FBI Leaked To Wash Post / WSJ, Media Reported The Info, & The FBI Used The Stories As Evidence / Justification For The Raid - SSDD

What was on the subpoena right? That’s everything
I believe it was on the subpoena. The question is did Trump actually comply with the subpoena and actually let them inspect and remove whatever they wanted.
I believe it was on the subpoena. The question is did Trump actually comply with the subpoena and actually let them inspect and remove whatever they wanted.
If he didn’t why did they Leave? Or, you know cause your god license gives you power beyond the fbi?
Trump's lawyers signed a statement that said Trump had turned over the documents, which turned out to be a false statement considering what they retrieved in the more recent search of the property.

Youre not even bothering to read, you lazy fart.
Nope . Prove that statement
Not to me. It is why I joined the Army at 19 years old. It’s why I was willing to fight and perhaps even die. Because at that time the Soviets were the big scary enemy we faced.

The rights laid out in the Constitution matter to me. All of them. Not just the First. Or the Second. But all of them.

That may be old fashioned. It may be obsolete. You may think I’ll join one side or the other when the inevitable Civil war comes. You would be wrong. I won’t support either side. Both are pushing towards totalitarian regimes. And I won’t support either.

I’m going to speak truth. As long as I can. Biden isn’t as bad as the right makes him out to be. Trump isn’t as good.

Neither side is right. And by Right I mean upholding the ideals of this nation.

And I’ll go to my grave stating that truth. Because anything else is a betrayal of my Brothers who died fighting for this nation.
Well, bully for you...
If he didn’t why did they Leave? Or, you know cause your god license gives you power beyond the fbi?
Without a warrant, the FBI cannot make Trump’s lawyers do anything.

If Trump’s lawyers said they showed them everything, the FBI would have no way of checking to be sure.

So they came back with a warrant.
Without a warrant, the FBI cannot make Trump’s lawyers do anything.

If Trump’s lawyers said they showed them everything, the FBI would have no way of checking to be sure.

So they came back with a warrant.
There was a subpoena. You should learn the difference
There was a subpoena. You should learn the difference
A subpoena isn’t a search warrant meaning if Trunp’s lawyers didn’t show them everything, there’s nothing they can do about it until they come back with a warrant.

Which they did.
A subpoena isn’t a search warrant meaning if Trunp’s lawyers didn’t show them everything, there’s nothing they can do about it until they come back with a warrant.

Which they did.
They complied to the object brought. They did not owe any more
They complied to the object brought. They did not owe any more
Did they comply? They would have only complied if they showed the FBI everything and let them take all of it.

It’s not certain they did.
Did they comply? They would have only complied if they showed the FBI everything and let them take all of it.

It’s not certain they did.
Dude, shut up. I’m not traveling in circles with you
A subpoena isn’t a search warrant meaning if Trunp’s lawyers didn’t show them everything, there’s nothing they can do about it until they come back with a warrant.

Which they did.
They complied to the object brought. They did not owe any more
Actually Trumps lawyers lied when they said there were no documents marked classified at Mar-a-lago.

As the FBI had evidence that Trumps lawyers were lying, then obtained a search warrant, since the subpoena failed to get them to comply.
Actually Trumps lawyers lied when they said there were no documents marked classified at Mar-a-lago.

As the FBI had evidence that Trumps lawyers were lying, then obtained a search warrant, since the subpoena failed to get them to comply.

Possible, but I doubt, since clearly the FBI too MORE than just classified documents.
For example, they took Trump's passport.

Which reveals the real problem at the heart of this case, which is that no one was willing to really go through all the boxes of documents, in order to know what was important and what was not.
For example, just being marked "classified" or even "top secret" does not mean it necessarily was important, because secrecy usually has a very short time frame.
Once documents get old, they usually are useless.

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