FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".
Christopher Stevens had Hillary Clinton and Barrack Hussein Obama watching his back, while he was funneling arms to the ISIS fighters to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. When that was found out, Chris became expendable.

Intrigue Surrounding The Secret CIA Operation In Benghazi Is Not Going Away
Intrigue Surrounding The Secret CIA Operation In Benghazi Is Not Going Away
Hillary has your back like she did Chris.

I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Yes they were. First off the Ambassador sent an email to Clinton telling her that things were unstable. Secondly other countries closed their embassies because it was so unstable. Thirdly, one of the leaders of the Libyan rebels told the United States things were getting bad...and that they should leave. And lastly, the consulate was being guarded by mostly second rate security guards from a private firm, not well-armed American soldiers. So yeah, the people that died that die shouldn't have been there.
the traitor government employee that sold his laptop to China is a RW HERO for breaking the system ... Clinton had a private server just like OTHER Government officials so she needs to go to jail ...

who cares what these miserable pukes think?

OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.
OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or a Netzero CD. :dance:
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

go fuck yourself moron
OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
Well, for one thing, it doesn't excuse Hillary. And if they committed crimes they should be prosecuted. Two Wrongs do not make a right. I know you libs like double-standards but we don't.
Oh stuff it.

You guys eat, drink, live and breathe double standards.

Who the hell do you think you're kidding?
Projection is the medical term for what you're doing. A person who tries to blame others for their own actions....or the actions of their group.
OTHER government officials did not send classified data over their private servers, and if they did they should be indicted along with Hillary.

Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Yeah I don't get comparing Powell and Rice to Clinton. Powell sent a handful of emails and so did Rice, whereas Clinton had her own SERVER and sent so many emails it has taken the government, what 9 months, more? To go through them and release them through the Freedom of Information Act. And that's not counting all the emails that were deleted.

Don't forget that old Billy boy said he hardly ever used email... but then Hillary was quoted as saying she emailed him all the time.
Dude. Powell ERASED all of his emails and was proud and all brageddy in his book that he used his private AOL (yea AOL ! lol) account (guess what, that's a private server WORSE than Hillary's)

to conduct official State department business.

Learn the fax, jax.

And these conservatives said jack shit. They don't care about the issue. They care about the 'gotcha'.

Well guess what, folks? Clinton is going to be treated the same as Powell. The same as Rice.

Get used to the idea.
I'm not sure it was in the news, if it really happened, but I doubt it. You on the left also said Bill never had sex with that woman.

And you try and change the topic. How did I know that was coming?
No......that's not what I was doing. I was pointing out prior evidence that proves my statement is likely correct.
Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Sarcasm must be a mystery to you.
Both Rice and Powell sent classified information via private accounts held at private servers. And you didn't give a shit.

But when Clinton does the exact same thing, you insist she go to prison.

Um, no. We're not doing that.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Talking about education, liberals THINK they are so smart, yet you see them come out of high school, go into college where they rack up thousands of dollars of debt, graduate out of college and cant find a job. A plumber who just had a high school degree and some training makes 100 dollars an hour. This is why Skybrain voted for Obama not once but twice and wants so badly to vote for the vagina candidate, just too stupid to know better.
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.

Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Talking about education, liberals THINK they are so smart, yet you see them come out of high school, go into college where they rack up thousands of dollars of debt, graduate out of college and cant find a job. A plumber who just had a high school degree and some training makes 100 dollars an hour. This is why Skybrain voted for Obama not once but twice and wants so badly to vote for the vagina candidate, just too stupid to know better.

Huh. A paragraph of insults, and inane babble about high school degrees.

But nothing supporting your argument. No attempt to educate yourself on it. Nor even internal consistency.....as you said shit about Powell or Rice when they did the same thing. Demonstrating even you don't give a shit about your made up 'outrage'.

There's a reason why most legal experts on this topic are on one side of the issue.....and you're on the other.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Virtually every email involved was classified AFTER the fact. And the CIA review indicated that they wouldn't have classified any of them.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.

Laughing....and when the investigation doesn't affirm your assumptions, its the investigation that must be wrong. Not your assumptions, huh?

I'll go with the FBI over you any day.


Only an incompetent ass would use anything but an official protected computer and server for work related issues. She was the SOS and the chances of having classified info on her server was always there.

Oh, obviously. That's why you've been railing against Rice and Powell....both of whom used a private account on private servers. Because its so 'incompetent'.

