FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

yeah, sure, whatever.... :rolleyes:

Have you ever received a briefing on the proper way to handle classified information? Don't bother , it's obvious you haven't.

Let's say you work for the State Department and you have classiied material in your briefcase, and you stop off for a drink on your way home from work. Let's say you accidently leave the bar without your briefcase.

Let's now say the next day you realize such and report it to your superiors. Guess what happens? You violated the law and will lose your security clearance, your job, and possibly your freedom.

speaking of that, here is another interesting question. What if the FBI stripped Hillary of her security clearance? Could a person who isn't eligible for a security clearance become President?

What emails are you referring to and when were they classified?

When they were classified is irrelevant to the law. Why do yall REFUSE to understand that? Hillary was bound to use her own good judgement and not disseminate information that should be classified regardless of whether it was classified or not. Her excuse of "it was later classified" doesn't hold water because that's not the way the law works, as she was well aware. They give lectures on this stuff when you are given you security clearances.

When they were classified is all that's relevant. None of these emails let alone all of them were ever meant to be public. Each one was reviewed and some were deemed classified so they could not be released without redactions. All of that was done after her tenure was completed and after the server was no longer in use. You can't hold someone accountable years ago for a standard that was created today.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."


An impossible standard for anyone to meet. Then everything is potentially classified as you never know the relevance to a future development.
But you are because none of this shit you all get worked up over ever works out for you
Really? that is why the GOP owns the house and the senate and Trump is leading Hillary in three swing states? because things never work out for us!? Really? you sure?
"A Washington Post analysis of Clinton’s publicly released correspondence found Clinton wrote 104 emails that she sent using her private server while secretary of state that the government has since said contain classified information. The Post also found, though, emails with classified information written by about 300 other people inside and outside the government."

Clinton aide Cheryl Mills leaves FBI interview briefly after being asked about emails

300 indictments!

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.
Have you ever received a briefing on the proper way to handle classified information? Don't bother , it's obvious you haven't.

Let's say you work for the State Department and you have classiied material in your briefcase, and you stop off for a drink on your way home from work. Let's say you accidently leave the bar without your briefcase.

Let's now say the next day you realize such and report it to your superiors. Guess what happens? You violated the law and will lose your security clearance, your job, and possibly your freedom.

speaking of that, here is another interesting question. What if the FBI stripped Hillary of her security clearance? Could a person who isn't eligible for a security clearance become President?

What emails are you referring to and when were they classified?

When they were classified is irrelevant to the law. Why do yall REFUSE to understand that? Hillary was bound to use her own good judgement and not disseminate information that should be classified regardless of whether it was classified or not. Her excuse of "it was later classified" doesn't hold water because that's not the way the law works, as she was well aware. They give lectures on this stuff when you are given you security clearances.

When they were classified is all that's relevant. None of these emails let alone all of them were ever meant to be public. Each one was reviewed and some were deemed classified so they could not be released without redactions. All of that was done after her tenure was completed and after the server was no longer in use. You can't hold someone accountable years ago for a standard that was created today.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."


An impossible standard for anyone to meet. Then everything is potentially classified as you never know the relevance to a future development.

How is it an impossible standard? I wouldn't doubt someone would miss a few here and there... but 3,000 of them and some that are on the top end of Classified?

Have you ever received a briefing on the proper way to handle classified information? Don't bother , it's obvious you haven't.

Let's say you work for the State Department and you have classiied material in your briefcase, and you stop off for a drink on your way home from work. Let's say you accidently leave the bar without your briefcase.

Let's now say the next day you realize such and report it to your superiors. Guess what happens? You violated the law and will lose your security clearance, your job, and possibly your freedom.

speaking of that, here is another interesting question. What if the FBI stripped Hillary of her security clearance? Could a person who isn't eligible for a security clearance become President?

What emails are you referring to and when were they classified?

When they were classified is irrelevant to the law. Why do yall REFUSE to understand that? Hillary was bound to use her own good judgement and not disseminate information that should be classified regardless of whether it was classified or not. Her excuse of "it was later classified" doesn't hold water because that's not the way the law works, as she was well aware. They give lectures on this stuff when you are given you security clearances.

When they were classified is all that's relevant. None of these emails let alone all of them were ever meant to be public. Each one was reviewed and some were deemed classified so they could not be released without redactions. All of that was done after her tenure was completed and after the server was no longer in use. You can't hold someone accountable years ago for a standard that was created today.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."


An impossible standard for anyone to meet. Then everything is potentially classified as you never know the relevance to a future development.
I'm going to send a NYT article on the the drone program to the SoS.

Guess what, RW nutcakes? Under a FOIA request -- that email will be deemed CLASSIFIED.

I feel so special.

Last edited:
You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?
You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.
You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.
What emails are you referring to and when were they classified?

When they were classified is irrelevant to the law. Why do yall REFUSE to understand that? Hillary was bound to use her own good judgement and not disseminate information that should be classified regardless of whether it was classified or not. Her excuse of "it was later classified" doesn't hold water because that's not the way the law works, as she was well aware. They give lectures on this stuff when you are given you security clearances.

When they were classified is all that's relevant. None of these emails let alone all of them were ever meant to be public. Each one was reviewed and some were deemed classified so they could not be released without redactions. All of that was done after her tenure was completed and after the server was no longer in use. You can't hold someone accountable years ago for a standard that was created today.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."


An impossible standard for anyone to meet. Then everything is potentially classified as you never know the relevance to a future development.

