FBI Leaks: Why Comey Didn't Charge Hillary

prior to say 20 years ago would there be a case where emails were hacked? No, there would not be. The excuse for her crime that no one else was ever indicted is a piss poor one, but that is what we have come to expect from the liberal left.

People have done very similar things and have had their careers ruined and did jail time. Maybe no one else ever did what Hillary has done they didn't have the contempt for the system she does.

She put CIA agents lives in danger as Comey testified and the left just looked the other way. One Iranian spy might have actually been executed because of the information from Hillary's emails. That should be prosecuted.

We didn't even to start using emails in business until the late 1990's, so 20 years ago, email existed only amongst scientists and other nerds. I had one of the earliest Windows systems in 1991, and it was pretty slow and primitive. The lawyer I worked for didn't even I have a computer, and since he didn't know how to type, it would have been pretty useless for him to have one. Fax was the choice of business and government in the early 90's. Note that the Clintons and their staff didn't use email in the White House, but Bush and his staff did.

At the end of the 90's and early 2000's more people had email, but in law firms we were always cautioned about sending sensitive information such as passwords, or documents containing sensitive client discussions via email. You have no idea who is opening the emails, or how they're handled. Some banks and trust companies won't send client instructions via email to lawyers, because of the client confidentiality laws, and the fact that they cannot guarantee that email is secure. If I knew that in a big city law firm in the late 1990's, you can be sure the US government knew that, and so did everyone working there.

Comey DID NOT testify that Hillary put CIA lives in danger. He said that had she been hacked, she COULD have, put lives in danger. But he also said there was no evidence that her server had ever been hacked. Big difference. And since the hackers have been so quick to spread around the emails they DID hack, I somehow doubt they would have sat on them. And WikiLeaks went to great lengths to demonstrate that they acquired Hillary's emails through a FOI request.

The Iranian spy was known to the Iranians and was trying to go home because they threatened his family, to get him to go home so they could arrest him. Hillary did not get him killed. He returned to Iran knowing he would likely be arrested.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly "what if" scenario's in these Hillary scandals quickly become the "facts" of her crimes. "If she had been hacked she could have endangered US lives", has become "she endangered US lives and got an Iranian spy killed". This is how these Republican scandals have always gone. The Clintons do something, which Republicans say "could" have been something else. Investigations always prove it wasn't what Republicans said it could have been at all. But it never ends.

Debate the issues, debate the platforms, but stop making false accusations against Hillary, because you've cried "Wolf" at least 20 times in the past 20 years. This is why liberals don't fucking care what you accuse her of anymore, because for 20 years you've been calling Hillary a criminal and there are no crimes, except in the minds of Republicans.
I love it when you libtard sheep defend that scraggly, lying old hag.
Good analysis, anyone in this day and age has to know that email not on secure servers is vulnerable. But when a person is trying to avoid FOIA requests they will do anything as did Hillary.

Comey did say she put agents lives in danger:

Not once EVER in that video, did Comey say she put lives in danger. Not one time.

There was a whole lot of outrage at what was on her server. But no one said she endangered American lives.
Enough with the BULLSHIT INVESTIGATIONS. Run against Hillary on the facts. On the PROVEN record, and stop with the gossip, the lies, and the attempts to derail this woman, and fight her ideas, her ideals, and her intentions.
How is it bullshit if they find out and report that she lied, was incompetent and put the nation at risk? You might not give a fuck but that doesn't make it go away.

Comey did not say she lied in his report. He said she did't turn over all her emails. From the beginning Hillary said she believed that emails sent to government servers didn't have to be turned over because the government already had copies on their servers, so no she didn't lie, and no she didn't turn over all her emails. The same with multiple devices. Yes she had access to multiple devices in her office, but all she used when travelling was her one device - her blackberry, and she travelled a lot. There is a difference between lying and what you believe to be true, being incorrect.

She was not called incompetent. She admits she could have done things better, and has learned from her mistakes for the future. She did NOT put the nation at risk. That's complete hyperbole.

You're seizing on this because it's all you've got. When you show the same level of outrage for the 50,000 emails W and his cronies deleted without turning over, I'll believe you're sincere.

