FBI knew ‘collusion’ was a nothing-burger, but kept fake scandal alive anyway


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has done to this country.

‘We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with Russian intelligence officers.” PETER STRZOK

How much wasted time on pointless investigations could have been prevented had Peter Strzok, then one of the FBI’s top counterintelligence officials who was spearheading the bureau’s Trump-Russia investigation, said this publicly one month into President Trump’s term?"

"Worse: This was not merely a media scam. The FBI and the Obama Justice Department made similar representations, under oath, to the federal court that oversees secret government surveillance programs."

Yet, despite knowing that, far from dropping its bogus investigation, the FBI doubled down, seeking new warrants in April and June, failing to correct its misrepresentations.

It is a shocking black eye for American law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The Justice Department’s criminal investigation is said to be reaching its conclusion. Americans need answers.


Don Trump is completely innocent of ANY of the "Russian Collusion" which has been allowed to Dog him for most of his Term by a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY of dishonest Government Officials, Ex-Government Officials and the New York Media which has prostituted itself to the Malevolent Seditious Cause.

Its Jail Time or America is lost.

It's called "corruption" and we have it in bucket loads today.

"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for you to do nothing"
It's called "corruption" and we have it in bucket loads today.

"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for you to do nothing"

You right wingers on this board keep quoting that line but at the same time tolerate the corruption of Trump and his cronies.
Guess when it's your guy doing the corruption, you good men have an excuse to do nothing.
You right wingers on this board keep quoting that line but at the same time tolerate the corruption of Trump and his cronies.
Guess when it's your guy doing the corruption, you good men have an excuse to do nothing.

Yet in every case you children scream all this "Trump Corruption", it turns out to be a nothing burger.

Russian Collusion - HOAX
Kavanaugh Rape - HOAX
Pussy Grabbing - HOAX
Russian Prostitute Bed Wetting - HOAX
Impeachment - HOAX

I mean, if you can't see the foolishness of your ways at this point, you are a lost cause. Waste product.
(And you will ultimately get exactly what your stupidity deserves)
Now, speaking of REAL corruption.......

"There is no corruption at the IRS...not even a smidgen of corruption"
Barack Obama

(Several months before it was discovered and revealed publicly that the IRS had actually been weaponized against Conservatives.)
It's called "corruption" and we have it in bucket loads today.

"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for you to do nothing"

You right wingers on this board keep quoting that line but at the same time tolerate the corruption of Trump and his cronies.
Guess when it's your guy doing the corruption, you good men have an excuse to do nothing.
Link to this "corruption", Tardboi.......
It's called "corruption" and we have it in bucket loads today.

"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for you to do nothing"

You right wingers on this board keep quoting that line but at the same time tolerate the corruption of Trump and his cronies.
Guess when it's your guy doing the corruption, you good men have an excuse to do nothing.

What Corruption?

Lot of it talked about for years---especially by New York Media and half-wit Bolsheviks---but so far---ALL BULLSHIT which is what the article in the OP is about---lies by the New York Times. Try reading it.

This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has done to this country.

‘We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with Russian intelligence officers.” PETER STRZOK

How much wasted time on pointless investigations could have been prevented had Peter Strzok, then one of the FBI’s top counterintelligence officials who was spearheading the bureau’s Trump-Russia investigation, said this publicly one month into President Trump’s term?"

"Worse: This was not merely a media scam. The FBI and the Obama Justice Department made similar representations, under oath, to the federal court that oversees secret government surveillance programs."

Yet, despite knowing that, far from dropping its bogus investigation, the FBI doubled down, seeking new warrants in April and June, failing to correct its misrepresentations.

It is a shocking black eye for American law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The Justice Department’s criminal investigation is said to be reaching its conclusion. Americans need answers.


Don Trump is completely innocent of ANY of the "Russian Collusion" which has been allowed to Dog him for most of his Term by a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY of dishonest Government Officials, Ex-Government Officials and the New York Media which has prostituted itself to the Malevolent Seditious Cause.

Its Jail Time or America is lost.

If you go to youtube and look at what republicans were saying all the way back to 2015 about these treasonous crimes then look at what they say today you couldn't tell the difference yet not one of these criminal conspirators is behind bars. Stand these politicians on their head they all look the same. Obama killed 130,000 Libyans in his illegal war setting Al Qaeda up in power. The Republican House did nothing, absolutely nothing! Gun running to the worst bunch of killers in the Americas. The House found Holder in Contempt of Congress but never followed up with any charges when over 600 people have been murdered by those weapons with the number growing every day. Remember all this was done behind the back of Mexico's government. Two weeks later obama gave a speech in Mexico City where he blamed all Mexico's violent crime on American gun owners. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out obama was using death and carnage to disarm the U.S. We should jail them all as there isn't one that hasn't broken their oath and none had any honor to begin with.
This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has done to this country.

‘We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with Russian intelligence officers.” PETER STRZOK

How much wasted time on pointless investigations could have been prevented had Peter Strzok, then one of the FBI’s top counterintelligence officials who was spearheading the bureau’s Trump-Russia investigation, said this publicly one month into President Trump’s term?"

"Worse: This was not merely a media scam. The FBI and the Obama Justice Department made similar representations, under oath, to the federal court that oversees secret government surveillance programs."

Yet, despite knowing that, far from dropping its bogus investigation, the FBI doubled down, seeking new warrants in April and June, failing to correct its misrepresentations.

It is a shocking black eye for American law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The Justice Department’s criminal investigation is said to be reaching its conclusion. Americans need answers.


Don Trump is completely innocent of ANY of the "Russian Collusion" which has been allowed to Dog him for most of his Term by a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY of dishonest Government Officials, Ex-Government Officials and the New York Media which has prostituted itself to the Malevolent Seditious Cause.

Its Jail Time or America is lost.

I imagine little Peter's been trying on orange lately in the mirror to see how he'll
look in his new home behind bars.

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