FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance.

Once again, then say you want them indicted rather than saying Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Why would I want them indicated? The most common punishment for the breach of security protocols is the loss of security clearance. Indictment is quite rare, saved for the most egregious cases where classified information was intentionally given and willfully given to outside sources.

Like say, Petreus, where he walked out 8 binders of classified information and gave it to his mistress to use in his autobiography. And even then, Petraus was charged with a misdemeanor.

There's zero evidence that these laws were designed to keep the SOS from speaking to her own aides. Which is why most legal experts on national security law agree that its unlikely there will be any charges.
Yeah I don't get comparing Powell and Rice to Clinton. Powell sent a handful of emails and so did Rice, whereas Clinton had her own SERVER and sent so many emails it has taken the government, what 9 months, more? To go through them and release them through the Freedom of Information Act. And that's not counting all the emails that were deleted.

Don't forget that old Billy boy said he hardly ever used email... but then Hillary was quoted as saying she emailed him all the time.
Dude. Powell ERASED all of his emails and was proud and all brageddy in his book that he used his private AOL (yea AOL ! lol) account (guess what, that's a private server WORSE than Hillary's)

to conduct official State department business.

Learn the fax, jax.

And these conservatives said jack shit. They don't care about the issue. They care about the 'gotcha'.

Well guess what, folks? Clinton is going to be treated the same as Powell. The same as Rice.

Get used to the idea.
I'm not sure it was in the news, if it really happened, but I doubt it. You on the left also said Bill never had sex with that woman.

And you try and change the topic. How did I know that was coming?
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.
IT guy missing .pst file (auto generated MS?) would seem to get attention? You have to delete or hide it. Along with all the emials missing. Weird huh?
IT guy missing .pst file (auto generated MS?) would seem to get attention? You have to delete or hide it. Along with all the emials missing. Weird huh?

Almost as weird as Powell missing MONTHS of ALL emails. To the sound of crickets from your ilk.

But pretend like you're outraged now. It makes me giggle.
Lawyer reported on USMB above to have "clearance"? Why would he? Ahhhhhhhhh.......yeah ok.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Virtually every email involved was classified AFTER the fact. And the CIA review indicated that they wouldn't have classified any of them.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.

Laughing....and when the investigation doesn't affirm your assumptions, its the investigation that must be wrong. Not your assumptions, huh?

I'll go with the FBI over you any day.
OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance.

Once again, then say you want them indicted rather than saying Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Why would I want them indicated? The most common punishment for the breach of security protocols is the loss of security clearance. Indictment is quite rare, saved for the most egregious cases where classified information was intentionally given and willfully given to outside sources.

Like say, Petreus, where he walked out 8 binders of classified information and gave it to his mistress to use in his autobiography. And even then, Petraus was charged with a misdemeanor.

There's zero evidence that these laws were designed to keep the SOS from speaking to her own aides. Which is why most legal experts on national security law agree that its unlikely there will be any charges.

These laws were meant to prevent classified information from being disseminated in a non secure fashion. The fact that it was only meant to go to her aids is irrelevant. Why do you not understand this? The Espionage Act does not require intent. Most federal laws do, this one does not.

Example, you walk into a bar, get drunk leave the bar, forget your briefcase with classified documents in it sitting on a bar stool. You're guilty of espionage. Doesn't matter what your intent was, doesn't even matter if no one even saw what was in the briefcase. ALL that matters is, you failed to secure classified information. And the FBI tells you this when they grant you your security clearance.

Are you admitting that Hillary should lose her security clearance?
I don't get the dishonesty here by the left. It's clear, crystal clear, that classified information went through that server. The FBI has confirmed this.

The ONLY part of the investigation left is the "WHO" portion. Will Hillary throw someone under the bus when interviewed next week? How could she when the FBI has an email from HER account to one her subordinates instructing them to remove the word secret from the header and send it to her private email?

At this point, it truly is blind partisanship to pretend like Hillary didn't violate the Espionage Act.
Loretta Lynch and Barry Sorento are both shaking in their loafer, because they KNOW that if Hillary did win, those 2 would end up dead like the White Water Lawyer who mysteriously ended up dead like SCJ Scalia did. Only the TRUTH is going to come out, Hillary will be in an orange jump suit, and the liberals are going to lose their 7 1/2 years of fundamentally transforming America into a larger Cuba. Make America Great means shit for brain liberals are going to have to get a job, because the freebies are going to go away. That is why they are ranting and raving. Like little crybabies.
Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill
Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

Obama not at fault.jpeg
Bloom was hacked, led to her. Those sending to/from beast "had no knowledge" she used own hardware (BHO). Yep, true dat. Funny huh?
Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance.

Once again, then say you want them indicted rather than saying Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Why would I want them indicated? The most common punishment for the breach of security protocols is the loss of security clearance. Indictment is quite rare, saved for the most egregious cases where classified information was intentionally given and willfully given to outside sources.

Like say, Petreus, where he walked out 8 binders of classified information and gave it to his mistress to use in his autobiography. And even then, Petraus was charged with a misdemeanor.

There's zero evidence that these laws were designed to keep the SOS from speaking to her own aides. Which is why most legal experts on national security law agree that its unlikely there will be any charges.

