FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

Please show us reliable sources stating that the WHOLE BUSH ADMINISTRATION used the Republican National Committee servers for all government work. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell sent several emails on their private email ACCOUNTS, NONE had their own, private, hidden, unsecured servers.

The State Department, this may be shocking to you, does use the GOVERNMENT SECURED email system.

You do realize that the level of security for any and all documents is not determined by what is stamped on the document. The level of security is determined by the content and is created as the original document is being originated. ALL State Department employees (including Hillary and her Cabal) are trained in recognizing Secret information. Do you REALLY want someone as President who doesn't now the difference?

Yes, I already mentioned this. She took an oath to protect any and all information that contained details that might end up being Classified, whether it was already labeled Classified or not. Yes, training is provided for State Department employees... but Hillary chose not to attend mandatory training.

The Clinton Cabal never intended to abide by the classification laws so why bother with the training.
Do you know when, why, and by whom that information you believe she should know how to handle was classified?

It doesn't matter......................read paragraph 3. If the information will possibly be deemed classified it is to be treated like it is classified.

It totally matters. You see, classified material would not be circulating freely around the State Dept system for months or years between multiple people if anyone thought it was classified. State has said quite clearly that none of it was marked as classified. You will say everyone should know daily what is and is not classified. I say that's bullshit standard.

Here's the problem with what you are saying, and why the State Department didn't want Hillary to set up her private server in the first place. How was the state department going to be able to review and classify her emails if they couldn't see them because they were on the private server?

AND as I said, and you continue to ignore it... read the third paragraph of her agreement...otherwise just quit arguing because you are creating a circular argument that is ignoring the prime facts.

Look dude, if your third paragraph carried any weight it would have been argued and used as grounds for prosecution a long time ago. It's not on anyone's radar but yours. What does that tell you?

Here's a question for you. Let's see if you can answer it. What percentage of those emails existed solely on the Clinton server? That is to say, whom were they addressed to? Only those on the Clinton server or were the bulk of them to state servers where there would be a record of them?

It's not just on my radar... everything I have said has been reported by news outlets all over the place. Here is a site that list the different quotes from different sources: Clinton Violated Nondisclosure Agreement As Secretary Of State

I honestly can't answer your question, but if there was a record of her emails through the back channels of the recipients, then it wouldn't have been as a big a deal to get her servers, but as has been seen with the fact that all of the IT guy's emails suddenly gone, who knows what is actually missing.

It's not a back channel but rather just a channel. Every email has the sent and received folders. If I have a yahoo account and you have Google, then every email I sent you is stored in your inbox on Google's server. Likewise any email you sent me is stored in the sent folder on Google's server.See how that works? Now if you can't answer that question or don't understand the importance of asking the question then you probably shouldn't argue the point.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.

There were no laws in place during Hillarys time at the state dept.making the use of private email servers, and their contents unlawful, in any way, shape or form.

And to this very day, colin powells emails during his time at the state dept during the Bush years, have yet to be produced, nor is there one single repub party member inquiring as to why!

One can only concude, that Hillary is the victim of a witch hunt perpetrated by the Republican party.

the issue is not the server per se. the issue is the failure to properly protect classified data. BTW, the FBI is not the republican party. The FBI works for Obama.

Wrong again! The FBI works for the people, NOT Lame Duck President Obama.
It doesn't matter......................read paragraph 3. If the information will possibly be deemed classified it is to be treated like it is classified.

It totally matters. You see, classified material would not be circulating freely around the State Dept system for months or years between multiple people if anyone thought it was classified. State has said quite clearly that none of it was marked as classified. You will say everyone should know daily what is and is not classified. I say that's bullshit standard.

Here's the problem with what you are saying, and why the State Department didn't want Hillary to set up her private server in the first place. How was the state department going to be able to review and classify her emails if they couldn't see them because they were on the private server?

AND as I said, and you continue to ignore it... read the third paragraph of her agreement...otherwise just quit arguing because you are creating a circular argument that is ignoring the prime facts.

