FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

Meanwhile, Fox Rush etc etc drudges on with the bs...

Hillary Clinton email: Did she do anything wrong or not ...
Hillary Clinton's email use is under the ... Hillary Clinton emails: Did she do anything wrong ... there's no evidence Clinton included ...
Clinton author: No 'direct evidence' of wrongdoing ...
'Clinton Cash' author says no 'direct evidence' of wrongdoing. ... treatment while Hillary Clinton was secretary of ... don't send an email ...
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in ...
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’ For all ... no, there is no evidence of criminal ...
Still no evidence of wrongdoing, hater dupes...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Thanks greedy GOP billionaire liars, bought off /idiot pundits and brainwashed functional morons. The world is aghast. This is what you get with the corrupt bs propaganda GOP "system"....
One of the many great hits:

DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Hey Bubbo, other SOS's had classified information on their personal accounts (I still can't get over Powell used an AOL account - AOL! to conduct official gov't business.

State Department removes a dozen emails from unclassified electronic archives

March 4 at 12:25 PM The State Department has removed from its unclassified electronic archives a dozen sensitive emails sent to the personal accounts of former secretary of state Colin L. Powell and the staff of his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to a memo released Friday by the agency’s watchdog.

Two emails sent to Powell and 10 emails sent to aides who worked for Rice have been placed in secure storage, Patrick F. Kennedy, the department’s undersecretary for management, wrote in a memo to the department’s inspector general, Steve Linick. The action was taken in response to a recommendation by Linick last month as part of his review of records preservation by five secretaries and their staffs since email became a common means of communication.

None of the messages was marked as classified or secret at the time it was sent, but Linick wrote the emails may have contained “potentially sensitive material” because of the subject matter.

Powell has said he has reviewed the messages and disagrees with a State Department decision to retroactively classify them. “I do not see what makes them classified,” he said.

His remarks buttress the contention of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton that some of her emails have been retroactively subjected to “over-classification.

The intelligence community has concluded that “top secret” information was included in 22 emails that went through Clinton’s private server while she was in office.

The State Department has been analyzing the contents of Clinton’s correspondence as it has been preparing 52,000 pages of Clinton’s emails for public release. The State Department has said 2,093 of Clinton’s released emails were redacted in all or part because they contained classified material, the vast majority of it rated “confidential,” the lowest level of sensitivity in the classification system.

The dozen emails sent to Powell and to Rice’s aides were among 19 the inspector general submitted for intelligence review. Late last year, the State Department said it determined that 12 of the 19 contained national security information considered secret or confidential..."

State Department removes a dozen emails from unclassified electronic archives

And no, there is no evidence a Grand Jury has been impaneled --
This IT guy was granted immunity last year - and so far, diddlysquat has been proven she violated any laws.

Try not to be too crestfallen when what you want to have happen, doesn't happen.
And every one of her State department aides who handled these emails and sent them to her took the same oath and anyone from another agency that forwarded this info to the state dept aides on their UNCLASSIFIED .gov email took the same oath as well.....

Seems like there were lots and lots and lots of different hands in the gvt touching and sending these NOW classified T/S or Secret items around on an UNCLASSIFIED gvt system....

HOW does that or can that even happen? Seems like all gvt workers cleared in handling secret or top secret clearance need retraining OR things are being ''over classified'' at a later date?

I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
THAT system WAS definitely hacked, hater dupe. lol
You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

Right...and you are the one that has been arguing for pages that Hillary shouldn't be responsible for disseminating what is classified information on her own... despite the fact I have provided you with her actual signed agreement to do so.

/end conversation
RUBE: Hillary Clinton was the second shooter on the grassy knoll.

REPORT: Hillary Clinton was only 16 years old when JFK was shot and did not visit Dallas until 1992.


Hillary was on the Grassy Knoll!

As you can clearly see! A young Hillary was peering over the wall overlooking the Grassy Knoll!
She always did have a big head.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

It doesn't matter if she "willfully" violated the law, moron. Simple negligence is all that is required for a conviction. Your source is a Clinton partisan who deliberately misstates the issue. Like you, he's just another douche bag covering up for Clinton.
not 'simple' negligence, it has to be 'GROSS' negligence....

No it doesn't. Furthermore, it was far worse than gross negligence.
how so?

