FBI Leaked To Wash Post / WSJ, Media Reported The Info, & The FBI Used The Stories As Evidence / Justification For The Raid - SSDD

The penalty for possessing government documents that aren't classified is the equivalent of a library fine. It's not a crime.
What’s the penalty for obstructing a grand jury investigation and hiding documents relevant to that investigation?
Haven't you got the memo? All that is now passe
Not to me. It is why I joined the Army at 19 years old. It’s why I was willing to fight and perhaps even die. Because at that time the Soviets were the big scary enemy we faced.

The rights laid out in the Constitution matter to me. All of them. Not just the First. Or the Second. But all of them.

That may be old fashioned. It may be obsolete. You may think I’ll join one side or the other when the inevitable Civil war comes. You would be wrong. I won’t support either side. Both are pushing towards totalitarian regimes. And I won’t support either.

I’m going to speak truth. As long as I can. Biden isn’t as bad as the right makes him out to be. Trump isn’t as good.

Neither side is right. And by Right I mean upholding the ideals of this nation.

And I’ll go to my grave stating that truth. Because anything else is a betrayal of my Brothers who died fighting for this nation.
They already listed statutes that they’re investigating violations of.
If Trump ran afoul of some statute he did nothing more nefarious that what Obama and Hillary did. None of which warranted a raid, especially when Trump was complying.
If Trump ran afoul of some statute he did nothing more nefarious that what Obama and Hillary did. None of which warranted a raid, especially when Trump was complying.
Who said Trump was complying? Everyone is saying he was complying. It doesn’t seem that’s necessarily true.

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