FBI Leaked To Wash Post / WSJ, Media Reported The Info, & The FBI Used The Stories As Evidence / Justification For The Raid - SSDD

It’s not a lie to say that Trump’s campaign and his business had numerous ties with Russia.

These are documented in Mueller’s report. You are ignorant of the truth.
Yes, that is a lie. The word "ties" can mean virtually anything. If someone in Russia sends me an unsolicited email, a prog like you would claim I have "ties" with Russia.

Mueler's report is a pack of lies.
Yes, that is a lie. The word "ties" can mean virtually anything. If someone in Russia sends me an unsolicited email, a prog like you would claim I have "ties" with Russia.

Mueler's report is a pack of lies.
Actually it turns out that Billy the Bagman kept secret a memo from his own DOJ that disputed his claims of exoneration hidden… until now

FBI Leaked To Wash Post / WSJ, Media Reported The Info, & The FBI Used The Stories As Evidence / Justification For The Raid​

Wow, what a system we have! A judge with an already known overt prejudice towards a defendant
first gets to sign a warrant to raid his home in secret anyway, then when questions
arise as to the legality and impropriety of the action, THE SAME JUDGE
gets to decide if we get to check his work to be sure
it was even legal and on the up and up!

I think it’s pretty obvious that Trump has been a danger to the security of the country through his laxness with regard to sensitive documents and dumb luck, if nothing was actually compromised. Be ready for days of distraction from the real crimes that were committed here.

This from the camp of a senile fossil who needs permission from others to speak, loses his way on the stage, told who to take questions from, has a crackhead son doing secret deals with the chinese exchanging millions of dollars, a general who reports to the chinese to warn them of any pending US military action, a president who bows to foreign enemies, and a secretary of state who let Americans burn to hide a gun running operation while destroying thousands of government documents to hide her pay-to-play scam bilking donations to herself in order to grant favors from the US after her husband sold missile technology to the Chinese and now TRUMP is the security risk?

If you understand that since around the time of say 1996, this country has been marching into a kind of ideological cold war...Dividing America, and ever increasing disregard of the Constitution it will bring you to the conclusion that what you are advocating is surrender...

Oh Bullshit. What is the Pledge of Allegiance? One nation. Under God. Indivisible. With Liberty and Justice for All.

When you set out for revenge against them. You aren’t seeking Justice. You aren’t seeing them as part of one nation. And you certainly aren’t doing anything that God would approve of.

Protecting people by putting a stop to abuses isn’t satisfying. But it is the right thing to do.

But Vengeance feels much better. The desire for revenge is evil. Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive those who Trespass against us. You have to forgive before you can be forgiven. Revenge is the exact opposite of what we are called to do.

What you are advocating is exactly what I was taught since childhood to reject. Taught by parents. History. And Church.

It is why I do not hate anyone. Hatred isn’t the path to smart decisions. It isn’t the path to Justice. And it isn’t the path to salvation. Hatred is evil. And I pity those who hate. Because they will never know peace and they will never know love. They will only ever know hatred. And here is the secret to hate. You never satisfy yourself.

You always have to find a new group to hate. The destruction of the focus of your hatred doesn’t give you satisfaction. You need more targets. Otherwise you feel empty and lost.

I don’t advocate surrender. I advocate exactly what this nation was founded upon. Unity. Liberty. And Justice for all.
Yes, that is a lie. The word "ties" can mean virtually anything. If someone in Russia sends me an unsolicited email, a prog like you would claim I have "ties" with Russia.

Mueler's report is a pack of lies.
Ties to you guys means someone’s kid is on a volleyball team with another kid.

Ties in this circumstance means Trump’s kids sat down with Russians that were promising to help their campaign.
This from the camp of a senile fossil who needs permission from others to speak, loses his way on the stage, told who to take questions from, has a crackhead son doing secret deals with the chinese exchanging millions of dollars, a general who reports to the chinese to warn them of any pending US military action, a president who bows to foreign enemies, and a secretary of state who let Americans burn to hide a gun running operation while destroying thousands of government documents to hide her pay-to-play scam bilking donations to herself in order to grant favors from the US after her husband sold missile technology to the Chinese and now TRUMP is the security risk?
How does what you say about Biden have anything to with Trump’s crimes, except to distract from them?
This woman was offering campaign assistance from a foreign government.

That’s illegal, but Trump’s loser kids probably didn’t realize it.

It clearly demonstrates their willingness to accept campaign assistance from a foreign government.

Any patriotic American would have not been so eager to cooperate.
information is not consider to be "campaign assistance" by the FEC, moron. Nothing they did was illegal. Furthermore , the Clinton campaign set the whole thing up. It was a trap, and the Trump's declined.

By "cooperate" you mean they were willing to listen to what someone had to say?

How does what you say about Biden have anything to with Trump’s crimes, except to distract from them?
Well, compromised Dementia boy did participate in Hillary & Obama's failed coup attempt & HIS DOJ & FBI ate continuing the same ol' partisanly criminal BS to try to 'Get Trump'.
Ties to you guys means someone’s kid is on a volleyball team with another kid.

Ties in this circumstance means Trump’s kids sat down with Russians that were promising to help their campaign.
No, that's not what it means. Republicans object to things like taking bribes from foreign government hostile to the United state.

They said they had information, which they didn't. Since when did giving out information become a crime?

Never, you dumb asshole.
How does what you say about Biden have anything to with Trump’s crimes, except to distract from them?

WHAT crimes? Can normal people see these crimes too or do I need a special set of x-ray glasses from the back of my corn flakes box?

And what it has to do is the fact that if you are so gung ho on whatever you think Trump did, then why are you so totally fine with all the things I listed done by others?
Well, compromised Dementia boy did participate in Hillary & Obama's failed coup attempt & HIS DOJ & FBI ate continuing the same ol' partisanly criminal BS to try to 'Get Trump'.
Yeah, distraction like the above. Don’t get fooled.
WHAT crimes? Can normal people see these crimes too or do I need a special set of x-ray glasses from the back of my corn flakes box?
Normal people CAN see them. What does it say that you don’t?
Normal people CAN see them. What does it say that you don’t?

Can see WHAT? You can't even list them.

Then I want to see you condemn what the Clintons did, what Obama did and what the Bidens ARE doing, all far worse.
It’s not a lie to say that Trump’s campaign and his business had numerous ties with Russia.

These are documented in Mueller’s report. You are ignorant of the truth.

I just proved it a lie.....only the Democrat Party has been joined at the hip to the Kremlin.....since FDR.

Anyone with two or more cerebral neurons to rub together can surmise from the fifty or so lies and hoaxes that have been exposed, as in "Russia Collusion," realizes that none of the mainstream media can be trusted.

The simplest way to ascertain the truth of any story, event, explanation is this:

a. if it redounds to the benefit of the Democrats, consider it false.

b. do your own research to conclude whether that first calculation is correct (it will be).

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