Hillary sent an email to one of her assistance that instructed that person to remove the classified marking from a document and send it to her because she wanted to read it at home. In other words she deliberately and knowingly instructed her assistant to violate the regulations on handling classified documents.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

It doesn't matter if she "willfully" violated the law, moron. Simple negligence is all that is required for a conviction. Your source is a Clinton partisan who deliberately misstates the issue. Like you, he's just another douche bag covering up for Clinton.
not 'simple' negligence, it has to be 'GROSS' negligence....

No it doesn't. Furthermore, it was far worse than gross negligence.
how so?

Hillary sent an email to one of her assistance that instructed that person to remove the classified marking from a document and send it to her because she wanted to read it at home. In other words she deliberately and knowingly instructed her assistant to violate the regulations on handling classified documents.

WOW! You are clairvoyant? Maybe your should tell the FBI! :rofl:
High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

Right...and you are the one that has been arguing for pages that Hillary shouldn't be responsible for disseminating what is classified information on her own... despite the fact I have provided you with her actual signed agreement to do so.

/end conversation
She's not responsible for information classified


After the fact.

you doofus.

Do we need to say this a thousand more times?

Wanna make a sig bet she'll not be charged?

No, you won't. We know it, ('stead scream cover up!!!)

You know it's bogus.

And she murdered Vince Foster too.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

It doesn't matter if she "willfully" violated the law, moron. Simple negligence is all that is required for a conviction. Your source is a Clinton partisan who deliberately misstates the issue. Like you, he's just another douche bag covering up for Clinton.
not 'simple' negligence, it has to be 'GROSS' negligence....

No it doesn't. Furthermore, it was far worse than gross negligence.
how so?

Hillary sent an email to one of her assistance that instructed that person to remove the classified marking from a document and send it to her because she wanted to read it at home. In other words she deliberately and knowingly instructed her assistant to violate the regulations on handling classified documents.
You're such a good little flipping the bird toddler.

Someone need to give toddler bripat a cookie
I guess the Hillary backing Liberals have forgotten the oath she took that even if something was not marked Classified, that if it contained what could be considered Classified material, it was supposed to be handled as if it WERE Classified... well that would totally throw the whole idea of willfulness out the window. She should have known better, and been a lot more careful with how she handled information, but she chose not to. She chose not to, by skipping her meeting about how to handle information that was mandatory, and by ignoring the pleas of the IT department NOT to set up her own server.
And every one of her State department aides who handled these emails and sent them to her took the same oath and anyone from another agency that forwarded this info to the state dept aides on their UNCLASSIFIED .gov email took the same oath as well.....

Seems like there were lots and lots and lots of different hands in the gvt touching and sending these NOW classified T/S or Secret items around on an UNCLASSIFIED gvt system....

HOW does that or can that even happen? Seems like all gvt workers cleared in handling secret or top secret clearance need retraining OR things are being ''over classified'' at a later date?

I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

For the love of GOD...she had her own private server built in the bathroom in her basement despite the IT department of the State Department telling her it was not a good idea... What is so hard to understand about that and how wrong that is? She told her underlings to send her Classified information despite it being over an unsecured network, KNOWING she wasn't supposed to.

The leftwing douche bags will defend Hillary to the bitter end. They know she's guilty as hell, but they just don't care. Getting another Democrat in the White House is all they care about.
It doesn't matter if she "willfully" violated the law, moron. Simple negligence is all that is required for a conviction. Your source is a Clinton partisan who deliberately misstates the issue. Like you, he's just another douche bag covering up for Clinton.
not 'simple' negligence, it has to be 'GROSS' negligence....

No it doesn't. Furthermore, it was far worse than gross negligence.
how so?

Hillary sent an email to one of her assistance that instructed that person to remove the classified marking from a document and send it to her because she wanted to read it at home. In other words she deliberately and knowingly instructed her assistant to violate the regulations on handling classified documents.

WOW! You are clairvoyant? Maybe your should tell the FBI! :rofl:

"Clairvoyant?" No, but I can read Hillary's published emails.
I saw bloomingthong on TV. He looks like crosss between Carville and a fly. Can u say weasel? Why so many Dem look like human garbage? Like the guy always weird or smelly in 7th grade?
You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

Right...and you are the one that has been arguing for pages that Hillary shouldn't be responsible for disseminating what is classified information on her own... despite the fact I have provided you with her actual signed agreement to do so.

/end conversation
She's not responsible for information classified


After the fact.

you doofus.

Do we need to say this a thousand more times?