If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.
Public servers....private accounts.

Hillary set up a private server in an unsecured location. Then she lied about having classified info on it, later changed it to "marked classified" which is not an excuse. Classified information doesn't have to be marked to be classified. Never mind the fact she told her staff to remove markings before sending in an email.........WHOOPS!!!!!
Last edited:
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.

Yep.......the media carries her water for her.

Tell us something we don't know.
Wrong. They had private accounts. Powell only sent a dozen emails to his Gmail account.

Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

He didn't set up a private server to escape oversite, detection, what have you.
There is no evidence that any of it was classified.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Talking about education, liberals THINK they are so smart, yet you see them come out of high school, go into college where they rack up thousands of dollars of debt, graduate out of college and cant find a job. A plumber who just had a high school degree and some training makes 100 dollars an hour. This is why Skybrain voted for Obama not once but twice and wants so badly to vote for the vagina candidate, just too stupid to know better.
Said the idiot who posted a stupid debunked fake picture of Ambassador Stevens saying he was raped, tortured and cattle prodded ...
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.


I would like to have seen the look on Gwdys face as he was reading the letter from the CIA when they informed him he was busted for making his own redactions marking Clintons emails "classified"

after that the investigations came to a dead HALT !

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Virtually every email involved was classified AFTER the fact. And the CIA review indicated that they wouldn't have classified any of them.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.

Laughing....and when the investigation doesn't affirm your assumptions, its the investigation that must be wrong. Not your assumptions, huh?

I'll go with the FBI over you any day.


Only an incompetent ass would use anything but an official protected computer and server for work related issues. She was the SOS and the chances of having classified info on her server was always there.

Oh, obviously. That's why you've been railing against Rice and Powell....both of whom used a private account on private servers. Because its so 'incompetent'.

If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.
Public servers....private accounts.

Hillary set up a private server in an unsecured location. Then she lied about having classified info on it, later changed it you "marked classified" which not an excuse. Classified information doesn't have to be marked to be classified. Never mind the fact she told her staff to remove markings before sending in an email.........WHOOPS!!!!!

conjecture ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ok about Powell and Rice...

Additionally, Powell said he never kept the emails in his possession when he left the State Department. Unlike Clinton, Powell's emails remained in government computer servers.

An aide to Rice, who now teaches at Stanford University, said that Rice herself never used email -- not even a personal email account -- during her tenure.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com
Ok about Powell and Rice...

Additionally, Powell said he never kept the emails in his possession when he left the State Department. Unlike Clinton, Powell's emails remained in government computer servers.

An aide to Rice, who now teaches at Stanford University, said that Rice herself never used email -- not even a personal email account -- during her tenure.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com


The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3]Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.

georgewbush.com (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and rnchq.org (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, gwb43.com has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]
The investigation proved what an incompetent ass she is. Using her private server for classified intel. Can't be much more incompetent than that.

Virtually every email involved was classified AFTER the fact. And the CIA review indicated that they wouldn't have classified any of them.

Oh and if you thought any official investigation was going to show her guilty of anything then the more fool you. She would never have been found guilty by any official anything.

Incompetent is what she is and she proves it every day.

Laughing....and when the investigation doesn't affirm your assumptions, its the investigation that must be wrong. Not your assumptions, huh?

I'll go with the FBI over you any day.


Only an incompetent ass would use anything but an official protected computer and server for work related issues. She was the SOS and the chances of having classified info on her server was always there.

Oh, obviously. That's why you've been railing against Rice and Powell....both of whom used a private account on private servers. Because its so 'incompetent'.

If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.
Public servers....private accounts.

Hillary set up a private server in an unsecured location. Then she lied about having classified info on it, later changed it you "marked classified" which not an excuse. Classified information doesn't have to be marked to be classified. Never mind the fact she told her staff to remove markings before sending in an email.........WHOOPS!!!!!

conjecture ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Nope. As reported by the press. I'm not generating this out of thin air, like your defense.

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings
Ed Morrissey, Jan 8, 2016


Fox News also noticed the e-mail this morning, although they don’t yet have a copy of it linked:

However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means.

In response to Clinton’s request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, “They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.” Clinton responds “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was “surprised” that a diplomatic oficer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi.

It’s probably time to review the relevant criminal statutes again in this case, such as 18 USC 793:

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings - Hot Air

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