FBI launches Clinton Foundation investigation

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Given Ted Cruz's history, what else has he done to make one believe he MAY have done that? Nothing.

Now with the Clinton Crime Family, that's another matter.
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.
Ok Rabbi, let's try out your "logic".

I (an anonymous person on the internet) am asserting that Ted Cruz is being investigated for running an international child sex slave ring.

Prove me wrong.
Have there been any allegations that Cruz was running a child sex slave ring?
Is it credible that a US senator would run a child sex slave ring?
Would Cruz be running for president knowing that his activities doing that would probably coem out given the close scrutiny every candidate gets?

Now, none of those are absolute. But they are all arguments against your assertion. If tomorrow the news reports that the FBI is investigating Cruz for running a sex ring then I'll be wrong. But so far there is nothing to indicate it is true.
Unlike the Clintons where allegations and evidence of corruption have been leaking out for weeks.

By the standards you're using......merely posting the accusation online would be suffecient that you'd never question it, never ask for evidence.

I don't understand the conservative mindset on this one. There's nothing about being conservative that is inherently antithetical to critical thinking skills. And applying such skills, the odds of this blog post being accurate are ridiculously unlikely.

Yet never a question. Never a demand for evidence. Nothing.
The left's only hope is the current FBI Director who will simply view any complaint or charge like she will with the Bankers: Too Big to Jail.
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And it turns out they are not, which is almost certainly the case, I doubt you'll learn anything. And you'll be citing an unsourced wordPress blog again in a few weeks demanding we 'prove it wrong'.

Despite the fact that there's exactly nothing to prove it right.
The left's only hope is the current FBI Director who will simply view any complaint or charge like she will with the Bankers: Too Big to Jail.

Or......there's no such investigation.

Either provides the same results.
This talk of Cruz being involved with sex slaves is pretty wild. Shouldn't someone promoting that story have to back it up with some evidence? Anyhow, wouldn't it be his own private business. Surely he is not using actual slaves.
Given Ted Cruz's history, what else has he done to make one believe he MAY have done that? Nothing.

Now with the Clinton Crime Family, that's another matter.

In other words, it feels truthy and believable, so therefore it must be true.

Exactly. I've already bookmarked this thread as a text book example of truthiness. An implausible claim backed by nothing.....and our local conservatives won't even question it. WIth feelings offered as proof.

If they've already started making up imaginary 'FBI investigations', that doesn't bode well for their confidence in their ability to elect their candidate.
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And it turns out they are not, which is almost certainly the case, I doubt you'll learn anything. And you'll be citing an unsourced wordPress blog again in a few weeks demanding we 'prove it wrong'.

Despite the fact that there's exactly nothing to prove it right.

You're close to ignore
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And yet, when it inevitably turns out to be bullshit, I have no doubt that you'll just pretend this thread never happened.

Nah, unlike you left loons I can take my medicine but with that said I bet there is an investigation. Waaaaay too many questions and allegations going on
The far right reactionaries are fools, but even fools have rare successes.

I don't want HRC as president, and if this supposed investigation advances that outcome, go for it.
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And it turns out they are not, which is almost certainly the case, I doubt you'll learn anything. And you'll be citing an unsourced wordPress blog again in a few weeks demanding we 'prove it wrong'.

Despite the fact that there's exactly nothing to prove it right.

You're close to ignore

I question. I think. I ask for evidence. What other choice do you have but to ignore me?
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And yet, when it inevitably turns out to be bullshit, I have no doubt that you'll just pretend this thread never happened.

Was it sassy or Steph that quoted parody sites as true?

Or was it both?

Many people on both sides of the aisle routinely post satire sites as being true.

I don't remember specifically any examples by sassy or Stephanie.
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And it turns out they are not, which is almost certainly the case, I doubt you'll learn anything. And you'll be citing an unsourced wordPress blog again in a few weeks demanding we 'prove it wrong'.

Despite the fact that there's exactly nothing to prove it right.

You're close to ignore

I question. I think. I ask for evidence. What other choice do you have but to ignore me?

See ya....:)
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And yet, when it inevitably turns out to be bullshit, I have no doubt that you'll just pretend this thread never happened.

Was it sassy or Steph that quoted parody sites as true?

Or was it both?

Off topic, careful the "doc" says that's against the rules :) HAHAHAHA

No, it's not.
LOL This is too funny and if turns out the FBI is investigating I'll be sure to resurrect this thread.

And it turns out they are not, which is almost certainly the case, I doubt you'll learn anything. And you'll be citing an unsourced wordPress blog again in a few weeks demanding we 'prove it wrong'.

Despite the fact that there's exactly nothing to prove it right.

You're close to ignore

I question. I think. I ask for evidence. What other choice do you have but to ignore me?

See ya....:)

Laughing....bye bye. I can still see your posts and respond to my heart's content. And you're powerless to reply.

Thanks for the bully pulpit.
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