Wanna make a sig bet she'll not be charged?

No, you won't. We know it, ('stead scream cover up!!!)

You know it's bogus.

And she murdered Vince Foster too.


Oh my god you are dense. Good luck staying ignorant the rest of your life. :bye1:
Even the CIA says they wouldn't have classified those documents. So who am I to believe?

Your bizarro assumptions about Hillary being able to tell the future.....backed by jack shit? Or the CIA?

Even the CIA said they wouldn't have classified all the documents on her server? Care to share something to back that up? Or are you just full of lib shit?

Laughing.....says the poor soul that just insisted that Hillary should have been able to tell the future. Citing himself.

You back your batshit up first. Then I'll show you the article where the CIA indicated that the classified documents it reviewed wouldn't have been classified by the CIA.

What the fuck do you mean see the future? Are you from Denver?

Laughing.....I'm clearly not dealing with a native speaker of English. See, in our language we have what's called the 'future tense'. Let me give you an example:

What is so hard to understand about the fact the Secretary of State should have a pretty good clue as to what is going to end up as classified information...

"what was going to end up classified information" is a future tense. Meaning you would have to know what was going to happen in the future to glean it.

Are you tracking with me now, chief? You're insisting that Clinton was supposed to know the future. And just 'know' what was going to be end up classified information. Um...somehow. Because you said so.

Um, slick? You're nobody. Meanwhile, the CIA indicates that they wouldn't have emails that they reviewed:

The CIA yesterday (Saturday) informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified," Cummings wrote in the letter to Gowdy. "Specifically, the CIA confirmed that ‘the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information.’"

CIA Debunks Gowdy’s Allegation That Clinton Email Contained Classified CIA Source

Now why would I ignore the CIA.....and instead believe a nobody, citing himself, on what parts of the future Hillary 'should have known'?

I'm all ears. And if you need some help with English, I'm more than willing. Those tenses can be tricky for you ESL folks.

Yep, I got it. You are clearly a liberal douche.

I simply find the CIA far more credible than I do a nobody who has no idea what he's talking about.....and can't backup the silly nonsense that flop out of his mouth.

There is no rational expectation that Hillary will magically 'know' which sentences in any email she has ever written will be redacted by someone at some point for some reason. Even the CIA didn't indicate it would have redacted those statements.

Hillary will be treated just like Rice and just like Powell. Get used to the idea.
"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

Right...and you are the one that has been arguing for pages that Hillary shouldn't be responsible for disseminating what is classified information on her own... despite the fact I have provided you with her actual signed agreement to do so.

/end conversation
She's not responsible for information classified


After the fact.

you doofus.

Do we need to say this a thousand more times?

Wanna make a sig bet she'll not be charged?

No, you won't. We know it, ('stead scream cover up!!!)

You know it's bogus.

And she murdered Vince Foster too.


Oh my god you are dense. Good luck staying ignorant the rest of your life. :bye1:

Says the poor, hapless ESL student who couldn't wrap his head around future tenses. Don't worry....we native speakers will walk you through the process.
Even the CIA said they wouldn't have classified all the documents on her server? Care to share something to back that up? Or are you just full of lib shit?

Laughing.....says the poor soul that just insisted that Hillary should have been able to tell the future. Citing himself.

You back your batshit up first. Then I'll show you the article where the CIA indicated that the classified documents it reviewed wouldn't have been classified by the CIA.

What the fuck do you mean see the future? Are you from Denver?

Laughing.....I'm clearly not dealing with a native speaker of English. See, in our language we have what's called the 'future tense'. Let me give you an example:

What is so hard to understand about the fact the Secretary of State should have a pretty good clue as to what is going to end up as classified information...

"what was going to end up classified information" is a future tense. Meaning you would have to know what was going to happen in the future to glean it.

Are you tracking with me now, chief? You're insisting that Clinton was supposed to know the future. And just 'know' what was going to be end up classified information. Um...somehow. Because you said so.

Um, slick? You're nobody. Meanwhile, the CIA indicates that they wouldn't have emails that they reviewed:

The CIA yesterday (Saturday) informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified," Cummings wrote in the letter to Gowdy. "Specifically, the CIA confirmed that ‘the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information.’"

CIA Debunks Gowdy’s Allegation That Clinton Email Contained Classified CIA Source

Now why would I ignore the CIA.....and instead believe a nobody, citing himself, on what parts of the future Hillary 'should have known'?

