FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

Wrong Flopper....within the Espionage Act is a crime of 'negligence' which does not require an intentional act. Barry has already publicly declared Hillary was negligent...

Easy....there aren't going to be any charges. There would have to be something egregious, like......Hillary walking out 8 binders of classfied materials to show the dude she was schtuping. There's nothing even remotely close to the level of charges here.

Which is why most legal experts who've been asked indicate that charges are highly unlikely.
It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.
Skylar, while I tend to agree with you based on the hypocrisy and double-standard on the left, you don't know / can't guarantee that.

The fact is any of us would already have been charged with a crime. After she left the State Dept she was not supposed to have any classified in her posession as she no longer had a need to know ir have access to it as a civilian.

She not only had classified but had what the WH called information so secret that it could not be released in any form because it would cause grave damage to our national security. ...then allowed that information to be hacked/accessed by a hacker.
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It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
No, I am going by the reported facts. It's funny how libs like yourself, who have never handled classufied or spent a career doing so, suddenly declare yourselves to he experts and try to clear Hillary of any wrong-doing. :p
Why would you show up to work and use your own hardware w/o all the GOVT oversight, help, storage, tools, manpower, upgrades etc. Step 1 seems entirely suspect. Your own router/system/ISP at your house? Then backed up to private company later? Delete what you want, give back partial? Hello FOIA...
Yeah, why would you follow the law when you can be part of the 70% FOIA non-compliant Obama administration....?
It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
No, I am going by the reported facts.

No, you're going by your *interpretation* of the reported facts, insisting that your interpretation trumps legal experts with decades of experience.

Smiling.....because you say so.

We'll see shortly what your assumptions are worth, won't we? Just remember.....I told you so. So did the legal experts.

It's funny how libs like yourself, who have never handled classufied or spent a career doing so, suddenly declare yourselves to he experts and try to clear Hillary of any wrong-doing. :p

Which might have some relevance if I were my source. Alas, I'm citing legal experts in national security law, precedent and history.

None of which backs your assumptions and desperate desires.
They keep posting "walked out with 8 binders" WTH? I read he had laptop, mistress had access to sections. Did she view more? Maybe? Hence charges I suppose? She was military too w/clearance? I don't have link....at this time.
Here's a question that I believe is critical to any investigation or possible prosecution.
Who at the State Dept is the authority on what is classified material? Who decides?
Everything I have seen on the subject says the SoS or their appointee has that authority.

Who can classify information?
"In the State Department, original classification authority for top secret info goes to the secretary of state or anyone the secretary has said -- in writing -- can do the job. Past examples include: "Deputy Secretaries, the Under Secretaries, the Counselor, Assistant Secretaries and equivalents; Chiefs of Mission and U.S. representatives to international organizations."
Secret or classified information is decided on by the secretary and/or a senior agency official, who can give classification power to others in writing as well."

Obama on Hillary Clinton’s emails: ‘There’s classified and then there’s classified.’ How does that work?

Since we have no way of knowing what information is now classified, by whom, why and when, then it stands to reason that if it wasn't marked as classified at the time of transmittal then the classifications were within the purview of the Secretary at the time. If Clinton felt the information was not classified then that was her determination to make.
I have read a lot about this and it appears that all of these classifications have come as a result of the review for their public release.
State has said as much and the CIA has even said the classifications weren't necessary.

It seems a prosecution would not be likely.
They keep posting "walked out with 8 binders" WTH? I read he had laptop, mistress had access to sections. Did she view more? Maybe? Hence charges I suppose? She was military too w/clearance? I don't have link....at this time.


Petraeus pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of unauthorized removal and retention of eight highly secret "black book" binders that he had improperly retained from his time as top military commander in Afghanistan.


If you gave the tiniest of fucks, you've have looked it up yourself. All I've done is give you something new to ignore.

Enjoy. It won't matter.
Here's a question that I believe is critical to any investigation or possible prosecution.
Who at the State Dept is the authority on what is classified material? Who decides?
Everything I have seen on the subject says the SoS or their appointee has that authority.

Who can classify information?
"In the State Department, original classification authority for top secret info goes to the secretary of state or anyone the secretary has said -- in writing -- can do the job. Past examples include: "Deputy Secretaries, the Under Secretaries, the Counselor, Assistant Secretaries and equivalents; Chiefs of Mission and U.S. representatives to international organizations."
Secret or classified information is decided on by the secretary and/or a senior agency official, who can give classification power to others in writing as well."

Obama on Hillary Clinton’s emails: ‘There’s classified and then there’s classified.’ How does that work?

Since we have no way of knowing what information is now classified, by whom, why and when, then it stands to reason that if it wasn't marked as classified at the time of transmittal then the classifications were within the purview of the Secretary at the time. If Clinton felt the information was not classified then that was her determination to make.
I have read a lot about this and it appears that all of these classifications have come as a result of the review for their public release.
State has said as much and the CIA has even said the classifications weren't necessary.

It seems a prosecution would not be likely.

Almost all of it was redacted retroactively. With a 'classified email' being any email where so much as a word was 'redacted' after the fact.

With the CIA reviewing emails and agreeing that they didn't see cause for the redaction and wouldn't have classified any of what they reviewed.
Sorry Skylar, you can continue to respond by saying 'uh-uh' all you want but in doing so you ignore all the links, reports, and articles that have been posted repeatedly.
Sorry Skylar, you can continue to respond by saying 'uh-uh' all you want but in doing so you ignore all the links, reports, and articles that have been posted repeatedly.
We'll see who is ignoring what, won't we?

You insist that you know more than the legal experts in national security law. And we'll see if you're right.

Just remember......I told you so. They told you so. You just wouldn't listen. And you'll find that your willful ignorance didn't amount to much.
It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
No, I am going by the reported facts. It's funny how libs like yourself, who have never handled classufied or spent a career doing so, suddenly declare yourselves to he experts and try to clear Hillary of any wrong-doing. :p

No you're not going by " reported facts".
It is not established that the server was hacked. It's only your wishful thinking that leads you to believe that.
Why would you show up to work and use your own hardware w/o all the GOVT oversight, help, storage, tools, manpower, upgrades etc. Step 1 seems entirely suspect. Your own router/system/ISP at your house? Then backed up to private company later? Delete what you want, give back partial? Hello FOIA...

Hello 20+ years of ***** trying anything and everything to destroy her family. I don't blame her at all for wanting that shit locked up where only she can get to it. Still they get their hands in it.
Hutch, hackers are not exteadited to the US unless they have solid evidence.

It has already been proven Guccifer hacked Bloomberg's computer....it has already been proven Hillary e-mailed classified to Bloomberg....which basically means if Guccifer didn't hack her server he most probably got some of it anyway from what she sent Bloomberg.

Libs are just hoping he didn't successfully hack it. They already proved themselves to be gullible by believing Hillary's many claims that have already been proven to be false....
Hutch, hackers are not exteadited to the US unless they have solid evidence.

It has already been proven Guccifer hacked Bloomberg's computer....it has already been proven Hillary e-mailed classified to Bloomberg....which basically means if Guccifer didn't hack her server he most probably got some of it anyway from what she sent Bloomberg.

Depends on when the hack was and what messages Guccifer looked at. By Guccifer's own account, all he managed were a handful of screenshots on a handful of emails.

None of which included classified information.

So......you were saying about 'facts'? Because so far, there's a lot of qualifiers in your claims. 'Basically', 'probably' and such. And that's interpretations. Not facts.

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