FBI Agents Were Looking for Classified Records, Took Boxes of Documents From Trump Resort: Lawyer

I KNEW someone would go there.
If they find stolen records, you will claim it was planted.
Are the RWI's sticking with and using the FAKE NEWS that the FBI will PLANT evidence to frame trump.

Amazing, I knew, I just knew they would go there.
Maybe the perverts were looking for classified documents in the former 1st Lady's underwear.
So now we have a better idea of what this Biden farce is about.

Of course, they say Joe didn't know. Either way, that's damning for Joe.

The FBI agents who raided former President Donald Trump’s Florida resort were looking for certain records, according to a lawyer for Trump who was on the scene while agents were at the resort.​
“They’re looking for presidential records, what they deemed to be presidential records, and anything that could potentially be classified,” Christina Bobb, the lawyer, told The Epoch Times on Aug. 9.​
“We had been very cooperative with them before. And it’s unclear to me why they went to such drastic measures to do this. But they did. And as far as the probable cause goes, they wouldn’t give that to us,” she added.​
In mid-January, the National Archives and Records Administration arranged for the transport from Mar-a-Lago to the National Archives 15 boxes that the archives said contained presidential records. Under the Presidential Records Act, the records should have been transferred in January 2021 as Trump left office, the institution said in a statement at the time. The administration did not return an inquiry on Tuesday.​
Approximately two dozen FBI agents arrived around 9 a.m. on Monday morning and remained at Mar-a-Lago, which is in West Palm Beach, for about 10 hours.​
Agents initially resisted showing Bobb the warrant but ultimately did. But the agents would not allow any representatives of the former president to oversee the search, Bobb said. The justification for the search also remains under seal. Trump’s legal team plans on asking the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida to unseal the search warrant affidavit, which would outline why authorities asked for the warrant.​
“We don’t know what the probable cause is. I don’t think there is a good cause to do such a drastic thing. But they did,” Bobb said.

So…the warrant is sealed and they didn’t allow Trumps attorney to see it

In an interview with the Daily Mail on Wednesday, Eric Trump said FBI agents on Monday refused to hand over the search warrant for the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago to his father’s attorney Christina Bobb. Worse, they allegedly kicked her out of the house while they searched the premises.
Halligan told CBS News on Wednesday that the search warrant was sealed, thus she did not know what kinds of documents the feds were looking for.

“Donald Trump and his legal team will likely seek a court order to force the FBI and The Justice Dept. to turn over a physical copy of the search warrant, the affidavit, and a complete inventory of what was taken in the Mar-a-Lago raid,” Fox Business correspondent Charles Gasparino reported Wednesday afternoon on Twitter.

So…the warrant is sealed and they didn’t allow Trumps attorney to see it

In an interview with the Daily Mail on Wednesday, Eric Trump said FBI agents on Monday refused to hand over the search warrant for the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago to his father’s attorney Christina Bobb. Worse, they allegedly kicked her out of the house while they searched the premises.
Halligan told CBS News on Wednesday that the search warrant was sealed, thus she did not know what kinds of documents the feds were looking for.

“Donald Trump and his legal team will likely seek a court order to force the FBI and The Justice Dept. to turn over a physical copy of the search warrant, the affidavit, and a complete inventory of what was taken in the Mar-a-Lago raid,” Fox Business correspondent Charles Gasparino reported Wednesday afternoon on Twitter.

That should not be legal. An American citizen and/or his lawyer should have the absolute right to see the warrant being used to search his house and seize whatever is identified.
The Democrats went completely off the rails in 2016 and they are taking the country with them. They have got to go, it's not about this team or that team "winning". It's about losing our country at this point. Every great country in history has fallen, we are not immune.
MM speakum truth.
Personally, I'm curious on what prompted the FBI/DOJ to go back to MaraLago for a second bite of the apple.

As I understand from previous news accounts DonT's team did disgorge a dozen or so boxes of illegally removed documents a few months back.
I kinda thought the scandal was over then.

But then, these new accounts report that in this exercise the FBI found about a dozen more boxes of documents. ???
Were they not revealed by DonT's lawyer when the first tranche was forced to be disgorged?

Were they secreted in MaraLago?
And by whom, and for what reason?
If so, was there a snitch who knew about the boxes, knew what they contained, and then dropped a dime to the local FBI office?

This is an interesting tale. I kinda sorta suspect that all the LEO' involved...from the windbreakered agents hauling boxes, to the on- scene super, to the off-scene super, to the DOJ attorney team overseeing it, to the DOJ bosses of those blokes......ALL of them......ALL of them! .... knew the import and the ramifications that delivering such a warrant to such an address would entail.

