FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

So, when / if the Rs take over and do this too, you gonna be all chill n happy with it?
The Trumpers tried it DUH but lying to judges doesn't work duh lol....Lindell's phone was taken for a damn good reason. He was talking to Trump about martial law to overturn the election DUHHHH. That is frowned upon....
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What the hell did you just say?

You take glee in our gov running roughshod over people you don't like then spew a bunch of crap when called on it.
You can't do that. Trump tried. Sorry about all your heroes being criminals and traitors but not surprised to say the least lol
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The Trumpers tried it DUH but lying to judges doesn't work duh lol....Lindell's phone was taken for a damn good reason. He was talking to Trump about martial law to overturn the election DUHHHH. That is frowned upon....
You don't believe in following legal procedures, huh.
The Trumpers tried it DUH but lying to judges doesn't work duh lol....Lindell's phone was taken for a damn good reason. He was talking to Trump about martial law to overturn the election DUHHHH. That is frowned upon....
Since when is talking about martial law a crime? Do you know what was really said? Got a link?
Can't share a nation with these authoritarians.

It's all over but the shouting. Let's just get it over with already.

Down with the union

Mac1958 said yesterday he thought I was someone who "loved my country"

Really? What country would that be? The one they destroyed? The one I no longer recognize? The one where armed gestapo show up at your doorstep cause the powers that be don't like how you voted?

These people do not understand how very far down the road we are. How quaint: they still think we "love our country"
You would think there are at least a FEW FBI leaking like sieves to Republican Congress folks. In fact, I would bet on it if I were a betting person. Makes no difference what they think of Trump; it only takes a few people with a shred of principle left to say--nope, this can't stand.

The Democrats play a very dangerous game here and the worse the economy gets for them, the more dangerous their game gets. They have to know it.
You would think there are at least a FEW FBI leaking like sieves to Republican Congress folks. In fact, I would bet on it if I were a betting person. Makes no difference what they think of Trump; it only takes a few people with a shred of principle left to say--nope, this can't stand.

The Democrats play a very dangerous game here and the worse the economy gets for them, the more dangerous their game gets. They have to know it.
There is a friggin conga line of FBI ( and other Agency ) whistleblowers ready to come before a GOP controlled Congressional Committee or two or three
Mac1958 said yesterday he thought I was someone who "loved my country"

Really? What country would that be? The one they destroyed? The one I no longer recognize? The one where armed gestapo show up at your doorstep cause the powers that be don't like how you voted?

These people do not understand how very far down the road we are. How quaint: they still think we "love our country"
We had a good run ...but clearly the once great nation is finished

Nothing to do but wait patiently for the planned coming collapse ....
I don't think it's going to go the way the WEF wants it to
We had a good run ...but clearly the once great nation is finished

Nothing to do but wait patiently for the planned coming collapse ....
I don't think it's going to go the way the WEF wants it to
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I tell my students:

Building something beautiful is difficult

Destroying it is quick and easy, and cruel. Be a builder.

For the adults here I would add: if all you think about doing is destroying, and you finally get your way, the fallout is rarely what you think it will be.

Again the Dems play a very dangerous game.
You would think there are at least a FEW FBI leaking like sieves to Republican Congress folks. In fact, I would bet on it if I were a betting person. Makes no difference what they think of Trump; it only takes a few people with a shred of principle left to say--nope, this can't stand.

The Democrats play a very dangerous game here and the worse the economy gets for them, the more dangerous their game gets. They have to know it.
I'm not sure they do know it. After all, they do control most of the main stream, legacy media. I'm starting to think they actually believe their own propaganda. Once someone floats a story, it gets parroted and repeated over and over until the lie becomes, for them, 'truth.' You even hear pundits and so-called 'journalists' repeating Democrat talking points verbatim. We saw that first hand with the Russia/Trump fake story based on an unverified dossier. At the time, they all swore it was the truth.

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