FBI Leaks: Why Comey Didn't Charge Hillary

Comey cares about one and only one country - Israel.

If you cannot connect the dots there, don't be surprised when Hillary gets elected and your young relatives quickly get sold out and shipped to the Middle East to fight and die for the cause of Greater Israel...
Apparently, the agents at the FBI are livid that Comey did what he did. They are claiming there was more than sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against Hillary Clinton. It wasn't a slam dunk case, but it had more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary Clinton.

Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see to it that he did.
Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for an indictment.

Hillary's statement to the FBI was intentionally given without a court reporter present or without any recording of her testimony to prevent her from having any further exposure to legal charges like perjury. If she lied to Congress, they have no written FBI deposition to confront Hillary with. This was set up to let her walk without fear of being charged with giving False Testimony or being charged with Obstruction of Justice.

This is what those in the "legalese world" call a "Straw Man" legal charge. (It is a charge designed to make someone appear innocent of the charges!) EXAMPLE: Bill beats up Shirley at their home. Bill is arrested for "Felony Spousal Abuse" . Bill's lawyer gets the charges dismissed because Bill is not married to Shirley! (They are only "live in boyfriend and girlfriend".) Bill walks out of court totally exonerated of the charges thanks to a technicality! The twist in the case is the arresting officer knew all along Bill was not married to Shirley because the officer and Bill are old fraternity brothers. The officer intentionally charged Bill with something he knew would not stick. Bill would easily have been convicted of Assault and Battery, but he was not charged with that! This is what is known as the "STRAW MAN" charge. It is how you make a guilty person appear innocent.

This is exactly what was done with the Hillary Clinton case! If she had been charged with "Destruction of Government Documents", she would have easily been convicted, because she admitted to doing this! Instead, she was charged with "Mishandling Classified Documents" which has wiggle room for reasonable doubt regarding Criminal Intent.

There wasn't a court reporter present because they were NOT in court. See how that works?
It's the Jooooooooossss.

Not all Jewish Americans are traitors.

The DWS-Sanders feud is a classic example. DWS doesn't care about the US at all. Sanders does. Hence the hate feud between two Jews. Sanders knows what a monster Hillary is, and so does DWS. All DWS cares about is more US wars in the Middle East to help Israel, and no re-opening of the 911 investigation.

Never let petty supremacist card tossers separate you from truth...
The type of Moon Bat that would vote for an idiot like Crooked Hillary would:

Ignore her extensive record of incompetency. The bitch gets a lot of press but she hasn't really accomplished a damn thing of merit as either First Lady to Slick Willy, as a Senator or as the Secretary of State. Everything she had done has either been a disaster or nothing noteworthy.

Ignore her failure in Benghazi, which was a major failure of moral leadership by not sending a rescue and a failure of intelligence by allowing the staff to be in harm's way.

Ignoring her failure in the Middle East by interventionism and stupidity that allowed the rise of ISIS and the collapse of stability in the Middle East that is producing catastrophic consequences nowadays.

Ignoring her massive dishonesty that is well documented. Everything from blaming Slick Willy's revelations of sexual harassment of women on the "vast right wing conspiracy" to the lies to the American people and families of the victims about Benghazi to lying to Congress.

Ignoring her corruption with the Clinton Foundation money laundering operation where she sold government influence and got filthy rich.

Ignoring her security violations that had she not been the Democrat Presidential nominee would have got her thrown in Federal prison.

Ignoring her campaign polices to continue with the destruction of the Obama Administration that produced tremendous debt, increased poverty, illegals flooding across the border, decreased family income, increased welfare and a weak foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

Only really greedy dumbass uneducated low information Gruberidiots would think she would make a good President given her record of corruption, dishonesty and incompetency.
Apparently, the agents at the FBI are livid that Comey did what he did. They are claiming there was more than sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against Hillary Clinton. It wasn't a slam dunk case, but it had more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary Clinton.

Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see to it that he did.
Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for an indictment.

Hillary's statement to the FBI was intentionally given without a court reporter present or without any recording of her testimony to prevent her from having any further exposure to legal charges like perjury. If she lied to Congress, they have no written FBI deposition to confront Hillary with. This was set up to let her walk without fear of being charged with giving False Testimony or being charged with Obstruction of Justice.

This is what those in the "legalese world" call a "Straw Man" legal charge. (It is a charge designed to make someone appear innocent of the charges!) EXAMPLE: Bill beats up Shirley at their home. Bill is arrested for "Felony Spousal Abuse" . Bill's lawyer gets the charges dismissed because Bill is not married to Shirley! (They are only "live in boyfriend and girlfriend".) Bill walks out of court totally exonerated of the charges thanks to a technicality! The twist in the case is the arresting officer knew all along Bill was not married to Shirley because the officer and Bill are old fraternity brothers. The officer intentionally charged Bill with something he knew would not stick. Bill would easily have been convicted of Assault and Battery, but he was not charged with that! This is what is known as the "STRAW MAN" charge. It is how you make a guilty person appear innocent.

This is exactly what was done with the Hillary Clinton case! If she had been charged with "Destruction of Government Documents", she would have easily been convicted, because she admitted to doing this! Instead, she was charged with "Mishandling Classified Documents" which has wiggle room for reasonable doubt regarding Criminal Intent.