Look dude, if your third paragraph carried any weight it would have been argued and used as grounds for prosecution a long time ago. It's not on anyone's radar but yours. What does that tell you?

Here's a question for you. Let's see if you can answer it. What percentage of those emails existed solely on the Clinton server? That is to say, whom were they addressed to? Only those on the Clinton server or were the bulk of them to state servers where there would be a record of them?

It's not just on my radar... everything I have said has been reported by news outlets all over the place. Here is a site that list the different quotes from different sources: Clinton Violated Nondisclosure Agreement As Secretary Of State

I honestly can't answer your question, but if there was a record of her emails through the back channels of the recipients, then it wouldn't have been as a big a deal to get her servers, but as has been seen with the fact that all of the IT guy's emails suddenly gone, who knows what is actually missing.

It's not a back channel but rather just a channel. Every email has the sent and received folders. If I have a yahoo account and you have Google, then every email I sent you is stored in your inbox on Google's server. Likewise any email you sent me is stored in the sent folder on Google's server.See how that works? Now if you can't answer that question or don't understand the importance of asking the question then you probably shouldn't argue the point.

No, but as I said, if all the other recipients had copies of her emails, then it wouldn't have been so important for the State department to get a hold of her server. So your question is pretty irrelevant then no? Also, if the point you are trying to make was so important, then the thousands of deleted emails wouldn't be a big deal either. In debating, I would pretty much label your argument nothing more than a Red Herring.

And why would it not be a back channel? If you are back tracking from her emails to the other sender or recipient?
I saw bloomingthong on TV. He looks like crosss between Carville and a fly. Can u say weasel? Why so many Dem look like human garbage? Like the guy always weird or smelly in 7th grade?
Wow, a bit childish of you....must be fun being able to 'play' being a child on the internets, eh....?

You don't like the look of Jewish men, huh?


I don't think he looks as you describe?

And why are you hating on him? What did he do wrong?
I suppose nothing IF he had top secret govt clearance (as u posted) prior to taking possession of govt property to store at his office. Looks like a snitch in HS. Bet he a lip licker, gasp for air as so common amongst foam at mouth America hating commie vermin. He workingbto bring USA down. Needs butt whipped.
I simply find the CIA far more credible than I do a nobody who has no idea what he's talking about.....and can't backup the silly nonsense that flop out of his mouth.

There is no rational expectation that Hillary will magically 'know' which sentences in any email she has ever written will be redacted by someone at some point for some reason. Even the CIA didn't indicate it would have redacted those statements.

Hillary will be treated just like Rice and just like Powell. Get used to the idea.

You don't have to take my word for it, just read the fucking agreement I have referred to 10,000,000,000,000 times. Quit being a lazy ass who just sits back and makes assumptions.

If you have an argument to make about 'paragraph 3', make it.

You certainly couldn't make a rational argument that Hillary or any SOS was 'supposed' to be able to tell the future and 'know' which sentence out of every email they ever sent that would eventually be redacted by someone at some time for some reason.

Jesus Christ man! It says specifically there that if she comes across any information that she feels is going to be considered classified she is to treat is as classified information..

I'm sure at Ronald McDonald University where you're currently pulling a 4.0 in 'Hamburglar Studies', you imagining that you speak for Hillary Clinton on what she believed would be classified is actually evidence.

But in the real world, you know jack shit. And your imagination is just pseudo-legal gibberish.

There is no rational expectation that Hillary should 'know' which of any sentence of any email she has ever written would be redacted by someone, somewhere, for some reason.

For crying out loud, my little wanna-be, even the CIA indicated they wouldn't have redacted those sentences in those emails:

The CIA yesterday (Saturday) informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified," Cummings wrote in the letter to Gowdy. "Specifically, the CIA confirmed that ‘the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information.’"

CIA Debunks Gowdy’s Allegation That Clinton Email Contained Classified CIA Source

But you think you know better why exactly? Laughing.....because Grimace and the Fry Guys told you so?