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News
FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday that Hillary Clinton’s claims -- some made under oath -- about her use of a private email server were “not true,” fueling Republican questions about whether in doing so she committed a felony.
Jonathan Gruber called it correctly when he said there are stupid Americans who will believe anything they are told

Gruber stated THAT about voters concerning the ACA......Gruber is pissed off at the WH for not getting enough "credit" for his work (and a half million dollar check) in Obamacare.

He said it about the "stupid Americans" that believed the Obama Administration lies about the ACA .

It is the same stupidity that the Moon Bats have when it comes to believing anything the filthy ass lying Clintons or the Obama Administrations says.

You can't fix stupidity like that.

This jackass Crooked Hillary has absolutely nothing for this country except dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. She is not even a nice person and she sure as hell cannot be trusted with classified material. Why anybody would want her to be President and Commander in Chief is absolutely mind boggling.

The kind of person that would ignore her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency and vote for her is exactly the stupid American Gruber was referring to. The idiots in this country that unfortunately have the franchise to vote and who are destroying this once great country with their greed and uneducated low information mindset.
The idiots in this country that unfortunately have the franchise to vote and who are destroying this once great country with their greed and uneducated low information mindset.

....and NOTHING confirms that point more than your posts.....
Enough with the BULLSHIT INVESTIGATIONS. Run against Hillary on the facts. On the PROVEN record, and stop with the gossip, the lies, and the attempts to derail this woman, and fight her ideas, her ideals, and her intentions.
How is it bullshit if they find out and report that she lied, was incompetent and put the nation at risk? You might not give a fuck but that doesn't make it go away.

Comey did not say she lied in his report. He said she did't turn over all her emails. From the beginning Hillary said she believed that emails sent to government servers didn't have to be turned over because the government already had copies on their servers, so no she didn't lie, and no she didn't turn over all her emails. The same with multiple devices. Yes she had access to multiple devices in her office, but all she used when travelling was her one device - her blackberry, and she travelled a lot. There is a difference between lying and what you believe to be true, being incorrect.

She was not called incompetent. She admits she could have done things better, and has learned from her mistakes for the future. She did NOT put the nation at risk. That's complete hyperbole.

You're seizing on this because it's all you've got. When you show the same level of outrage for the 50,000 emails W and his cronies deleted without turning over, I'll believe you're sincere.

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News
FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday that Hillary Clinton’s claims -- some made under oath -- about her use of a private email server were “not true,” fueling Republican questions about whether in doing so she committed a felony.

They will have to once again follow what is clearly not in the law and show intent. Hillary will just claim that the header was not marked thus it is reasonable to assume it was not classified. Even if the information contained can be called nothing other than classified.

She is not one of us, face it, get over it, there are them and then there are us.
Jonathan Gruber called it correctly when he said there are stupid Americans who will believe anything they are told

Gruber stated THAT about voters concerning the ACA......Gruber is pissed off at the WH for not getting enough "credit" for his work (and a half million dollar check) in Obamacare.

He said it about the "stupid Americans" that believed the Obama Administration lies about the ACA .

It is the same stupidity that the Moon Bats have when it comes to believing anything the filthy ass lying Clintons or the Obama Administrations says.

You can't fix stupidity like that.

This jackass Crooked Hillary has absolutely nothing for this country except dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. She is not even a nice person and she sure as hell cannot be trusted with classified material. Why anybody would want her to be President and Commander in Chief is absolutely mind boggling.

The kind of person that would ignore her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency and vote for her is exactly the stupid American Gruber was referring to. The idiots in this country that unfortunately have the franchise to vote and who are destroying this once great country with their greed and uneducated low information mindset.

The funny part about it is, she wanted to hide from FOIA requests and thus exposed everything. Once again proving that the result is always opposite of a liberal's stated intent.

She is too incompetent and stupid to lead. I am not sure what else the left needs to see. Well there is nothing else that the democrats will see.
You really gonna charge her on an espionage crim charge ? Playa please !

Then you'd also have to charge pretty much everyone who ever emailed her too .

And then change Trump for his threats too. If you are gonna be super technical over things .
"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subjest to security or administrative sanctions." - James Comey
You really gonna charge her on an espionage crim charge ? Playa please !

Then you'd also have to charge pretty much everyone who ever emailed her too .

And then change Trump for his threats too. If you are gonna be super technical over things .

Who did Trump technically or otherwise threaten?