Idiots that thinks communism will somehow work if we just give it one more chance are simply too stupid to be allowed to get a say in how this country is run, don't you agree?

Except no one was advocating communism.

A greedy piece of shit that uses the government to steal from others what he is too sorry to earn for himself should also not be allowed to influence government policy, don't you agree?

Nope. This is what happens when you don't pay people fair wages. They just vote to redistribute the wealth.

Look at what we got when those stupid greedy assholes voted for this jackass Obama, as an example.

We got someone who fixed most of what that jackass Bush fucked up?
1. Comey can't indict or prosecute Hillary.

2. He pointed out she lied and broke the law.

3. He didn't recommend indictment because he knew while Barry & Loretta ran the most lawless administration ever there would never be justice done.

1- He could have still made a referral for prosecution.

2- Except he didn't really do that. He made a lot of insinuations. Kind of like Ken Starr did for 70 million dollars and five years. But in the end, he had to admit there was no intent to break the law here.

3 - If he really felt that this was a horrible miscarriage of justice, he should have tendered his resignation in protest.

You see, here's the thing. You could PROBABLY make an argument she violated the law. What you can't prove was that there was malicious intent.

The real reason why he didn't recommend indictment was because he knew you would not be able to empanel a DC Jury that wouldn't consider these charges utter bullshit.

1. Would have been a waste of time...

2. When he testified before Congress he exposed Hillary's perjury and crimes

3. Yeah, like when you have a meltdown YOU quit YOUR job...
1. Would have been a waste of time...

2. When he testified before Congress he exposed Hillary's perjury and crimes

3. Yeah, like when you have a meltdown YOU quit YOUR job...

Uh, guy, I have quit jobs when I thought that my employers crossed an ethical line.

For instance, in 2000, they fired a coworker of mine for being gay, even though she had been with the company for 14 years and had an exemplary work record.

And, yes, I quit in protest of that.

Of course, this is when Bill was president and you could quit your job and find a better one pretty easily. You know, the really good argument as to why we want Hillary in there.

Point was, if he really felt Hillary did something more serious than sloppy record keeping, he should have resigned in protest and sent his letter of resignation to every newspaper. Wouldn't have gotten her prosectued, but it would have put a real kink in her presidential run.

He didn't. Because this wasn't a big fucking deal. Not a big enough deal to make a Nazi Orange Hairpiece president, anyway.
Bravo for you, Joe. So damn what?!

So you admit what Comey said was true - Hillary lied, did not turn over thousands of documents she was required to Zby law, but you claim it was 'sloppy book-keeping'!

The Director of the FBI, 3 fact check sites, and the State Dept say Hillary AND YOU LIE!
Bravo for you, Joe. So damn what?!

So you admit what Comey said was true - Hillary lied, did not turn over thousands of documents she was required to Zby law, but you claim it was 'sloppy book-keeping'!

The Director of the FBI, 3 fact check sites, and the State Dept say Hillary AND YOU LIE!

I admitted nothing of the sort. Comey is full of shit. If he had evidence, he should have submitted charges. He didn't want the humiliation of NORMAL people on a grand jury calling bullshit on him.

Ken Starr pulled this same bullshit back in the 1990's. He went around for years talking smack about Whitewater, filegate, travelgate, etc... and at the end, he had to admit, there was nothing to any of that stuff.

New rule. If you don't bring actual charges, you should be required to APOLOGIZE profusely to whoever you are investigating.
Apparently, the agents at the FBI are livid that Comey did what he did. They are claiming there was more than sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against Hillary Clinton. It wasn't a slam dunk case, but it had more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary Clinton.

Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see to it that he did.
Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for an indictment.

Hillary's statement to the FBI was intentionally given without a court reporter present or without any recording of her testimony to prevent her from having any further exposure to legal charges like perjury. If she lied to Congress, they have no written FBI deposition to confront Hillary with. This was set up to let her walk without fear of being charged with giving False Testimony or being charged with Obstruction of Justice.

This is what those in the "legalese world" call a "Straw Man" legal charge. (It is a charge designed to make someone appear innocent of the charges!) EXAMPLE: Bill beats up Shirley at their home. Bill is arrested for "Felony Spousal Abuse" . Bill's lawyer gets the charges dismissed because Bill is not married to Shirley! (They are only "live in boyfriend and girlfriend".) Bill walks out of court totally exonerated of the charges thanks to a technicality! The twist in the case is the arresting officer knew all along Bill was not married to Shirley because the officer and Bill are old fraternity brothers. The officer intentionally charged Bill with something he knew would not stick. Bill would easily have been convicted of Assault and Battery, but he was not charged with that! This is what is known as the "STRAW MAN" charge. It is how you make a guilty person appear innocent.

This is exactly what was done with the Hillary Clinton case! If she had been charged with "Destruction of Government Documents", she would have easily been convicted, because she admitted to doing this! Instead, she was charged with "Mishandling Classified Documents" which has wiggle room for reasonable doubt regarding Criminal Intent.
So where is the 'FBI leak'? Your entire OP is just you.

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