Why would I ignore the CIA.....and instead believe you? Remember, you're nobody.

I actually go to Eastern Kentucky university which is one of the top Criminal Justice schools in the nation...

I really don't see why you are having such a difficult time grasping the fact that the Secretary of state couldn't recognize what might end up being classified. With your reasoning, President Obama's executive order was a waste of time right? So he must be an idiot because how can you expect anyone to know what might be classified? Why waste the time and money for the training?

Because recognizing potentially classified material is not the standard officer. Properly handling of clearly marked classified material is the standard.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.

There were no laws in place during Hillarys time at the state dept.making the use of private email servers, and their contents unlawful, in any way, shape or form.

And to this very day, colin powells emails during his time at the state dept during the Bush years, have yet to be produced, nor is there one single repub party member inquiring as to why!

One can only concude, that Hillary is the victim of a witch hunt perpetrated by the Republican party.


Powell deleted his emails . *pop* *pop* *pop*

Some were found on .gov accounts though. Classified, after the fact. Just like Hill's.

But Colin was sure all braggety about using a private email account to conduct official State Dept. business.

As you know, neither Colin Powell nor Condoleezza Rice used a secret, private server. MAJOR difference. Also, neither had over a thousand, or anywhere near that number of classified documents transmitted.

Your desperation is duly noted.
It totally matters. You see, classified material would not be circulating freely around the State Dept system for months or years between multiple people if anyone thought it was classified. State has said quite clearly that none of it was marked as classified. You will say everyone should know daily what is and is not classified. I say that's bullshit standard.

Here's the problem with what you are saying, and why the State Department didn't want Hillary to set up her private server in the first place. How was the state department going to be able to review and classify her emails if they couldn't see them because they were on the private server?

AND as I said, and you continue to ignore it... read the third paragraph of her agreement...otherwise just quit arguing because you are creating a circular argument that is ignoring the prime facts.

Look dude, if your third paragraph carried any weight it would have been argued and used as grounds for prosecution a long time ago. It's not on anyone's radar but yours. What does that tell you?

Here's a question for you. Let's see if you can answer it. What percentage of those emails existed solely on the Clinton server? That is to say, whom were they addressed to? Only those on the Clinton server or were the bulk of them to state servers where there would be a record of them?

It's not just on my radar... everything I have said has been reported by news outlets all over the place. Here is a site that list the different quotes from different sources: Clinton Violated Nondisclosure Agreement As Secretary Of State

I honestly can't answer your question, but if there was a record of her emails through the back channels of the recipients, then it wouldn't have been as a big a deal to get her servers, but as has been seen with the fact that all of the IT guy's emails suddenly gone, who knows what is actually missing.

It's not a back channel but rather just a channel. Every email has the sent and received folders. If I have a yahoo account and you have Google, then every email I sent you is stored in your inbox on Google's server. Likewise any email you sent me is stored in the sent folder on Google's server.See how that works? Now if you can't answer that question or don't understand the importance of asking the question then you probably shouldn't argue the point.

No, but as I said, if all the other recipients had copies of her emails, then it wouldn't have been so important for the State department to get a hold of her server. So your question is pretty irrelevant then no? Also, if the point you are trying to make was so important, then the thousands of deleted emails wouldn't be a big deal either. In debating, I would pretty much label your argument nothing more than a Red Herring.

And why would it not be a back channel? If you are back tracking from her emails to the other sender or recipient?

Irrelevant to what? A criminal prosecution there professor? The standard for having an external account was keeping a record on the State server. What percentage of mail activity met that standard? All? None? In what context are we prosecuting this case?

I've spent the last several posts asking a variety of questions from a variety of angles.
Why? Because if you are intent on prosecuting Clinton, then you had better know the answer to these questions. If you don't, I guarantee you that your opposing counsel will.
I not retype it on touch key. Bloomingthal, lawyer, IT nerd, outside IP provider, chelsy? All had access........
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.

