FBI Leaks: Why Comey Didn't Charge Hillary

Debate the issues, debate the platforms, but stop making false accusations against Hillary, because you've cried "Wolf" at least 20 times in the past 20 years. This is why liberals don't fucking care what you accuse her of anymore, because for 20 years you've been calling Hillary a criminal and there are no crimes, except in the minds of Republicans.
People keep "disappearing" too. Just because the Dems won't prosecute doesn't mean no crime was committed. The influence peddling while secretary of state is something even they can't sweep under the rug. The fact that a liberal doesn't care is meaningless. Especially one that doesn't even live here. Go fuck up your own country!
Ah... DL doesn't even live here. Good I can put her blowhard word walls on ignore then.
Debate the issues, debate the platforms, but stop making false accusations against Hillary, because you've cried "Wolf" at least 20 times in the past 20 years. This is why liberals don't fucking care what you accuse her of anymore, because for 20 years you've been calling Hillary a criminal and there are no crimes, except in the minds of Republicans.
People keep "disappearing" too. Just because the Dems won't prosecute doesn't mean no crime was committed. The influence peddling while secretary of state is something even they can't sweep under the rug. The fact that a liberal doesn't care is meaningless. Especially one that doesn't even live here. Go fuck up your own country!
Ah... DL doesn't even live here. Good I can put her blowhard word walls on ignore then.
She's Canadian. Maybe I should join a Canadian forum and spew a bunch of garbage, no matter how many times it gets corrected.
Debate the issues, debate the platforms, but stop making false accusations against Hillary, because you've cried "Wolf" at least 20 times in the past 20 years. This is why liberals don't fucking care what you accuse her of anymore, because for 20 years you've been calling Hillary a criminal and there are no crimes, except in the minds of Republicans.
People keep "disappearing" too. Just because the Dems won't prosecute doesn't mean no crime was committed. The influence peddling while secretary of state is something even they can't sweep under the rug. The fact that a liberal doesn't care is meaningless. Especially one that doesn't even live here. Go fuck up your own country!
Ah... DL doesn't even live here. Good I can put her blowhard word walls on ignore then.
She's Canadian. Maybe I should join a Canadian forum and spew a bunch of garbage, no matter how many times it gets corrected.
Exactly. We get a lot of know it all foreigners on this board that spew crap.
"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subjest to security or administrative sanctions." - James Comey
Still not charged criminally like you all were salivating for.....
"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subjest to security or administrative sanctions." - James Comey
Still not charged criminally like you all were salivating for.....
Neither was teddy Kennedy...strange, huh?
"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subjest to security or administrative sanctions." - James Comey
Still not charged criminally like you all were salivating for.....

Still haven't seen crook going after crook.
She's Canadian. Maybe I should join a Canadian forum and spew a bunch of garbage, no matter how many times it gets corrected.

You're already doing that here, so have it.
I back up my shit with facts, like the post where Comey said to the congressional panel that Hillary did not tell the truth. In English that means she lied.

He didn't say she did not tell the truth. He was asked if what she said was true. He said no. What Hillary believed to be true was not, in fact, true. That doesn't mean she lied, it means she was misinformed. The wording of the questions was very precise - to elicit a yes or no answer, so that those without the intelligence would fail to see that the questions were worded to make it appeared that Comey was saying Hillary lied. He most definitely did not say she lied. He was just as careful in his answers as Trey Gowdy was in his questions.

And later on Comey had to retract many of his answers at the hearing, as the infromation he provided turned out to be false. Does that mean that Comey lied? In your books, he did, so how can you believe the rest of his answers since he admits he lied?

See how weasel words work?
She's Canadian. Maybe I should join a Canadian forum and spew a bunch of garbage, no matter how many times it gets corrected.

You're already doing that here, so have it.
I back up my shit with facts, like the post where Comey said to the congressional panel that Hillary did not tell the truth. In English that means she lied.

He didn't say she did not tell the truth. He was asked if what she said was true. He said no. What Hillary believed to be true was not, in fact, true. That doesn't mean she lied, it means she was misinformed. The wording of the questions was very precise - to elicit a yes or no answer, so that those without the intelligence would fail to see that the questions were worded to make it appeared that Comey was saying Hillary lied. He most definitely did not say she lied. He was just as careful in his answers as Trey Gowdy was in his questions.

And later on Comey had to retract many of his answers at the hearing, as the infromation he provided turned out to be false. Does that mean that Comey lied? In your books, he did, so how can you believe the rest of his answers since he admits he lied?

See how weasel words work?
Yes, I see how weasel words work. You claim not telling the truth is not a lie. It all depends on what is is. You supported nothing but continue to try to argue by authority. It doesn't work that way in this country.
Yes, I see how weasel words work. You claim not telling the truth is not a lie. It all depends on what is is. You supported nothing but continue to try to argue by authority. It doesn't work that way in this country.

So let's play this game.

Bush said there were WMD's in Iraq.
There were no WMD's in Iraq.
Did Bush lie, or was he just incorrect?

YOu see the problem with absolute standards?
New rule. If you don't bring actual charges, you should be required to APOLOGIZE profusely to whoever you are investigating.