I'm all ears. And if you need some help with English, I'm more than willing. Those tenses can be tricky for you ESL folks.

Yep, I got it. You are clearly a liberal douche.

I simply find the CIA far more credible than I do a nobody who has no idea what he's talking about.....and can't backup the silly nonsense that flop out of his mouth.

There is no rational expectation that Hillary will magically 'know' which sentences in any email she has ever written will be redacted by someone at some point for some reason. Even the CIA didn't indicate it would have redacted those statements.

Hillary will be treated just like Rice and just like Powell. Get used to the idea.

You don't have to take my word for it, just read the fucking agreement I have referred to 10,000,000,000,000 times. Quit being a lazy ass who just sits back and makes assumptions.
I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

Right...and you are the one that has been arguing for pages that Hillary shouldn't be responsible for disseminating what is classified information on her own... despite the fact I have provided you with her actual signed agreement to do so.

/end conversation
She's not responsible for information classified


After the fact.

you doofus.

Do we need to say this a thousand more times?

Wanna make a sig bet she'll not be charged?

No, you won't. We know it, ('stead scream cover up!!!)

You know it's bogus.

And she murdered Vince Foster too.


Oh my god you are dense. Good luck staying ignorant the rest of your life. :bye1:

Says the poor, hapless ESL student who couldn't wrap his head around future tenses. Don't worry....we native speakers will walk you through the process.

Yep, my English is horrible but I'm a 4.0 Senior in Criminal Justice. While all you can do is try to be a grammar Nazi that can't understand a basic principle of classified information.
Laughing.....says the poor soul that just insisted that Hillary should have been able to tell the future. Citing himself.

You back your batshit up first. Then I'll show you the article where the CIA indicated that the classified documents it reviewed wouldn't have been classified by the CIA.

What the fuck do you mean see the future? Are you from Denver?

Laughing.....I'm clearly not dealing with a native speaker of English. See, in our language we have what's called the 'future tense'. Let me give you an example:

What is so hard to understand about the fact the Secretary of State should have a pretty good clue as to what is going to end up as classified information...

"what was going to end up classified information" is a future tense. Meaning you would have to know what was going to happen in the future to glean it.

Are you tracking with me now, chief? You're insisting that Clinton was supposed to know the future. And just 'know' what was going to be end up classified information. Um...somehow. Because you said so.

Um, slick? You're nobody. Meanwhile, the CIA indicates that they wouldn't have emails that they reviewed:

The CIA yesterday (Saturday) informed both the Republican and Democratic staffs of the Select Committee that they do not consider the information you highlighted in your letter to be classified," Cummings wrote in the letter to Gowdy. "Specifically, the CIA confirmed that ‘the State Department consulted with the CIA on this production, the CIA reviewed these documents, and the CIA made no redactions to protect classified information.’"

CIA Debunks Gowdy’s Allegation That Clinton Email Contained Classified CIA Source

Now why would I ignore the CIA.....and instead believe a nobody, citing himself, on what parts of the future Hillary 'should have known'?

I'm all ears. And if you need some help with English, I'm more than willing. Those tenses can be tricky for you ESL folks.

Yep, I got it. You are clearly a liberal douche.

I simply find the CIA far more credible than I do a nobody who has no idea what he's talking about.....and can't backup the silly nonsense that flop out of his mouth.

There is no rational expectation that Hillary will magically 'know' which sentences in any email she has ever written will be redacted by someone at some point for some reason. Even the CIA didn't indicate it would have redacted those statements.

Hillary will be treated just like Rice and just like Powell. Get used to the idea.

You don't have to take my word for it, just read the fucking agreement I have referred to 10,000,000,000,000 times. Quit being a lazy ass who just sits back and makes assumptions.

If you have an argument to make about 'paragraph 3', make it.

You certainly couldn't make a rational argument that Hillary or any SOS was 'supposed' to be able to tell the future and 'know' which sentence out of every email they ever sent that would eventually be redacted by someone at some time for some reason.
I saw bloomingthong on TV. He looks like crosss between Carville and a fly. Can u say weasel? Why so many Dem look like human garbage? Like the guy always weird or smelly in 7th grade?
Wow, a bit childish of you....must be fun being able to 'play' being a child on the internets, eh....?

You don't like the look of Jewish men, huh?


I don't think he looks as you describe?

And why are you hating on him? What did he do wrong?

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