IT guy who set up Hillary's server being a contractor for 4 YEARS, all his emails were missing?

Remember Bryan Pagliano? He’s the senior Hillary Clinton IT guy who worked for her at State, and on her home server. When Pagliano was called to testify before the Benghazi committee he “took the fifth.” The latest Pagliano-related issue is that his State Department emails seem to have disappeared. Well not all of them are missing, just the ones written during Ms. Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom.

Politico is reporting that State Dept. officials told the Senate Judiciary Committee in a recent closed-door meeting that they could not locate what’s known as a “.pst file” for Pagliano’s work during Clinton’s tenure, which would have included copies of the tech expert’s emails, according to a letter Chairman Chuck Grassley sent to Secretary of State John Kerry (embedded below).

MISSING: The State Department Emails of Hillary Clinton’s Computer Guy | Opinion - Conservative

Yes, this guy plead the Fifth at the Benghazi hearing... and evidence that is relevant to that are missing because they can not find ANY of his emails while Hillary was Secretary.
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.

Did you not see the article yesterday where they said despite the IT guy who set up Hillary's server being a contractor for 4 YEARS, all his emails were missing?

Remember Bryan Pagliano? He’s the senior Hillary Clinton IT guy who worked for her at State, and on her home server. When Pagliano was called to testify before the Benghazi committee he “took the fifth.” The latest Pagliano-related issue is that his State Department emails seem to have disappeared. Well not all of them are missing, just the ones written during Ms. Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom.

Politico is reporting that State Dept. officials told the Senate Judiciary Committee in a recent closed-door meeting that they could not locate what’s known as a “.pst file” for Pagliano’s work during Clinton’s tenure, which would have included copies of the tech expert’s emails, according to a letter Chairman Chuck Grassley sent to Secretary of State John Kerry (embedded below).

MISSING: The State Department Emails of Hillary Clinton’s Computer Guy | Opinion - Conservative

Yes, this guy plead the Fifth at the Benghazi hearing... and evidence that is relevant to that are missing because they can not find ANY of his emails while Hillary was Secretary.

Thank you for your opinion, J Edgar Loser!
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.

Did you not see the article yesterday where they said despite the IT guy who set up Hillary's server being a contractor for 4 YEARS, all his emails were missing?

Remember Bryan Pagliano? He’s the senior Hillary Clinton IT guy who worked for her at State, and on her home server. When Pagliano was called to testify before the Benghazi committee he “took the fifth.” The latest Pagliano-related issue is that his State Department emails seem to have disappeared. Well not all of them are missing, just the ones written during Ms. Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom.

Politico is reporting that State Dept. officials told the Senate Judiciary Committee in a recent closed-door meeting that they could not locate what’s known as a “.pst file” for Pagliano’s work during Clinton’s tenure, which would have included copies of the tech expert’s emails, according to a letter Chairman Chuck Grassley sent to Secretary of State John Kerry (embedded below).

MISSING: The State Department Emails of Hillary Clinton’s Computer Guy | Opinion - Conservative

Yes, this guy plead the Fifth at the Benghazi hearing... and evidence that is relevant to that are missing because they can not find ANY of his emails while Hillary was Secretary.

Thank you for your opinion, J Edgar Loser!

I know you didn't come up with that one yourself... you must have a mouse in your pocket.
When, not if, Putin orders the twenty thousand of Hillary's emails he possesses from his Russian hackers then Hillary's life in politics thankfully will come to an end.
Yesterday news of Putin's possession of Hillary's emails was leaked.
Putin is playing the 'long game' deciding who he wants to deal with in the White house for the next four/eight years.
Reading the 'tea leaves' it's my opinion he will choose Trump.
I can't be bothered now to list the reasons why a Trump presidency would better benefit Putin.
The intelligent members here can think it through themselves.
The 'man-bun' LIB pussy boys on this forum can't see beyond the end of their noses intellectually so fuck them.
The Romanian hacker has 2 gigabytes of Hillary's emails.
Hillary's IT geek has someone 'lost' every single one of his emails from the last four years.
Next week it's Hillary's turn for the FBI hot-seat.
There are people in the FBI who tried to lock the Clinton's up for cocaine smuggling back in AK.
Every time they got close more people who were associated with the Clinton's cocaine smuggling decided to commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head multiple times.
The FBI fucking LOATHE!!!!! the Clinton's!!!!!
'Payback time'!
Must be all nice and comfy living in a make believe dream world....
Much nicer than that Hope and Change world that the White black president has created. You know the New World Order, the fundamental transformation of America, where the most in US history are now in poverty? Ah yeah, you libtards deserve all the misery that you voted for.
Must be all nice and comfy living in a make believe dream world....
Much nicer than that Hope and Change world that the White black president has created. You know the New World Order, the fundamental transformation of America, where the most in US history are now in poverty? Ah yeah, you libtards deserve all the misery that you voted for.
Why does the Republican Congress have the most people in US History living in poverty?

Why don't they do something about it? I'm sure our President would sign it
Must be all nice and comfy living in a make believe dream world....
Much nicer than that Hope and Change world that the White black president has created. You know the New World Order, the fundamental transformation of America, where the most in US history are now in poverty? Ah yeah, you libtards deserve all the misery that you voted for.

I didn't vote for Obama, not the first time, and not the second time.
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Russia and China hack the dot gov system daily....

IF you believe Russia really hacked the Clintonemail.com system, then have Russia release these emails to the FBI, who said there was no hacking of her email....
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Russia and China hack the dot gov system daily....

IF you believe Russia really hacked the Clintonemail.com system, then have Russia release these emails to the FBI, who said there was no hacking of her email....

Do you understand that those e-mails could be used to blackmail Hillary if she ever became president-------------THAT is the danger here, you fool.
nothing classified was hacked in Clintons server.

Contrary to your claims, the CIA yesterday informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified. Specifically, the CIA confirmed that "the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information."

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