You & all your liberal deniers ate just pissed that Comey exposed her perjury and her violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act - CRIMES, as well as being pissed off that 3 fact check sites hammered the hell out of her for her lies claimig Comey never said so and that she never did so.

Hillary -and anyone who continues to deny this - has been proven to be a LIAR!

IN ADDITION, Ron Paul pointed out the complete FACT no one is talking about / the media refuse to talk about:


Yes, I see how weasel words work. You claim not telling the truth is not a lie. It all depends on what is is. You supported nothing but continue to try to argue by authority. It doesn't work that way in this country.

That's not what I said at all. If you believe something to be true, you're not lying, you're misinformed. I have noticed that in this forum, as soon as someone posts something that's incorrect, you lot jump on them and call them a liar. You're far too quick to pin that label on someone. In the case of Hillary, you desperately want it to be true.

Hillary isn't always honest. She does tell lies, but not as many as most other politicians, as confirmed by PolitiFact.
Apparently, the agents at the FBI are livid that Comey did what he did. They are claiming there was more than sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against Hillary Clinton. It wasn't a slam dunk case, but it had more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary Clinton.

Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see to it that he did.
Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for an indictment.

Hillary's statement to the FBI was intentionally given without a court reporter present or without any recording of her testimony to prevent her from having any further exposure to legal charges like perjury. If she lied to Congress, they have no written FBI deposition to confront Hillary with. This was set up to let her walk without fear of being charged with giving False Testimony or being charged with Obstruction of Justice.

This is what those in the "legalese world" call a "Straw Man" legal charge. (It is a charge designed to make someone appear innocent of the charges!) EXAMPLE: Bill beats up Shirley at their home. Bill is arrested for "Felony Spousal Abuse" . Bill's lawyer gets the charges dismissed because Bill is not married to Shirley! (They are only "live in boyfriend and girlfriend".) Bill walks out of court totally exonerated of the charges thanks to a technicality! The twist in the case is the arresting officer knew all along Bill was not married to Shirley because the officer and Bill are old fraternity brothers. The officer intentionally charged Bill with something he knew would not stick. Bill would easily have been convicted of Assault and Battery, but he was not charged with that! This is what is known as the "STRAW MAN" charge. It is how you make a guilty person appear innocent.

This is exactly what was done with the Hillary Clinton case! If she had been charged with "Destruction of Government Documents", she would have easily been convicted, because she admitted to doing this! Instead, she was charged with "Mishandling Classified Documents" which has wiggle room for reasonable doubt regarding Criminal Intent.

Well, she just "short-circuited"

But that cannot be so, because she has issued a litany of lies to the press and to the public, which the FBI would have caught. In her so-called clarifying remarks, she again told journalists her oft-stated lie about returning all work-related emails to the State Department. She could not have told that to the FBI because Director Comey revealed in July that the FBI found “thousands” of unreturned work-related emails on her servers, some of which she attempted to destroy.
Just a reminder folks that meeting Bill had on the plane with Lynch just days before Hillary skated free...totally innocent they just happened to bump into each other, not a smidgen of corruption, wink wink. /SARCASM!!

If Bill was going to somehow threaten Lynch, don't you think an ex-president would have a better way to do it than to catch her at the airport?
You & all your liberal deniers ate just pissed that Comey exposed her perjury and her violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act - CRIMES, as well as being pissed off that 3 fact check sites hammered the hell out of her for her lies claimig Comey never said so and that she never did so.

I think quite the contrary... I think that if you aren't going to file charges, you shouldn't reveal ANYTHING you found.

"Hey, we couldn't prove Easy committed that murder we've implied he was involved in, but I'll slyly suggest that he was involved, somehow.

This is bullshit. The same bullshit that thinks lying about a blowjob is an impeachable offense but lying us into a war where thousands of people died isn't.
Bush said there were WMD's in Iraq.
There were no WMD's in Iraq.
Did Bush lie, or was he just incorrect?

EVERYTHING stated as a reason to invade Iraq was a deliberate, intentional lie with support from both parties. The list of Zionist Traitors who pushed the Iraq War starts with Dianne Feinstein, who had been for a US war with Iraq no matter what the reason since 1992. She gave the final spearheading speech on the Senate floor right before the vote.

You talk about lies about WMDs. You are missing the full picture. Start with this question - what hit the Pentagon on 911, and why did the US media and the W Administration not want you to see it with your own eyes??

Hint - nobody disputes that what hit the Pentagon on 911 came in around 400 mph at about 8 feet off the ground. If the nose of a 757 is 8 feet off the ground, where are its engines???
She does tell lies, but not as many as most other politicians,

That's just pathetic.

It starts with cattle futures, who is Chelsea's bio daddy, why was she rifling through Vince Foster's office the night of his "suicide," and admitting to billing fraud on Castle Grande to get out of 2 years in prison (which bio daddy Webb Hubbell did).

Keep on trying to paint Hillary as something other than what she has been all her life - a completely merit-less, greedy, narcissistic, kleptocratic liar and traitor.

Are you going to tell us that Hillary never noticed that Bill never slept with her???

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