These laws were meant to prevent classified information from being disseminated in a non secure fashion. The fact that it was only meant to go to her aids is irrelevant. Why do you not understand this? The Espionage Act does not require intent. Most federal laws do, this one does not.

Example, you walk into a bar, get drunk leave the bar, forget your briefcase with classified documents in it sitting on a bar stool. You're guilty of espionage. Doesn't matter what your intent was, doesn't even matter if no one even saw what was in the briefcase. ALL that matters is, you failed to secure classified information. And the FBI tells you this when they grant you your security clearance.

Are you admitting that Hillary should lose her security clearance?
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Link to a legit source the Russians have Hillary's emails from her server

(that means NOT Jim "Stupidest man on the iNternet" Hoft's gatewaypundit.com -- or his stupid source: whatdoesitmean.com.)
Any source reporting that will be ipso facto dismissed by you. SO what's the point?
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Virtually every email involved was classified AFTER the fact. And the CIA review indicated that they wouldn't have classified any of them.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.

Laughing....and when the investigation doesn't affirm your assumptions, its the investigation that must be wrong. Not your assumptions, huh?

I'll go with the FBI over you any day.


Only an incompetent ass would use anything but an official protected computer and server for work related issues. She was the SOS and the chances of having classified info on her server was always there.

Just shows how incompetent your hero is. Hell. I wouldn't let that POS guard the fucking sugar bowl never mind become POTUS.
Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance.

Once again, then say you want them indicted rather than saying Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Why would I want them indicated? The most common punishment for the breach of security protocols is the loss of security clearance. Indictment is quite rare, saved for the most egregious cases where classified information was intentionally given and willfully given to outside sources.

Like say, Petreus, where he walked out 8 binders of classified information and gave it to his mistress to use in his autobiography. And even then, Petraus was charged with a misdemeanor.

There's zero evidence that these laws were designed to keep the SOS from speaking to her own aides. Which is why most legal experts on national security law agree that its unlikely there will be any charges.

These laws were meant to prevent classified information from being disseminated in a non secure fashion. The fact that it was only meant to go to her aids is irrelevant. Why do you not understand this? The Espionage Act does not require intent. Most federal laws do, this one does not.
You insist you know what the laws were meant to do better than the legal experts on national security law.

We'll see what your personal opinion is worth. Just remember.....I told you so.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Virtually every email involved was classified AFTER the fact. And the CIA review indicated that they wouldn't have classified any of them.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.

Laughing....and when the investigation doesn't affirm your assumptions, its the investigation that must be wrong. Not your assumptions, huh?

I'll go with the FBI over you any day.


Only an incompetent ass would use anything but an official protected computer and server for work related issues. She was the SOS and the chances of having classified info on her server was always there.

Oh, obviously. That's why you've been railing against Rice and Powell....both of whom used a private account on private servers. Because its so 'incompetent'.

If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.
Let's not forget, Hillary also had information sent to her phone, which was not a secure phone like President Obama's is. She asked for one like his but was turned down...but even after that had information sent to her anyways.

WASHINGTON -- Newly released emails show a 2009 request to issue a secure government smartphone to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was denied by the National Security Agency.

Emails show NSA rejected Hillary Clinton's request for secure smartphone

Hell, that right there should show willful negligence in handling classified information!
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance.

Once again, then say you want them indicted rather than saying Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Why would I want them indicated? The most common punishment for the breach of security protocols is the loss of security clearance. Indictment is quite rare, saved for the most egregious cases where classified information was intentionally given and willfully given to outside sources.

Like say, Petreus, where he walked out 8 binders of classified information and gave it to his mistress to use in his autobiography. And even then, Petraus was charged with a misdemeanor.

There's zero evidence that these laws were designed to keep the SOS from speaking to her own aides. Which is why most legal experts on national security law agree that its unlikely there will be any charges.

These laws were meant to prevent classified information from being disseminated in a non secure fashion. The fact that it was only meant to go to her aids is irrelevant. Why do you not understand this? The Espionage Act does not require intent. Most federal laws do, this one does not.
You insist you know what the laws were meant to do better than the legal experts on national security law.

We'll see what your personal opinion is worth. Just remember.....I told you so.
No, once again you are wrong, Obama went to the Black Woman because she would do whatever Obama wanted her to do, not what was the RIGHT THING TO DO.
The camels back has been crushed under the first white black president, if one more straw is put on it, it will break if the vagina candidate wins(by you cheating bastards) and by God you liberals do not want to be in the US when it happens. I guarantee it.
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Virtually every email involved was classified AFTER the fact. And the CIA review indicated that they wouldn't have classified any of them.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.

Laughing....and when the investigation doesn't affirm your assumptions, its the investigation that must be wrong. Not your assumptions, huh?

I'll go with the FBI over you any day.


Only an incompetent ass would use anything but an official protected computer and server for work related issues. She was the SOS and the chances of having classified info on her server was always there.

Oh, obviously. That's why you've been railing against Rice and Powell....both of whom used a private account on private servers. Because its so 'incompetent'.

If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.

Unlike you I'm not deflecting to someone else. If they did the same than incompetent they are as well.

Oh and as for double standards, you are more than willing to overlook Hitleries failings while throwing rocks at others.

If not for double standards you wouldn't have any at all.
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.

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