How is it an impossible standard? I wouldn't doubt someone would miss a few here and there... but 3,000 of them and some that are on the top end of Classified?


There's a reason things are classified and marked as such. So it's clear to all how it should be handled. Your general wouldn't email troop movements on an unsecured network. He would send it so you know it's classified. Who is the ultimate authority on what is classified and when? What is the inter-agency process for updating what's classified? Is it a flawless system or can one agency have a classification on a certain subject while another does not?
You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Do you know when, why, and by whom that information you believe she should know how to handle was classified?
When they were classified is irrelevant to the law. Why do yall REFUSE to understand that? Hillary was bound to use her own good judgement and not disseminate information that should be classified regardless of whether it was classified or not. Her excuse of "it was later classified" doesn't hold water because that's not the way the law works, as she was well aware. They give lectures on this stuff when you are given you security clearances.

When they were classified is all that's relevant. None of these emails let alone all of them were ever meant to be public. Each one was reviewed and some were deemed classified so they could not be released without redactions. All of that was done after her tenure was completed and after the server was no longer in use. You can't hold someone accountable years ago for a standard that was created today.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."


An impossible standard for anyone to meet. Then everything is potentially classified as you never know the relevance to a future development.

How is it an impossible standard? I wouldn't doubt someone would miss a few here and there... but 3,000 of them and some that are on the top end of Classified?


There's a reason things are classified and marked as such. So it's clear to all how it should be handled. Your general wouldn't email troop movements on an unsecured network. He would send it so you know it's classified. Who is the ultimate authority on what is classified and when? What is the inter-agency process for updating what's classified? Is it a flawless system or can one agency have a classification on a certain subject while another does not?

I just said he emailed it to me, I didn't say it was on an unsecure network. He, through training on how to handle classified material would know to use the proper channels. That's the point, you have to use discretion until items are reviewed by the proper staff. I'll tell you the same thing I said to paperview, just read paragraph 3 on the agreement Clinton signed. It spells it out clear as day.
You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Do you know when, why, and by whom that information you believe she should know how to handle was classified?

It doesn't matter......................read paragraph 3. If the information will possibly be deemed classified it is to be treated like it is classified.
High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Do you know when, why, and by whom that information you believe she should know how to handle was classified?

It doesn't matter......................read paragraph 3. If the information will possibly be deemed classified it is to be treated like it is classified.

It totally matters. You see, classified material would not be circulating freely around the State Dept system for months or years between multiple people if anyone thought it was classified. State has said quite clearly that none of it was marked as classified. You will say everyone should know daily what is and is not classified. I say that's bullshit standard.
You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Do you know when, why, and by whom that information you believe she should know how to handle was classified?

It doesn't matter......................read paragraph 3. If the information will possibly be deemed classified it is to be treated like it is classified.

It totally matters. You see, classified material would not be circulating freely around the State Dept system for months or years between multiple people if anyone thought it was classified. State has said quite clearly that none of it was marked as classified. You will say everyone should know daily what is and is not classified. I say that's bullshit standard.

Here's the problem with what you are saying, and why the State Department didn't want Hillary to set up her private server in the first place. How was the state department going to be able to review and classify her emails if they couldn't see them because they were on the private server?

AND as I said, and you continue to ignore it... read the third paragraph of her agreement...otherwise just quit arguing because you are creating a circular argument that is ignoring the prime facts.
You either have a bunch of us on ignore or you aren't paying attention. Classified information is still classified even before it is actually deemed "classified."

If General Joe sends me an email telling me that he is sending some troops to Tikrit. That is classified information right then...at that moment, and any idiot should recognize that. Now, it hasn't been labeled "classified" yet because it hasn't been reviewed by the people that actually categorize it as "classified." Now just because it hasn't been reviewed yet, doesn't mean I should email it to someone else on an unsecure server, or send it to someone's unsecure phone. Because of the highly sensitive nature I'm going to treat it like it is already marked as classified, until the time it is reviewed and officially deemed classified.

Now, not all my emails are going to be considered "classified," but that's where I use my training to use my best judgement and at the worst, error on the side of caution for safeties sake, because there could be lives on the line.

So yes, a big part of her emails may not have been marked as "classified" when they were sent or received, BUT she should have known the potential for them to be classified, and used her judgement to be more cautious with how they were handled, and used a secure server.

High ranking generals don't agree with you.

Nor do most people who understand this shit.

RWNJ's excluded.

You always make statements but you never provide any sources.

Hell I could say that the top lead analyst for the State Department thinks that you dress funny. I mean seriously. +I've dealt with security clearances before and how to handle classified information... and obviously so have others on here, but you want to argue with us based on some articles you read on "leaked" information?

"You always make statements but you never provide any sources."

What humongous pile of bullshit.

Anyone who is familiar with my posts knows how untrue it is, Mr. "I just joined up last week."

Go back to masturbating to Trump porn.

I'm going to make statements about you based on your responses to me, and all you are is full of conjecture and hot air. You have zero substance to your arguments. Well accept some "leaked" news stories.


I've provided you with the fucking copy of the actual signed document of Hillary Clinton that clearly states how she is supposed to handle information....and you ignore it. So if you want to continue to be ignorant that is on you.

Proving his idiocy, once post at a time.

Q: do you know anything at all about this story? It appears you don't.

Have a perusal of my posts on this matter. You can start with a search for drone to give you a fucking inkling of what you apparently *don't know. *

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