FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.


Your an idiot. Did you actually believe she would be found guilty of anything?? If you did then you are a fool.

Its just to bad that you can't be arrested for incompetence. Its also a shame the families of those dead men can't sue the shit out of the State Department for its total incompetence.

You go ahead and tell all what a great person Hitlery is. Anyone with a brain knows incompetence when they see it.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a fool. Never mind.

Stop projecting, you drunk bitch.
You do understand, they aren't the ones currently running for President of the united States?

sure I understand that .. you do understand there were no laws against Clinton having a private server until 21 months AFTER she left office don''t you?
No laws against it for private use.

She used it for official business. Very different.

no law ... PERIOD.
The Espionage Act....

Read it Goober.

Anyone who is criminally negligent and allows classified information to fall into the hands of foreign nations can be prosecuted for Espionage.

nope, dope ... try again.

no classified intel.

deal with it.

and it's "there" not "their" you flaming idget

Deal with this, since nothing has been officially released because this is supposed to be an FBI investigation, you cannot say that with any certainty.

Information Was Found on her server that was deemed to be the highest classified Top Secret information the federal government designates.

Two of the four classified messages discovered in emails turned over to the State Department by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were labeled "top secret," the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday.

Clinton's emails have been under scrutiny since it was revealed that she used a private server in her home to send and receive messages when she was secretary of state. Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages: Investigators

They have found several more since this story came out.

So STFU Goober.
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.

Just like Al Gore did with the hanging chad where the SCOTUS, had to go over it 7 times before they finally said enough and Al Gore, lost in a liberal county, but those liberals had enough with the like of Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton? Funny how you libidiots love to waste money as long as a Dumocrat does it, but when a legit action taken against a liberal traitress, by the republicans, then oh my. Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Gmail is a private server, as Google is a private company.

Except of course, the review by the Inspector General of the State Department that found that some of those emails were classified. Same for Rice.

But again, what does it matter to you? You'll just give us another excuse why you ignored it. We're not indicting anyone on your willful ignorance. Nor applying your wildly inconsistent standards to Clinton, Rice, or Powell.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Talking about education, liberals THINK they are so smart, yet you see them come out of high school, go into college where they rack up thousands of dollars of debt, graduate out of college and cant find a job. A plumber who just had a high school degree and some training makes 100 dollars an hour. This is why Skybrain voted for Obama not once but twice and wants so badly to vote for the vagina candidate, just too stupid to know better.
Said the idiot who posted a stupid debunked fake picture of Ambassador Stevens saying he was raped, tortured and cattle prodded ...
That is going to happen to you, when(not if) the Syrian refugees(1 in 10 are terrorists) are allowed into this country. And I will not lift a hand to shitforbrains like you when you are screaming like Chris did while Al Qaeda tortured him. As elections have consequences and for what you get from Muslims, you deserve all the misery they give you.
It was an AOL account. Not gmail.

Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Talking about education, liberals THINK they are so smart, yet you see them come out of high school, go into college where they rack up thousands of dollars of debt, graduate out of college and cant find a job. A plumber who just had a high school degree and some training makes 100 dollars an hour. This is why Skybrain voted for Obama not once but twice and wants so badly to vote for the vagina candidate, just too stupid to know better.
Said the idiot who posted a stupid debunked fake picture of Ambassador Stevens saying he was raped, tortured and cattle prodded ...
That is going to happen to you, when(not if) the Syrian refugees(1 in 10 are terrorists) are allowed into this country. And I will not lift a hand to shitforbrains like you when you are screaming like Chris did while Al Qaeda tortured him. As elections have consequences and for what you get from Muslims, you deserve all the misery they give you.
^ The idiot ^ still doesn't realize he posted a fake picture, that wasn't Stevens, and he he wasn't tortured and raped as you claimed.
sure I understand that .. you do understand there were no laws against Clinton having a private server until 21 months AFTER she left office don''t you?
No laws against it for private use.

She used it for official business. Very different.

no law ... PERIOD.
The Espionage Act....

Read it Goober.

Anyone who is criminally negligent and allows classified information to fall into the hands of foreign nations can be prosecuted for Espionage.

nope, dope ... try again.

no classified intel.

deal with it.

and it's "there" not "their" you flaming idget

Deal with this, since nothing has been officially released because this is supposed to be an FBI investigation, you cannot say that with any certainty.

Information Was Found on her server that was deemed to be the highest classified Top Secret information the federal government designates.

Two of the four classified messages discovered in emails turned over to the State Department by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were labeled "top secret," the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday.

Clinton's emails have been under scrutiny since it was revealed that she used a private server in her home to send and receive messages when she was secretary of state. Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages: Investigators

They have found several more since this story came out.

So STFU Goober.

It's amazing that after all of the incompetence and after all the abuses of authority that Hitlary has shown so far. . . That anyone would see her as competent for ANY office in government at all. Let alone for the presidency.
No laws against it for private use.

