FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

I see. So you're crediting Biden for being behind the FBI's raid on Mar-a-Lago, over 30 Trump associates receiving subpoenas, and the seizing of personal property from other persons?

Tell you what, shithead: You'd better hope we never have another civil war in this country. Because if we do, your ass is mine.
Ooooooo! We've got a threatening bad ass here.
I have not been read in to this. Things get taken across the country daily, without me knowing what they thought was on them, until and arrest is made and charges made. Am I to think all search warrants are invalid, unless I have been read into the background on the warrant. Sorry. Can't get there, on that.
What the hell did you just say?

You take glee in our gov running roughshod over people you don't like then spew a bunch of crap when called on it.
Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone
The actually seemed more interested in his connection to the Colorado woman, Tina Peters under felony charges for breach of her office's election machines. I guess we will have to see what Mike may or may not be connect to. The Washington Examiner said he was allowed to call his lawyer and his lawyer told him to give up the phone.
What do you call what Biden did with getting the prosecutor removed?
That was actual extortion. Trump simply asked the Ukrainian President to investigate violations of Ukrainian law by an American citizen as he was required to by the treaty between Ukraine and the USA. Ukraine’s president stated on record that he was never aware of the foreign aid stoppage.
That was actual extortion. Trump simply asked the Ukrainian President to investigate violations of Ukrainian law by an American citizen as he was required to by the treaty between Ukraine and the USA. Ukraine’s president stated on record that he was never aware of the foreign aid stoppage.
that's all right then lol....
that's how ridiculous they are. duh. thrown out. and most of your bs not even tried because lying in court is a CRIME
Not thrown out for cause. Thrown out for things like lack of standing. There was no due process, no discovery, no subpoenas allowed. None of the normal court processes were followed. The courts simply refused to hear ANY election-related cases.

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