Please provide your source and link stating that the FBI has recovered all 30,000 emails, Hillary illegally selectively deleted.
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anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.

There were no laws in place during Hillarys time at the state dept.making the use of private email servers, and their contents unlawful, in any way, shape or form.

And to this very day, colin powells emails during his time at the state dept during the Bush years, have yet to be produced, nor is there one single repub party member inquiring as to why!

One can only concude, that Hillary is the victim of a witch hunt perpetrated by the Republican party.


Powell deleted his emails . *pop* *pop* *pop*

Some were found on .gov accounts though. Classified, after the fact. Just like Hill's.

But Colin was sure all braggety about using a private email account to conduct official State Dept. business.

As you know, neither Colin Powell nor Condoleezza Rice used a secret, private server. MAJOR difference. Also, neither had over a thousand, or anywhere near that number of classified documents transmitted.

Your desperation is duly noted.

a secret, private server.

How quaint. Is it really a secret when you mail Clinton at her private email address there goober?
Here's the problem with what you are saying, and why the State Department didn't want Hillary to set up her private server in the first place. How was the state department going to be able to review and classify her emails if they couldn't see them because they were on the private server?

AND as I said, and you continue to ignore it... read the third paragraph of her agreement...otherwise just quit arguing because you are creating a circular argument that is ignoring the prime facts.

Look dude, if your third paragraph carried any weight it would have been argued and used as grounds for prosecution a long time ago. It's not on anyone's radar but yours. What does that tell you?

Here's a question for you. Let's see if you can answer it. What percentage of those emails existed solely on the Clinton server? That is to say, whom were they addressed to? Only those on the Clinton server or were the bulk of them to state servers where there would be a record of them?

It's not just on my radar... everything I have said has been reported by news outlets all over the place. Here is a site that list the different quotes from different sources: Clinton Violated Nondisclosure Agreement As Secretary Of State

I honestly can't answer your question, but if there was a record of her emails through the back channels of the recipients, then it wouldn't have been as a big a deal to get her servers, but as has been seen with the fact that all of the IT guy's emails suddenly gone, who knows what is actually missing.

It's not a back channel but rather just a channel. Every email has the sent and received folders. If I have a yahoo account and you have Google, then every email I sent you is stored in your inbox on Google's server. Likewise any email you sent me is stored in the sent folder on Google's server.See how that works? Now if you can't answer that question or don't understand the importance of asking the question then you probably shouldn't argue the point.

No, but as I said, if all the other recipients had copies of her emails, then it wouldn't have been so important for the State department to get a hold of her server. So your question is pretty irrelevant then no? Also, if the point you are trying to make was so important, then the thousands of deleted emails wouldn't be a big deal either. In debating, I would pretty much label your argument nothing more than a Red Herring.

And why would it not be a back channel? If you are back tracking from her emails to the other sender or recipient?

Irrelevant to what? A criminal prosecution there professor? The standard for having an external account was keeping a record on the State server. What percentage of mail activity met that standard? All? None? In what context are we prosecuting this case?

I've spent the last several posts asking a variety of questions from a variety of angles.
Why? Because if you are intent on prosecuting Clinton, then you had better know the answer to these questions. If you don't, I guarantee you that your opposing counsel will.

Obviously a lot of the emails were not on the state server, otherwise Obama wouldn't have created the new law that he did.
You do realize and KNOW that if she had used the State.gov email system that you all complain and say she should have used, that the state.gov email system was also an UNCLASSIFIED server and these emails from her daughter and blumenthal and all of her staff that had classified information in them who forwarded them to Hillary...would have all been on an UNCLASSIFIED govt system...a system that is hacked every single day of the week....

So if you are implying that because blumenthal sent her an email and because Chelsea sent her an email, or that she responded to the emails, this meant that Blumenthal and Chelsea could have hired someone to hack the clintonemail
server, the SAME could have been done if she had been using the email system
you all say she should have used, the state.gov email system, the
UNCLASSIFIED govt email system which is hacked quite frequently.
Whether she was on her own server or the .gov server, the classified info is on an UNCLASSIFIED system.

