FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone

Took it from him at a Hardee’s in Minnesota. LOL.

Hey Mike, don’t engage in treason, and the FBI won’t take your phone.

Well, there ya go.

Whaddya got for us, that's going to help in November? Just more banging on and on about how half the nation are fascists while the ACTUAL fascists confiscate phones and intimidate innocent Americans--and you defend this?

Shameful. Pathetic.
Whaddya got for us, that's going to help in November? Just more banging on and on about how half the nation are fascists while the ACTUAL fascists confiscate phones and intimidate innocent Americans--and you defend this?

Shameful. Pathetic.
Hey, I appreciate your candor.

I learn things here, and have my suspicions confirmed here, pretty much every day.
Hey, I appreciate your candor.

I learn things here, and have my suspicions confirmed here, pretty much every day.

We know how great you think you are, Mac, while you miss so much.

Like that fact that YOUR side is engaging in the actual fascistic behavior.
Welcome to the new fascist state, where your political beliefs earn you a visit and a ruffing up from the Gestapo...........................MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said the FBI surrounded him and took his cell phone Tuesday while he was in a Mankato Hardee’s drive-through.
“The FBI corralled me in Mankato, Minnesota, and took my cell phone,” Lindell told the Reformer, in a rambling interview in which he repeatedly attacked the Reformer and other media outlets, fulminated about Dominion Voting Systems and said the company is trying to destroy his pillow company.
Vikki Migoya, spokesperson for the FBI’s Denver Field Office, confirmed that the FBI executed a search warrant authorized by a federal judge.

It seems the Federal Bureau of Intimidation is proud of its new mission.
Why do the Democrats fear the Pillow Guy?
Guys, think about it.
Is defending Mike Lindell's word on anything the hill you wanna die on? Is he your best horse to ride into battle on?

Maybe you need ask: ..'Why haven't they confiscated his phone earlier?'
After all, per Pillowboy's assertions, he has evidence that 300 million Americans committed voter fraud.
The Feds NEED to look into that.

And maybe open our borders so we can have enough guards to guard those 300 million when we capture 'em all. We'll need 'more guards.....after all, there are only 330 million Americans now, many of them children. So we're gonna need some immigrated help. No?


"MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he has evidence to put 300 million in jail for election fraud

That’s more people than voted in the 2020 election"

Guys, think about it.
Is defending Mike Lindell's word on anything the hill you wanna die on? Is he your best horse to ride into battle on?

Maybe you need ask: ..'Why haven't they confiscated his phone earlier?'
After all, per Pillowboy's assertions, he has evidence that 300 million Americans committed voter fraud.
The Feds NEED to look into that.

And maybe open our borders so we can have enough guards to guard those 300 million when we capture 'em all. We'll need 'more guards.....after all, there are only 330 million Americans now, many of them children. So we're gonna need some immigrated help. No?


"MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he has evidence to put 300 million in jail for election fraud

That’s more people than voted in the 2020 election"

I wupport Republicans electing the same fascist you do. If it starts in small communities with their own protecting the elected from the D.C. evil let it be.
Guys, think about it.
Is defending Mike Lindell's word on anything the hill you wanna die on? Is he your best horse to ride into battle on?

Maybe you need ask: ..'Why haven't they confiscated his phone earlier?'
After all, per Pillowboy's assertions, he has evidence that 300 million Americans committed voter fraud.
The Feds NEED to look into that.

And maybe open our borders so we can have enough guards to guard those 300 million when we capture 'em all. We'll need 'more guards.....after all, there are only 330 million Americans now, many of them children. So we're gonna need some immigrated help. No?


"MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he has evidence to put 300 million in jail for election fraud

That’s more people than voted in the 2020 election"

We have free speech in this country dude. Its not a crime to say an election was stolen and to say it publicly. Maybe you need to study the US constitution because you clearly don't understand it. I've already emailed my reps and senators that they had better get on this.
Guys, think about it.
Is defending Mike Lindell's word on anything the hill you wanna die on? Is he your best horse to ride into battle on?

Hey you dumb fucking leftist asswipes, Mike Lindell has nothing to do with this.

Neither does Donald Trump.

And word to the wise: if anyone DIES around here, it will be the commies. I guarantee it. You have my word on it.

Maybe you need ask: ..'Why haven't they confiscated his phone earlier?'
After all, per Pillowboy's assertions, he has evidence that 300 million Americans committed voter fraud.
The Feds NEED to look into that.

And maybe open our borders so we can have enough guards to guard those 300 million when we capture 'em all. We'll need 'more guards.....after all, there are only 330 million Americans now, many of them children. So we're gonna need some immigrated help. No?

WTF are you talking about.


"MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he has evidence to put 300 million in jail for election fraud

That’s more people than voted in the 2020 election"

Mike Lindell means well, but he's not the smartest guy in the world.

However I told you from day one, the pros are in the game now.

We won't be helping Mike specifically, but we're already in a good enough position to roast the lying cheaters in court and in print and every other way, and if the nitwit Democraps try it again it'll unquestionably be very damaging.

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