FBI Leaked To Wash Post / WSJ, Media Reported The Info, & The FBI Used The Stories As Evidence / Justification For The Raid - SSDD

Who said Trump was complying? Everyone is saying he was complying. It doesn’t seem that’s necessarily true.
Then why did the fbi need to come back two months after they were there in June? Shouldn’t they have just taken what they took in August in June? You are failing hugely
Who said Trump was complying? Everyone is saying he was complying. It doesn’t seem that’s necessarily true.
A year and a half of stonewalling and a sign off in June that everything had been returned is the opposite of complying
Who said Trump was complying? Everyone is saying he was complying. It doesn’t seem that’s necessarily true.
Look, he let them inspect what he had way back in JUNE! They had a warrant back then, Trump was at home and was there while they are sifting through the documents he had. Read something other that 'never Trump media.'

Chris Walker, Truthout Published August 11, 2022
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Federal investigators quietly retrieved classified documents from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in June after obtaining a grand jury subpoena to return the documents to the National Archives, months prior to the search warrant that was executed on the property earlier this week.
Trump voluntarily complied with the subpoena request and met with federal officials that month as they arrived at his estate in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump allies have said that the subpoena request — and the fact that Trump allowed federal officials to retrieve the documents — is proof that he’s been cooperative with the Department of Justice (DOJ). They’ve also claimed that the raid on Mar-a-Lago earlier this week was an overreach.
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Look, he let them inspect what he had way back in JUNE! They had a warrant back then, Trump was at home and was there while they are sifting through the documents he had. Read something other that 'never Trump media.'
Did he let them “inspect” everything?
A year and a half of stonewalling and a sign off in June that everything had been returned is the opposite of complying
Trump and his lawyers are definitely not telling the whole story. The only one that does interviews is Bobb and she doesn’t seem like she has the slightest clue what was going on. She was asked about the subpoena but states she never saw it, she just heard about it.
Then why did the fbi need to come back two months after they were there in June? Shouldn’t they have just taken what they took in August in June? You are failing hugely
There is so much ignorance from the uninformed TDSers here. They don't seem to want to find anything that runs against what the MSM and Google tells them. They are steeped in TDS propaganda it seems.
Trump and his lawyers are definitely not telling the whole story. The only one that does interviews is Bobb and she doesn’t seem like she has the slightest clue what was going on. She was asked about the subpoena but states she never saw it, she just heard about it.
Are you just stupid? There was a grand jury subpoena in JUNE and Trump allowed them to take documents. I GAVE you the link yet, here you are blabbering the same nonsensical shit.
There are criminal pebnalties for violating the PRA, dope.

My link laid it out for you. Obviously though you chose to avoid the inconvenient bits. Per usual.

Further, destruction or removal of federal records could implicate several criminal provisions, depending on the content of the records and the surrounding circumstances:

  • Under 18 U.S.C. § 2071, individuals who willfully remove or destroy records “filed or deposited” in “any public office” --- or who attempt to do so --- may be subject to fines or up to three years of imprisonment if they deprive the government use of those documents (United States v. Rosner, 352 F. Supp. 915 (S.D.N.Y. 1972)). Supervisors who direct supervisees to violate this statute can themselves be found guilty under 18 U.S.C. § 2(b) (United States v. Salazar, 455 F.3d 1022, 1023 (9th Cir. 2006));
  • Under 18 U.S.C. § 793(f), individuals with possession or control of records reflecting national defense information who permit their removal, loss, or destruction by “gross negligence” are subject to fines or imprisonment of not more than ten years; and
  • Under 18 U.S.C. § 1924, individuals who remove classified materials without authority and with intent to retain them at another location may be fined or subject to imprisonment of up to five years.
There are also specific criminal prohibitions against destroying records relevant to congressional or federal investigations:

  • Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, individuals who destroy records to impede or influence a congressional investigation or proceeding before any U.S. agency may be fined or subject to imprisonment for up to five years.
  • Under 18 U.S.C. § 1519, individuals who destroy records to impede or influence an actual or contemplated investigation under the jurisdiction of any U.S. agency may be fined or subject to imprisonment of up to 20 years (United States v. Katakis, 800 F.3d 1017, 1023 (9th Cir. 2015).
You were trolling all over THAT thread too ya little vermin
Trump and his lawyers are definitely not telling the whole story. The only one that does interviews is Bobb and she doesn’t seem like she has the slightest clue what was going on. She was asked about the subpoena but states she never saw it, she just heard about it.
You know!!!! Hahaha haha hahaha
Are you just stupid? There was a grand jury subpoena in JUNE and Trump allowed them to take documents. I GAVE you the link yet, here you are blabbering the same nonsensical shit.
Because he knows. His god license tells us he knows it all
Are you just stupid? There was a grand jury subpoena in JUNE and Trump allowed them to take documents. I GAVE you the link yet, here you are blabbering the same nonsensical shit.
Who said that Trump allowed them to take ALL the documents in June?

Also, it cracked me up that Trump “voluntarily complied” with a subpoena. There’s nothing voluntary about subpoenas. You comply or you go to jail. Ask Steve Bannon.
Who said that Trump allowed them to take ALL the documents in June?

Also, it cracked me up that Trump “voluntarily complied” with a subpoena. There’s nothing voluntary about subpoenas. You comply or you go to jail. Ask Steve Bannon.
The fbi when they volunteeringly left!.

What’s your god license say?
Are you just stupid? There was a grand jury subpoena in JUNE and Trump allowed them to take documents. I GAVE you the link yet, here you are blabbering the same nonsensical shit.
A GJ Subpoena is specific as to what can be taken.

They recovered what the subpoena called for and a Trump lawyer signed a document stating that there were no other classified docs.

Subsequently a "rat" let the GJ know otherwise
The fbi when they volunteeringly left!.

What’s your god license say?
You owe an apology vermin. You claimed that you had not been shown a link stating that the PRA was a felony crime.

I quoted that link above.
Relax. You'll get to see the affidavit after they indict Trump.
You may be right this time but I have heard Trump was about to be indicted so many times over the last five years that I tend to ignore it.

To me this smells of an attempt to make damn sure Trump can’t run for President again. When it is time to campaign he will be caught up in court proceedings.

That’s fine with me. We still have the less obnoxious DeSantis to take Trump‘s place and he can serve two terms.
A GJ Subpoena is specific as to what can be taken.

They recovered what the subpoena called for and a Trump lawyer signed a document stating that there were no other classified docs.

Subsequently a "rat" let the GJ know otherwise
So trump complied? Hahaha can’t make it up

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