I say un-authorized ISP and IT geeks had access. They copied and stored st at un-authorized lawyer before delete. She sent/rec'd with Bloom chelsy who knows what? He was hacked. Others shared space on this illegal machine. I can't go too much on one finger touch type nor cut paste. Violations galore. Those who own machine or IT guy could view or copy any of it.
the only problem with your speculations is that the FBI said the security logs turned over by the IT guy shows NO HACKING occurred....

the IT guy had security clearance and so did her lawyer...try again! ;)

The FBI has ALL of her emails, (since August of 2015) including the 30k personal emails that were not archived and she deleted and did not send to be archived per the rules....they captured them off of her server, which was not wiped clean of them....do you think the FBI didn't read every one of them while investigating?

the state dot gov email system was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system and no more secure for classified info than her own server.
If no hacking occurred, then there should be no problem with Russia releasing the emails that they hacked.

Russia and China hack the dot gov system daily....

IF you believe Russia really hacked the Clintonemail.com system, then have Russia release these emails to the FBI, who said there was no hacking of her email....

Do you understand that those e-mails could be used to blackmail Hillary if she ever became president-------------THAT is the danger here, you fool.

Come on Redfish, by now you certainly know better than to provide FACTS and the TRUTH to Progressives. They get dizzy, disoriented and frequently fall down. Then we have to pile them up like cordwood.
Look dude, if your third paragraph carried any weight it would have been argued and used as grounds for prosecution a long time ago. It's not on anyone's radar but yours. What does that tell you?

Here's a question for you. Let's see if you can answer it. What percentage of those emails existed solely on the Clinton server? That is to say, whom were they addressed to? Only those on the Clinton server or were the bulk of them to state servers where there would be a record of them?

It's not just on my radar... everything I have said has been reported by news outlets all over the place. Here is a site that list the different quotes from different sources: Clinton Violated Nondisclosure Agreement As Secretary Of State

I honestly can't answer your question, but if there was a record of her emails through the back channels of the recipients, then it wouldn't have been as a big a deal to get her servers, but as has been seen with the fact that all of the IT guy's emails suddenly gone, who knows what is actually missing.

It's not a back channel but rather just a channel. Every email has the sent and received folders. If I have a yahoo account and you have Google, then every email I sent you is stored in your inbox on Google's server. Likewise any email you sent me is stored in the sent folder on Google's server.See how that works? Now if you can't answer that question or don't understand the importance of asking the question then you probably shouldn't argue the point.

No, but as I said, if all the other recipients had copies of her emails, then it wouldn't have been so important for the State department to get a hold of her server. So your question is pretty irrelevant then no? Also, if the point you are trying to make was so important, then the thousands of deleted emails wouldn't be a big deal either. In debating, I would pretty much label your argument nothing more than a Red Herring.

And why would it not be a back channel? If you are back tracking from her emails to the other sender or recipient?

Irrelevant to what? A criminal prosecution there professor? The standard for having an external account was keeping a record on the State server. What percentage of mail activity met that standard? All? None? In what context are we prosecuting this case?

I've spent the last several posts asking a variety of questions from a variety of angles.
Why? Because if you are intent on prosecuting Clinton, then you had better know the answer to these questions. If you don't, I guarantee you that your opposing counsel will.

Obviously a lot of the emails were not on the state server, otherwise Obama wouldn't have created the new law that he did.

Obviously? Your witness counselor.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.

There were no laws in place during Hillarys time at the state dept.making the use of private email servers, and their contents unlawful, in any way, shape or form.

And to this very day, colin powells emails during his time at the state dept during the Bush years, have yet to be produced, nor is there one single repub party member inquiring as to why!

One can only concude, that Hillary is the victim of a witch hunt perpetrated by the Republican party.


Powell deleted his emails . *pop* *pop* *pop*

Some were found on .gov accounts though. Classified, after the fact. Just like Hill's.

