FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone

You would think there are at least a FEW FBI leaking like sieves to Republican Congress folks.
They don't have to "leak". The Senate Intelligence Committee gets briefed on the investigation. They can leak. That's why Rubio went on television and tried to distract from that. He chairs rhe committee.
I'm not sure they do know it. After all, they do control most of the main stream, legacy media. I'm starting to think they actually believe their own propaganda. Once someone floats a story, it gets parroted and repeated over and over until the lie becomes, for them, 'truth.' You even hear pundits and so-called 'journalists' repeating Democrat talking points verbatim. We saw that first hand with the Russia/Trump fake story based on an unverified dossier. At the time, they all swore it was the truth.

I think CNN leaving the reservation has hit them very, very hard. First.

Second, the only answer they have for a woman being harassed by the FBI is they "they had a tip".

Most of these yahoos KNOW this is bad, they just can't admit it.
They don't have to "leak". The Senate Intelligence Committee gets briefed on the investigation. They can leak. That's why Rubio went on television and tried to distract from that. He chairs rhe committee.

And yet they are leaking.

Funny thing about bad times, Fact Free Insults. They make the house of cards come down a lot, lot faster. People start eating loaves of bread made of wood chips? They're not so very loyal to the cause anymore.

You'll see.
Not thrown out for cause. Thrown out for things like lack of standing. There was no due process, no discovery, no subpoenas allowed. None of the normal court processes were followed. The courts simply refused to hear ANY election-related cases.
Total BS just like the election bs...No conspiracy, conspiracy nutjob. Our fine gov't and court system didn't go nuts overnight lol....just Murdoch Nutjobs Trump and your now insane party....60% anyway...
Total BS just like the election bs...No conspiracy, conspiracy nutjob. Our fine gov't and court system didn't go nuts overnight lol....just Murdoch Nutjobs Trump and your now insane party....60% anyway...
Careful, that 'insane party' might just get in power and take down all your alt-left Marxists and Marxist tools.
Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone
That article is a joke, right? Only the dumbest of the dumb could take it seriously!
I tell my students:

Building something beautiful is difficult

Destroying it is quick and easy, and cruel. Be a builder.

For the adults here I would add: if all you think about doing is destroying, and you finally get your way, the fallout is rarely what you think it will be.

Again the Dems play a very dangerous game.
When they have nothing left to lose they will build killdozers ...killdozers are indeed a beautiful expression 😍

I love western civilization..... always said not looking forward to its collapse and the coming hell ....but coming it is
Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone

Welcome to the new fascist state, where your political beliefs earn you a visit and a ruffing up from the Gestapo.

What sort of corrupt judge would sign such an order?

Welcome to the new fascist state, where your political beliefs earn you a visit and a ruffing up from the Gestapo.

Mike Lindell says the FBI seized his cell phone at a Mankato Hardee’s

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said the FBI surrounded him and took his cell phone Tuesday while he was in a Mankato Hardee’s drive-through.

Lindell said he and a friend were on their way home from duck hunting in Iowa and stopped at the fast-food restaurant when three cars with four FBI agents surrounded his vehicle.

“The FBI corralled me in Mankato, Minnesota, and took my cell phone,” Lindell told the Reformer, in a rambling interview in which he repeatedly attacked the Reformer and other media outlets, fulminated about Dominion Voting Systems and said the company is trying to destroy his pillow company.

Vikki Migoya, spokesperson for the FBI’s Denver Field Office, confirmed that the FBI executed a search warrant authorized by a federal judge.
Mac1958 said yesterday he thought I was someone who "loved my country"

Really? What country would that be? The one they destroyed? The one I no longer recognize? The one where armed gestapo show up at your doorstep cause the powers that be don't like how you voted?

These people do not understand how very far down the road we are. How quaint: they still think we "love our country"

Well, there ya go.

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