She used it for official business. Very different.

no law ... PERIOD.
The Espionage Act....

Read it Goober.

Anyone who is criminally negligent and allows classified information to fall into the hands of foreign nations can be prosecuted for Espionage.

nope, dope ... try again.

no classified intel.

deal with it.

and it's "there" not "their" you flaming idget

Deal with this, since nothing has been officially released because this is supposed to be an FBI investigation, you cannot say that with any certainty.

Information Was Found on her server that was deemed to be the highest classified Top Secret information the federal government designates.

Two of the four classified messages discovered in emails turned over to the State Department by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were labeled "top secret," the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday.

Clinton's emails have been under scrutiny since it was revealed that she used a private server in her home to send and receive messages when she was secretary of state. Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages: Investigators

They have found several more since this story came out.

So STFU Goober.

It's amazing that after all of the incompetence and after all the abuses of authority that Hitlary has shown so far. . . That anyone would see her as competent for ANY office in government at all. Let alone for the presidency.
Well, since liberalism is all about FAILURE who would be better suited to be the representatives of the liberals than the most failed woman ever in the history of the US?
Lets see, the before photo of Obama while Chris Stevens was killed and dragged away, then after the picture posted before was after Al Qaida got done with him. Hmmm, you sure Obummer and the vagina candidate have your back? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

To the Prog. mind winning is losing and losing is winning.
Life is a thousand shades of gray to them. There are no winners.....at least there shouldn't be. There are no losers because 'everyone's a winner'.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
Lets see, the before photo of Obama while Chris Stevens was killed and dragged away, then after the picture posted before was after Al Qaida got done with him. Hmmm, you sure Obummer and the vagina candidate have your back? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

View attachment 74470
Why do you allow yourself to be so IGNORANT and devoid of facts....

Your right wing media that you obviously mistake as news is destroying this Nation because of people so Easily fooled, like you.....

SHAME on you and your lack of interest in finding and knowing a LIE from the truth.

Chris was not raped. Al-Qaeda did not attack in Benghazi, another terrorist group did.
Women who get cheated on are better off in the long run, a new study revealed
Women who get cheated on are better off in the long run, a new study revealed
Only in liberal land would a statement like this be approved. I mean just look at the vagina candidate who was considered the smartest woman in the world(but didn't know her husband was cheating on her ass), became Secretary of State(started the ISIS spring) and is now being found culpable of classified information that she allowed to be stolen. So to all those liberal woman out there, turn the other way when your man/woman/other goes out and cheat on you. Just smile because one day you too could be a vagina candidate.

Lets see, the before photo of Obama while Chris Stevens was killed and dragged away, then after the picture posted before was after Al Qaida got done with him. Hmmm, you sure Obummer and the vagina candidate have your back? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

View attachment 74470
Why do you allow yourself to be so IGNORANT and devoid of facts....

Your right wing media that you obviously mistake as news is destroying this Nation because of people so Easily fooled, like you.....

SHAME on you and your lack of interest in finding and knowing a LIE from the truth.

Chris was not raped. Al-Qaeda did not attack in Benghazi, another terrorist group did.
ROTFLMAO, Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America, the redistribution of wealth, you will save $2,500 on healthcare and you say the right wing media is destroying the Nation? Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.


Your an idiot. Did you actually believe she would be found guilty of anything?? If you did then you are a fool.

Its just to bad that you can't be arrested for incompetence. Its also a shame the families of those dead men can't sue the shit out of the State Department for its total incompetence.

You go ahead and tell all what a great person Hitlery is. Anyone with a brain knows incompetence when they see it.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a fool. Never mind.

Stop projecting, you drunk bitch.

Grow a brain you dumb ass. If you had one you'd recognize incompetence when you see it.

Apparently your brain is on vacation. Asshole.
The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.


Your an idiot. Did you actually believe she would be found guilty of anything?? If you did then you are a fool.

Its just to bad that you can't be arrested for incompetence. Its also a shame the families of those dead men can't sue the shit out of the State Department for its total incompetence.

You go ahead and tell all what a great person Hitlery is. Anyone with a brain knows incompetence when they see it.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a fool. Never mind.

Stop projecting, you drunk bitch.

Grow a brain you dumb ass. If you had one you'd recognize incompetence when you see it.

Apparently your brain is on vacation. Asshole.
Did I hurt your feeling? Are you hopes and aspirations dashed because I pointed out how stupid your ideologue is? Take the jump, do a lemming and remove yourselves from God's green Earth and make the world 1 less CO2 user. Now make sure you call me another name, it really elevates the conversation. I do recognice incompetence and it is called liberal. ROTFLMAO on how stupid you libidiots are.
anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.

There were no laws in place during Hillarys time at the state dept.making the use of private email servers, and their contents unlawful, in any way, shape or form.

And to this very day, colin powells emails during his time at the state dept during the Bush years, have yet to be produced, nor is there one single repub party member inquiring as to why!