But Colin was sure all braggety about using a private email account to conduct official State Dept. business.

As you know, neither Colin Powell nor Condoleezza Rice used a secret, private server. MAJOR difference. Also, neither had over a thousand, or anywhere near that number of classified documents transmitted.

Your desperation is duly noted.

a secret, private server.

How quaint. Is it really a secret when you mail Clinton at her private email address there goober?

Your desperation is duly noted.

The Clinton's kept the server secret from the Federal Government.
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You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

Right...and you are the one that has been arguing for pages that Hillary shouldn't be responsible for disseminating what is classified information on her own... despite the fact I have provided you with her actual signed agreement to do so.

/end conversation
She's not responsible for information classified


After the fact.

you doofus.

Do we need to say this a thousand more times?

Wanna make a sig bet she'll not be charged?

No, you won't. We know it, ('stead scream cover up!!!)

You know it's bogus.

And she murdered Vince Foster too.


Wow, you do live in a world of denial. Even you know it doesn't matter one iota if a document is "marked" or not.

AND BHO did not want bloom working with her but SHE did it anyway. That should upset the boss? He had access and kept copies for her before server confiscsted? Wow! But all OK because "he had clearance" really? When? From who? Seems a bit unlikely since he private citizen, not GOVT employee. I won't bash him, I apologize. Make them all do time.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

She should start thinking of how she’s going to rearrange the oval office and stay 10 yards away from any microphones for the next 6 months.

Yup, she gets the e-mail crap behind her, all she has to do is convince voters she is not a raving lunatic, ala Trump.

No, she has to convince those who aren't wildly partisan Hillarybots (disqualifying you) that she's not a lying, warmonger who is worthy of our vote. She will not.

Maybe she can do that while Donald is testifying at his Trump University fraud trial...

How does that excuse her, hillarybot?
Look dude, if your third paragraph carried any weight it would have been argued and used as grounds for prosecution a long time ago. It's not on anyone's radar but yours. What does that tell you?

Here's a question for you. Let's see if you can answer it. What percentage of those emails existed solely on the Clinton server? That is to say, whom were they addressed to? Only those on the Clinton server or were the bulk of them to state servers where there would be a record of them?

It's not just on my radar... everything I have said has been reported by news outlets all over the place. Here is a site that list the different quotes from different sources: Clinton Violated Nondisclosure Agreement As Secretary Of State

I honestly can't answer your question, but if there was a record of her emails through the back channels of the recipients, then it wouldn't have been as a big a deal to get her servers, but as has been seen with the fact that all of the IT guy's emails suddenly gone, who knows what is actually missing.

It's not a back channel but rather just a channel. Every email has the sent and received folders. If I have a yahoo account and you have Google, then every email I sent you is stored in your inbox on Google's server. Likewise any email you sent me is stored in the sent folder on Google's server.See how that works? Now if you can't answer that question or don't understand the importance of asking the question then you probably shouldn't argue the point.

No, but as I said, if all the other recipients had copies of her emails, then it wouldn't have been so important for the State department to get a hold of her server. So your question is pretty irrelevant then no? Also, if the point you are trying to make was so important, then the thousands of deleted emails wouldn't be a big deal either. In debating, I would pretty much label your argument nothing more than a Red Herring.

And why would it not be a back channel? If you are back tracking from her emails to the other sender or recipient?

Irrelevant to what? A criminal prosecution there professor? The standard for having an external account was keeping a record on the State server. What percentage of mail activity met that standard? All? None? In what context are we prosecuting this case?

I've spent the last several posts asking a variety of questions from a variety of angles.
Why? Because if you are intent on prosecuting Clinton, then you had better know the answer to these questions. If you don't, I guarantee you that your opposing counsel will.

Obviously a lot of the emails were not on the state server, otherwise Obama wouldn't have created the new law that he did.

HR 1233 passed the House and Senate ... Obama signed it.

