FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Motherfucker was photographed carrying a document to the POTUS arguing for using martial law to end Democracy. He's living his fantasy right now; after years of efforts he finally gets to be a target.
What document was it, liar?
Show me a document, and I will show you a crime.
That's me channeling a garden variety liberal.
Lindell lobbying Trump to declare martial law wasn’t illegal and he’s not being investigated for doing so.

It’s just an easy way to point out what a lunatic he is.
I think CNN leaving the reservation has hit them very, very hard. First.

Second, the only answer they have for a woman being harassed by the FBI is they "they had a tip".

Most of these yahoos KNOW this is bad, they just can't admit it.
Journalists check their stories...
Link, please. Or admit you're making it up.
Try news media dupe. You might have a clue!!

What document was it, liar?
Try news sometime, dupe....

While I am far left and dislike Trump and the right wing.
This has no credibility.
There is no way to "photograph" someone and connect that with a document, which has to be read, not photographed.
If there is a document calling for the use of martial law, then we would need to see the proof.
A vague claim of a photograph is not sufficient.
Welcome to the new fascist state, where your political beliefs earn you a visit and a ruffing up from the Gestapo.

Mike Lindell says the FBI seized his cell phone at a Mankato Hardee’s

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said the FBI surrounded him and took his cell phone Tuesday while he was in a Mankato Hardee’s drive-through.

Lindell said he and a friend were on their way home from duck hunting in Iowa and stopped at the fast-food restaurant when three cars with four FBI agents surrounded his vehicle.

“The FBI corralled me in Mankato, Minnesota, and took my cell phone,” Lindell told the Reformer, in a rambling interview in which he repeatedly attacked the Reformer and other media outlets, fulminated about Dominion Voting Systems and said the company is trying to destroy his pillow company.

Vikki Migoya, spokesperson for the FBI’s Denver Field Office, confirmed that the FBI executed a search warrant authorized by a federal judge.
The Dimstapo is out of control.
That is just it. It won't be us, as we don't run with people like that.

Perhaps not now, but what about when those you might disagree with are calling the shots, and they decide you're a potential danger and need to be investigated?
How dare Mike say that Biden stole the election!

We can't have political dissent against the ruling party, can we?

Any dissent to the National Socialist Party must be stopped.

It is one thing for the Democrat filth to attack Americans that oppose their agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole. We expect the Moon Bat assholes to do despicable things like that.

However, it is despicable that the Justice Department and the FBI would be goons of the Democrats. They supposedly took an oath to defend the Constitution for foreign and domestic enemies and they are violating that oath by aiding the Democrats.
Socialist means democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net, dunce- NOT COMMUNISM! Everyone but brainwashed english speakers know it. Even super capitalist UK got it after World War Two but they called it Labour policies . Lol *** **** it. Like every modern country but us, the only modern country that doesn't have health care cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich for God's sake super dupe . Too bad you have no evidence of any of that, just the brainwash from swine and conspiracy nuts....
And you are full of caca in the statement "there has never been a Republican KKK member.

Do you believe that 1+1=2?

The KKK was originally formed as an anti-REPUBLICAN organization! BOTH whites and blacks were lynched.

But back then no self respecting black man would.could ever be a democrat!

You are really a simple son of a bitch!
That is just it. It won't be us, as we don't run with people like that.
Ah, your take sounds logical White, don’t break the law and you don’t have anything to worry about, right? It’s not always about that though, is it? Analogy: think of a garbage collector who works hard collecting garbage, yet often scrapes up a few unintentionally discarded items daily like for instance a diamond ring. This is what is happening with our political SIDES full of sideshows, we see a lot of garbage that needs to be omitted for the betterment of all citizens, but we don’t really agree on what the valuables are, not even close nowadays. The political subsets on the edges have separated farther away from the middle of the pendulum, with the “middle” voters encompassing WAY too many individuals with different mindsets to make some collective statement about what it means to be in the middle or what it means to be an independent.

The long-term (big picture) is more important compared to short-term maneuverings (almost a side circus fully flamed by our fine collection of biased LSM) and of little value comparatively speaking. Sure, each battle will perhaps eventually lead to temporarily winning the war for one side or the other, but as you likely know when it comes to politics there really are never any true winners, not for very long anyway.

I still count on “good” to override “evil” in this continued game of tug of war over during these politically volatile times. “Good” and “bad” constructs are of course subjective, and therein lies the bottom line of the problem. I try to boil it down to this
determinant: if something supports life and true growth I support it, but if the measure leads to death, destruction, chaos I do not. I will continue to support the expression of oppositional views which is directly supported the US Constitution, and I will also continue to support the freedom to absolutely contrast every oppositional viewpoint that another person might state. Now that’s big picture thinking and fortunately many voters “in the middle” including self-labeled independents support this stance.
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