Hence, I also kinda sorta suspect that there were an awful lot of i's dotted and t's crossed before AG Garland said....'OK, you guys seemed to have all your merde' together.....roll with it. And batten down the hatches 'cause the QAnon RWNJobbers are out there and this will get 'em to start shrilling about "civil war", and other such internet puffery.'
Hence, I also kinda sorta suspect that there were an awful lot of i's dotted and t's crossed before AG Garland said....'OK, you guys seemed to have all your merde' together.....roll with it. And batten down the hatches 'cause the QAnon RWNJobbers are out there and this will get 'em to start shrilling about "civil war", and other such internet puffery.'

Or, they said....'What the hell, we got away with it before so we might as well do it again.'
Personally, I'm curious on what prompted the FBI/DOJ to go back to MaraLago for a second bite of the apple.

As I understand from previous news accounts DonT's team did disgorge a dozen or so boxes of illegally removed documents a few months back.
I kinda thought the scandal was over then.

But then, these new accounts report that in this exercise the FBI found about a dozen more boxes of documents. ???
Were they not revealed by DonT's lawyer when the first tranche was forced to be disgorged?

Were they secreted in MaraLago?
And by whom, and for what reason?
If so, was there a snitch who knew about the boxes, knew what they contained, and then dropped a dime to the local FBI office?

This is an interesting tale. I kinda sorta suspect that all the LEO' involved...from the windbreakered agents hauling boxes, to the on- scene super, to the off-scene super, to the DOJ attorney team overseeing it, to the DOJ bosses of those blokes......ALL of them......ALL of them! .... knew the import and the ramifications that delivering such a warrant to such an address would entail.

Hence, I also kinda sorta suspect that there were an awful lot of i's dotted and t's crossed before AG Garland said....'OK, you guys seemed to have all your merde' together.....roll with it. And batten down the hatches 'cause the QAnon RWNJobbers are out there and this will get 'em to start shrilling about "civil war", and other such internet puffery.'

You mean like they did when they lied to get 4 actually illegal FISA warrants?

You guys are the simpletons……..you are happily marching to a police state….
Cosmic Pizzas
Alien Conspiracies
JFK’ Missing Brain
Cocks That Circumcise Themselves
Ted Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald
You mean like they did when they lied to get 4 actually illegal FISA warrants?

I dunno about that or its relevance to the FBI action to retrieve illegally removed (ain't that sorta like the definition of 'stolen'?).....anyway, to get back to the people of the United States the documents that rightfully belong to them.

And was it "4 FISA" warrants?
I had read it was one where an agent fibbed in the application.
Do you have a credible informed source on your quantity?
I dunno about that or its relevance to the FBI action to retrieve illegally removed (ain't that sorta like the definition of 'stolen'?).....anyway, to get back to the people of the United States the documents that rightfully belong to them.

And was it "4 FISA" warrants?
I had read it was one where an agent fibbed in the application.
Do you have a credible informed source on your quantity?
there is nothing supporting the claim any be king was illegally removed
I dunno about that or its relevance to the FBI action to retrieve illegally removed (ain't that sorta like the definition of 'stolen'?).....anyway, to get back to the people of the United States the documents that rightfully belong to them.

And was it "4 FISA" warrants?
I had read it was one where an agent fibbed in the application.
Do you have a credible informed source on your quantity?

They applied to renew the FISA warrant 3 times....making it a total of 4...

The IG report also concludes that after the FISA court approved the first warrant application, the FBI learned more information—some of it from secretly recorded conversations by its own confidential informants—that cast serious doubt on the facts contained in that application.

Yet the FBI didn’t bring this information to the attention of the FISA court, and the errors were repeated in the three renewal applications to continue surveilling Page.

I dunno about that or its relevance to the FBI action to retrieve illegally removed (ain't that sorta like the definition of 'stolen'?).....anyway, to get back to the people of the United States the documents that rightfully belong to them.

And was it "4 FISA" warrants?
I had read it was one where an agent fibbed in the application.
Do you have a credible informed source on your quantity?

The files Trump had were not illegally removed......
According to the New York times,

Barack Obama left the White House with 30 million pages of documents without turning them over to the National Archives. Despite promises of digitizing them, they remain, 66 months after the conclusion of the Obama Administration, closed to public eyes. The New York Times noticed this three years ago. “In a break with precedent, there will be no research library on site, and none of Mr. Obama’s official presidential records,” the Old Gray Lady explained. “Instead, the Obama Foundation will pay to digitize the roughly 30 million pages of unclassified paper records from the administration so they can be made available online. And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.” Strangely, news of this in the supposed paper of record led to no early-morning FBI raid in Chicago the way Donald Trump leaving the White House with several white boxes aroused the suspicion of the former head of the National Archives.

And as far as the probable cause goes, they wouldn’t give that to us,” she added.
There it is.. The DOJ agents would not cite the probable cause.... That should tell you everything about this. They did not possess any probable cause and they knew they didn't. This was an illegal warrant signed by an activist judge... This is a gross abuse of power under color of law. Garland and Wray both need to be in handcuffs for this..

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