Sponsor: Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] (Introduced 03/18/2013)
Committees: House - Oversight and Government Reform | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Committee Reports: H. Rept. 113-127; S. Rept. 113-218
Latest Action: 11/26/2014 Became Public Law No: 113-187. (TXT | PDF) (All Actions)
Major Recorded Votes: 01/14/2014 : Passed House
This bill has the status Became Law

Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

  1. Introduced
  2. Passed House
  3. Passed Senate
  4. Resolving Differences
  5. To President
  6. Became Law
Last edited:
"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

Right...and you are the one that has been arguing for pages that Hillary shouldn't be responsible for disseminating what is classified information on her own... despite the fact I have provided you with her actual signed agreement to do so.

/end conversation
She's not responsible for information classified


After the fact.

you doofus.

Do we need to say this a thousand more times?

Wanna make a sig bet she'll not be charged?

No, you won't. We know it, ('stead scream cover up!!!)

You know it's bogus.

And she murdered Vince Foster too.


Wow, you do live in a world of denial. Even you know it doesn't matter one iota if a document is "marked" or not.

I thought I had read that the classification of an item is done by the person/department that first generates the info, because they are the ones who know best. (unless it later becomes classified because other following top secret information that relates to it comes in to light, making it now classified t/s after the fact)

the 2000 plus later classified in some manner messages are truly meaningless, and those are on the dot gov unclassified system, not marked/redacted until there is an FOIA request for them. The State department has ALWAYS handled it this way, long long long before Hillary....this was the State dept procedure, so these classified emails sitting on the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email was just simply how the State did it....wise or unwise, it is, what it is.... the State.gov unclassified email system is equal to clintonemail.com on security or even less secure....they have been hacked by Russia, time and time again....from what I have read on it.

it's the 7 email chains that are now classified as secret or top secret that they were concerned with....not at all the 2000 plus emails that they later classified as sensitive....that's common practice that would have occurred with any FOIA request, again....from what I have read....and whether she received them on a State.gov email system or her own, the same classification process after the fact, would occur.

there have been some vague leaks on the 7 secret or top secret email chains which indicate the information that the intelligence community have deemed top secret now, were NOT top secret at the time of transmission... further information that came in to the intelligence community's hands after they were originally put out there made them classified at a later date... and another email chain later deemed secret was public information so a big argument on why that was being classified when it is information from public sources....

and the others, we truly know nothing about so neither you or I can even legitimately have an opinion on them...

This whole thing is a mountain being made out of a molehill....if any other govt dept head went through the scrutiny of their emails for FOIA as clinton, they'd find that EVERY ONE OF THEM were no better in handling T/S info....one reason why Obama tried to strengthen the rules and training....everyone who works there knows it.....

Republicans in Congress ADMITTED they were doing this to Clinton to try to demean her presidential run....this is all politics....it isn't called 'dirty politics' for nothing....
I suggest that HIllary and Bill should lose their lives, like those in Benghazi that she conveniently left behind to die, so Obama could be re elected.

The Ambassador knew that Benghazi was unstable, but chose to go there anyway, and on the anniversary of 9/11, when anti-American sentiment would be high among those with terrorist connections. The Marines also knew the danger. All US embassies, especially those in the Middle East, were on high alert due to the date.

No one was "left behind in Benghazi to die".

Nope but knowing the situation they did nothing to beef up security or better yet do as the Brits and the Red Cross did, Pull their people out of the area. The State Department did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

If that sits well with you then you are one big asshole.
Maybe there should be another 11 congressional hearings, investigations and reports.

The kachillion we've had already surely

Shirley! isn't enough.

And lets grill her again for another 11 straight hours.
Make it 12!'

That worked out real well.


Your an idiot. Did you actually believe she would be found guilty of anything?? If you did then you are a fool.

Its just to bad that you can't be arrested for incompetence. Its also a shame the families of those dead men can't sue the shit out of the State Department for its total incompetence.

You go ahead and tell all what a great person Hitlery is. Anyone with a brain knows incompetence when they see it.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a fool. Never mind.


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