You mean the 2nd amendment comment? Really?

After Hillary wished Obama to be eliminated in 2008?

You mean after Obama said to bring a gun to a knife fight?

You certainly don't mean those real threats do you?
I would have liked to have seen Hillary charged. Then again I would have preferred the Supreme Court didn't stop the Florida ballot re-count back in 2000, even though I had no disappointment in Gore's defeat. Knowing that games are played somewhat helps from getting hopes up. There's only one place where things are perfect and it isn't of this world.
Hope this guys life insurance is paid up...but with that said I suspect Hillary's ass just puckered.

Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

Preet Bharara, dubbed ‘The Showman’ in The New Yorker for his penchant for theatrics and wisecracks, runs the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York and has racked up an impressive number of corruption convictions — from Wall Street bankers, hedge funds, and New York organized crime to prominent politicians.

The FBI has enlisted Bharara’s office (along with others) in part for his prosecutorial aggressiveness that career DOJ attorneys may lack.

Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

Not going to happen....he would have till November to convict her....once she is in charge of the law enforcement agencies of the United States it is all over.............when they were in office the first time, the very first thing they did was fire all the U.S. attorneys.......just to get rid of the one investigating White Water...........and of course to place all of their own people in those positions......

If she gets in....it is all over ......no one can touch her...and you can see..right now she is untouchable....there are no honest people in the democrat party.........it is corrupt through and through........
I would have liked to have seen Hillary charged. Then again I would have preferred the Supreme Court didn't stop the Florida ballot re-count back in 2000, even though I had no disappointment in Gore's defeat. Knowing that games are played somewhat helps from getting hopes up. There's only one place where things are perfect and it isn't of this world.

They didn't stop the recount...they stopped only counting votes from democrat controlled voting districts.
Apparently, the agents at the FBI are livid that Comey did what he did. They are claiming there was more than sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against Hillary Clinton. It wasn't a slam dunk case, but it had more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary Clinton.

Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see to it that he did.
Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for an indictment.

Hillary's statement to the FBI was intentionally given without a court reporter present or without any recording of her testimony to prevent her from having any further exposure to legal charges like perjury. If she lied to Congress, they have no written FBI deposition to confront Hillary with. This was set up to let her walk without fear of being charged with giving False Testimony or being charged with Obstruction of Justice.

This is what those in the "legalese world" call a "Straw Man" legal charge. (It is a charge designed to make someone appear innocent of the charges!) EXAMPLE: Bill beats up Shirley at their home. Bill is arrested for "Felony Spousal Abuse" . Bill's lawyer gets the charges dismissed because Bill is not married to Shirley! (They are only "live in boyfriend and girlfriend".) Bill walks out of court totally exonerated of the charges thanks to a technicality! The twist in the case is the arresting officer knew all along Bill was not married to Shirley because the officer and Bill are old fraternity brothers. The officer intentionally charged Bill with something he knew would not stick. Bill would easily have been convicted of Assault and Battery, but he was not charged with that! This is what is known as the "STRAW MAN" charge. It is how you make a guilty person appear innocent.

This is exactly what was done with the Hillary Clinton case! If she had been charged with "Destruction of Government Documents", she would have easily been convicted, because she admitted to doing this! Instead, she was charged with "Mishandling Classified Documents" which has wiggle room for reasonable doubt regarding Criminal Intent.

Lol. No but thanks for your opinion
I would have liked to have seen Hillary charged. Then again I would have preferred the Supreme Court didn't stop the Florida ballot re-count back in 2000, even though I had no disappointment in Gore's defeat. Knowing that games are played somewhat helps from getting hopes up. There's only one place where things are perfect and it isn't of this world.

They didn't stop the recount...they stopped only counting votes from democrat controlled voting districts.

You think divesting democrats of their votes was ok?
The idiots in this country that unfortunately have the franchise to vote and who are destroying this once great country with their greed and uneducated low information mindset.

....and NOTHING confirms that point more than your posts.....

Idiots that thinks communism will somehow work if we just give it one more chance are simply too stupid to be allowed to get a say in how this country is run, don't you agree?

A greedy piece of shit that uses the government to steal from others what he is too sorry to earn for himself should also not be allowed to influence government policy, don't you agree?

Look at what we got when those stupid greedy assholes voted for this jackass Obama, as an example.

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