FBI Leaks: Why Comey Didn't Charge Hillary

Good to see our resident Mossad propagandistic card tosser got the alarm that LaDexter was posting truth here again...

Say HI to Bibi for me, and the 17 Mossad who failed their task...
In short, people, we live in a time where fraud is all around us. Getting out of this mess requires more than just PARROTING media and government figures. It starts with asking questions, and finding answers like why did Bibi say

"This is very good for Israel"

as his first public comments on 911???

What was "good for Israel" about 911, that the US media and the US Government would lie and claim a plane hit the Pentagon when it clearly was a US made bunker buster cruise missile???

OH OH OH OH OH - it was about oil!!!

No. Oil and defense got on board, but it was all about Ch1 of Book of Joshua, Israel re-conquering the "Promised Land," and it isn't just 911, its JFK, the USS Liberty, the Marines in Lebanon 1982 (an Israeli attempt to manipulate a US war with Hezbo), and 911.

The people in the "US" media telling you it was all about oil are the SAME people who DO NOT WANT you to see the actual video of the Pentagon....

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