FBI now treating Epsteins death as a criminal matter


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The FBI is now treating Jeffrey Epstein’s death as a criminal matter, according to
Bureau of Prisons Director Kathleen Hawk Sawyer.

During a Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sawyer said the FBI is probing the possibility of a “criminal enterprise” involved in Epstein’s death.
FBI Now Treating Epstein’s Death as a Criminal Matter

Somebody spilled and somebody is gonna get knocked off LOL you stupid losers who love Obama and Clinton's are sickening...........



Watch Live: FBI Tells Congress They Have Launched a Criminal Investigation Into Epstein Death

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They had no choice because the American public are not idiots. However I see a lot of FBI foot dragging and running out the clock. There are very powerful people who want to keep a lid on the Epstein murder.
They are cutting clips out even nas AJ speaks.......... he suppose to be getting them i'm putting them here.
Murder?....Hit men....paid assassins?....presidents getting rich in just 8 years?...pallets of cash floating around?....kid molesters?....corrupt judges?...you are not even safe in prison?....what kind of nation has Obama...Bush...and Clinton given us?.....
Two federal correctional officers who were on duty the night Jeffrey Epstein died were arrested early Tuesday on federal charges related to their failure to check on him the night he died in his cell, according to the New York Times, citing a person with knowledge of the matter.


Epstein Prison Guards Arrested

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