FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Of course you do. He’s a loud mouthed MAGArat troll
I love how you guys are scared to death that we are Making America Great Again.

It shows us that you're afraid of living in a great country. Although we can't understand why, we accept that you would prefer to live hip-deep in shit. :dunno: Just wish you would choose to find somewhere else to built your Shitopia.
I love how you guys are scared to death that we are Making America Great Again.

It shows us that you're afraid of living in a great country. Although we can't understand why, we accept that you would prefer to live hip-deep in shit. :dunno: Just wish you would choose to find somewhere else to built your Shitopia.
You cannot make what has already existed long ago before you were born.
You do know that you are WAY behind in understanding what each of these political parties stood for back in the reconstruction period don't you?

And you are full of caca in the statement "there has never been a Republican KKK member.

The Republican Party was formed to confront Democrat Slavery.

The GOP has been against the idea of telling other people what to do, or "slavery", since its founding.
There was no "treason", except for a stolen election.

Mr. Lindell is a conservative, and the fact that he schlonged the Liberal Pillow Biters at Dave Hogg's firm which competed with him, made the FBI want to retaliate.

Propaganda lies. Another Marxist justifying KGB goon political attacks on an American citizen because of their political views.

Right now the United States is re-claiming it's place in the world forum, and in Geo-Politics. Biden pulled Europe together to increase sanctions on Russia and rallied to Ukraine's side in defense of freedom and liberty. Our Allies are working with us as we are working with them to do what NATO was created to do.
Every American should be proud of all the work the Biden administration has done to help the people of Ukraine defend its land and people. Putin has been humiliated.
Job numbers are great and Biden is bringing back chip manufacturing to the United States, creating jobs and instead of a useless tariff war, he's actually investing in our tech infrastructure.
Trump can seethe all he wants as Biden cleans up the mess Trump left.
"This is one of the people trying to push Trump into declaring martial law"
  • "Aren't you glad you live in America, where you're free to believe whatever bullshit you want to believe and spout any lies that you feel like spouting?"
  • "Propaganda lies."
Personally, folks......my free advice to JustQuit & Reaper is this:
If you are going to dispute an avataree like 'Lesh'......well, pack a good lunch, and hitch your belt another notch.
He generally has done his due diligence. IMHO

For example there is this:


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