One can only concude, that Hillary is the victim of a witch hunt perpetrated by the Republican party.

the issue is not the server per se. the issue is the failure to properly protect classified data. BTW, the FBI is not the republican party. The FBI works for Obama.

Wrong again! The FBI works for the people, NOT Lame Duck President Obama.

true, but the FBI reports to the AG who is an Obama appointee, so in reality the FBI works for Obama. But if the evidence against Hillary is so strong that the FBI calls for an indictment and Obama stops the DOJ from issuing one, the FBI director and others may go public and stir up a real shit storm.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.

There were no laws in place during Hillarys time at the state dept.making the use of private email servers, and their contents unlawful, in any way, shape or form.

And to this very day, colin powells emails during his time at the state dept during the Bush years, have yet to be produced, nor is there one single repub party member inquiring as to why!

One can only concude, that Hillary is the victim of a witch hunt perpetrated by the Republican party.

the issue is not the server per se. the issue is the failure to properly protect classified data. BTW, the FBI is not the republican party. The FBI works for Obama.

Wrong again! The FBI works for the people, NOT Lame Duck President Obama.

true, but the FBI reports to the AG who is an Obama appointee, so in reality the FBI works for Obama. But if the evidence against Hillary is so strong that the FBI calls for an indictment and Obama stops the DOJ from issuing one, the FBI director and others may go public and stir up a real shit storm.

I believe the Director of the FBI would go public, and possibly resign, if that were too happen.
Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.


Your an idiot. Did you actually believe she would be found guilty of anything?? If you did then you are a fool.

Its just to bad that you can't be arrested for incompetence. Its also a shame the families of those dead men can't sue the shit out of the State Department for its total incompetence.

You go ahead and tell all what a great person Hitlery is. Anyone with a brain knows incompetence when they see it.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a fool. Never mind.

Stop projecting, you drunk bitch.

Grow a brain you dumb ass. If you had one you'd recognize incompetence when you see it.

Apparently your brain is on vacation. Asshole.
Did I hurt your feeling? Are you hopes and aspirations dashed because I pointed out how stupid your ideologue is? Take the jump, do a lemming and remove yourselves from God's green Earth and make the world 1 less CO2 user. Now make sure you call me another name, it really elevates the conversation. I do recognice incompetence and it is called liberal. ROTFLMAO on how stupid you libidiots are.

You couldn't hurt anyone's feelings. You take the jump because your ideologue sucks. Just like you. ROTFLMAO at an idiot like you.

Your the liberal idiot. Not me. Fool.
Lets see, the before photo of Obama while Chris Stevens was killed and dragged away, then after the picture posted before was after Al Qaida got done with him. Hmmm, you sure Obummer and the vagina candidate have your back? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

View attachment 74470
Those people with Steven were helping him and delivered him to the hospital, you shit fer brains.

The image you posted a picture of is a guy named Mitrone -- has been on the internet since before 2009 -- and was part of an investigation into official government sanctioned torture in Latin America.

Lets see, the before photo of Obama while Chris Stevens was killed and dragged away, then after the picture posted before was after Al Qaida got done with him. Hmmm, you sure Obummer and the vagina candidate have your back? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

View attachment 74470
Those people with Steven were helping him and delivered him to the hospital, you shit fer brains.

The image you posted a picture of is a guy named Mitrone -- has been on the internet since before 2009 -- and was part of an investigation into official government sanctioned torture in Latin America.

You believe the Obummer just like you believe that you would save $2,500 a year on healthcare. You believed in Hope and Change? You believed that he was going to heal the planet and lower the ocean? Such goosestepping idiots you are, Chris was dead by those associated with Al Qaeda, they were trying to help him,NOT, you libidiot.
Then he deserves the death penalty.

Or.....you're just wildly overreacting.

Again, you cared so little for this topic that you couldn't be bothered to educate yourself on it. Making your sudden 'outrage' now little more than theater.
Talking about education, liberals THINK they are so smart, yet you see them come out of high school, go into college where they rack up thousands of dollars of debt, graduate out of college and cant find a job. A plumber who just had a high school degree and some training makes 100 dollars an hour. This is why Skybrain voted for Obama not once but twice and wants so badly to vote for the vagina candidate, just too stupid to know better.
Said the idiot who posted a stupid debunked fake picture of Ambassador Stevens saying he was raped, tortured and cattle prodded ...
That is going to happen to you, when(not if) the Syrian refugees(1 in 10 are terrorists) are allowed into this country. And I will not lift a hand to shitforbrains like you when you are screaming like Chris did while Al Qaeda tortured him. As elections have consequences and for what you get from Muslims, you deserve all the misery they give you.
^ The idiot ^ still doesn't realize he posted a fake picture, that wasn't Stevens, and he he wasn't tortured and raped as you claimed.
Yup.....and those 4 guys never got kilt neither.

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