FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

It would appear that "treason" now is disagreeing with the democrat party. Not a good look for them.

You misspelled the "marxist party." Probably some sticking keys in your keyboard. Mine's been doing that a lot lately too, since I spilled some Monster energy drink on it.
Hey you dumb fucking leftist asswipes, Mike Lindell has nothing to do with this.
I'll be gobsmacked the prolific poster who just a few days ago stated he is leaving the chatroom because of all the pushback he was getting.....well, he came back early. Perhaps, hungry for the attention?
And word to the wise: if anyone DIES around here, it will be the commies. I guarantee it. You have my word on it.
I told you from day one, the pros are in the game now.........We won't be helping Mike specifically, but we're already in a good enough position to roast the lying cheaters in court and in print and every other way, and if the nitwit Democraps try it again it'll unquestionably be very damaging.
And he came back with his usual portentous huff'n & puff'n.
Welcome back, Rambo-lite.
These gestapo nazi ss tactics by the fbi only show how guilty they are.
Guilty and terrified that more and more Americans recognize this every day.
I guess Hardee's is not going to be happy when the word gets out that you'll get your phone taken by the feds when you eat there.
I love this bar.
We've got winners.....
We've got __________.
Somebody might have committed a crime. You were seen talking to him once or you may have voiced support for him, so we now are going to question you and confiscate your belongings to search through them looking for something with which we can charge you. And we pinky swear that it is purely, I mean purely coincidental that all our efforts totally align with the democrat party's goals.

Does that sound like the FBI we grew up respecting?
Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone
How dare Mike say that Biden stole the election!

We can't have political dissent against the ruling party, can we?

Any dissent to the National Socialist Party must be stopped.

It is one thing for the Democrat filth to attack Americans that oppose their agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole. We expect the Moon Bat assholes to do despicable things like that.

However, it is despicable that the Justice Department and the FBI would be goons of the Democrats. They supposedly took an oath to defend the Constitution for foreign and domestic enemies and they are violating that oath by aiding the Democrats.
If I was a millionaire I would not eat at Hardee's just like I do not eat there now at middle income.
And besides that, Mankato sucks. It's a scung-ey looking leftist college town. I feel sorry for Lindell for having to spend time there.
Sure look like it while watching live. I forget the damages in dollars. Still feel sorry for that shameful attack on the defenders and of course the dead woman climbing through the door after some tried to break the glass out, while the defending cop told her to stop.
Do you feel sorry for the police opening the doors to let them in?
You DO know that DEMOCRATS founded the KKK don't you?

There has never been a republican KKK member!
You do know that you are WAY behind in understanding what each of these political parties stood for back in the reconstruction period don't you?

And you are full of caca in the statement "there has never been a Republican KKK member.

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