FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

The NYT is confirming the REAL reason why a special counsel was appointed.....

Trump cult members will try to spin this with their moronic rhetoric that the FBI is part of the deep state....that there's RINOs out to get the scum bucket Trump, that there's nothing wrong with Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, and....of course, "But, But, BUT Hillary"............

The shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY........lol

So the FBI thinks TRUMP is a spy for Russia? Seriously? A real spy like the one who worked for Feinstein for 20 years, or a "spy" like Carter Page who was accused of being a spy in the FISA yet has never been charged?

Your are right "the shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY...lol"

The FBI/DOJ was secretly investigating the POTUS based on flimsy speculation and they came up with nothing. This overreach and abuse of power is far worse that any Russian meddling.
NO KITTY Like the Rosenbergs Handing secrets over to the scumbags friend Putin

What secrets?
They're secret Already the moron gave secret info about Israel to his good friend Putin
Trump concealed face to face meetings with putin from sr officials
So what! He's the president and can conduct business with foreign leaders as he sees fit
If it were the Surrender monkey doing the same thing, it would be classified under NATIONAL SECURITY!
Actually, what happened was that after Trump fired the snake Comey, his cronies in the FBI decided to launch a phony "investigation" based on the bogus idea that Trump was working for the Russians. Those cronies did not "fear" that Trump was working for the Russians. They knew he wasn't. This was just the excuse they used to start investigating Trump.
and the pos republicans support the traitor?? Let them all do what Hitler did

Cold War is over, why would we want to invade Russia? Are you insane?

Nobody wants to invade Russia. But kissing Putin, siding with Putin against his own head intelligence that he hired. Is a fucking bad idea.
Right there showed you that Trump is acting like a foreign agent.

That is what Hitler did. He invaded Russia. Are you insane?

George Bush put military forces in the Black Sea to support people fighting the Russians. Bill Clinton expanded NATO to include fucking Estonia! Hillary Clinton wanted, if she was elected, to order a no fly zone against Russian planes, ie to have them shot down it they entered the zone.

Watching our actions since the end of the Cold War, it looks like there are a lot of people, on both sides of the aisle that want war with Russia.

At best, millions would die. AT BEST.
Why are you spouting Putin talking points?

Wow. I point out a history of activity that shows a desire for a major war, and your response is, not to address the multiple examples I give,

but simple ridicule combined with some red baiting?

Not only do my points stand, but your dishonest attack on them, shows that you are supporting this madness also.
Putin loves people like you
Cold War is over, why would we want to invade Russia? Are you insane?

Nobody wants to invade Russia. But kissing Putin, siding with Putin against his own head intelligence that he hired. Is a fucking bad idea.
Right there showed you that Trump is acting like a foreign agent.

That is what Hitler did. He invaded Russia. Are you insane?

George Bush put military forces in the Black Sea to support people fighting the Russians. Bill Clinton expanded NATO to include fucking Estonia! Hillary Clinton wanted, if she was elected, to order a no fly zone against Russian planes, ie to have them shot down it they entered the zone.

Watching our actions since the end of the Cold War, it looks like there are a lot of people, on both sides of the aisle that want war with Russia.

At best, millions would die. AT BEST.
Why are you spouting Putin talking points?

Wow. I point out a history of activity that shows a desire for a major war, and your response is, not to address the multiple examples I give,

but simple ridicule combined with some red baiting?

Not only do my points stand, but your dishonest attack on them, shows that you are supporting this madness also.
Putin loves people like you

People who don't want a needless war that would kill millions of his country men for no reason?

If he does not, he should.

But I do not oppose war with Russia, for his benefit, but for the benefit of my fellow Americans, who would have to deal with paying the price in blood and treasure.

Why do you want to see America piss away the lives of millions of our fellow citizens, and trillions of dollars for no reason?
fbi investigating trump was a threat to national security but republicans have their heads up their asses

The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.
you're trying to take america and great institutions like our intelligence experts down FUCK YOU you republican traitorous prick

Those institutions took themselves down, when they took sides.

I'm just one of the people calling them on their actions.

They need to be PURGED.

The White House needs purged.

The FBI did not take sides.

Trump sided with Russia.

Your denial of the obvious corruption of the FBI shows that you side with them and are an enemy of the democratic process.

So, Obama told the FBI to investigate Hillary & had them make the announcement of reopening the investigation two weeks before the election. Yep, that makes sense.
Actually, what happened was that after Trump fired the snake Comey, his cronies in the FBI decided to launch a phony "investigation" based on the bogus idea that Trump was working for the Russians. Those cronies did not "fear" that Trump was working for the Russians. They knew he wasn't. This was just the excuse they used to start investigating Trump.
5 meetings with putin??
The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.
you're trying to take america and great institutions like our intelligence experts down FUCK YOU you republican traitorous prick

Those institutions took themselves down, when they took sides.

I'm just one of the people calling them on their actions.

They need to be PURGED.

The White House needs purged.

The FBI did not take sides.

Trump sided with Russia.

Your denial of the obvious corruption of the FBI shows that you side with them and are an enemy of the democratic process.

So, Obama told the FBI to investigate Hillary & had them make the announcement of reopening the investigation two weeks before the election. Yep, that makes sense.

Your use of deflection as a defense of the corruption of the FBI, is noted.

You are also an Enemy of the People.
The NYT is confirming the REAL reason why a special counsel was appointed.....

Trump cult members will try to spin this with their moronic rhetoric that the FBI is part of the deep state....that there's RINOs out to get the scum bucket Trump, that there's nothing wrong with Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, and....of course, "But, But, BUT Hillary"............

The shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY........lol

Ye, and a lot of these ass kissers are veterans.

Let this veteran make this absolutely clear. The fact that you are a veteran excuses nothing of this President because you support him, or excuses your support for a traitor because you are a veteran. As far as i'm concerned, your just as big a traitor to your country as he is. You are disgrace to the uniform.
Actually, what happened was that after Trump fired the snake Comey, his cronies in the FBI decided to launch a phony "investigation" based on the bogus idea that Trump was working for the Russians. Those cronies did not "fear" that Trump was working for the Russians. They knew he wasn't. This was just the excuse they used to start investigating Trump.
Sure. That must be it.
Nobody wants to invade Russia. But kissing Putin, siding with Putin against his own head intelligence that he hired. Is a fucking bad idea.
Right there showed you that Trump is acting like a foreign agent.

That is what Hitler did. He invaded Russia. Are you insane?

George Bush put military forces in the Black Sea to support people fighting the Russians. Bill Clinton expanded NATO to include fucking Estonia! Hillary Clinton wanted, if she was elected, to order a no fly zone against Russian planes, ie to have them shot down it they entered the zone.

Watching our actions since the end of the Cold War, it looks like there are a lot of people, on both sides of the aisle that want war with Russia.

At best, millions would die. AT BEST.
Why are you spouting Putin talking points?

Wow. I point out a history of activity that shows a desire for a major war, and your response is, not to address the multiple examples I give,

but simple ridicule combined with some red baiting?

Not only do my points stand, but your dishonest attack on them, shows that you are supporting this madness also.
Putin loves people like you

People who don't want a needless war that would kill millions of his country men for no reason?

If he does not, he should.

But I do not oppose war with Russia, for his benefit, but for the benefit of my fellow Americans, who would have to deal with paying the price in blood and treasure.

Why do you want to see America piss away the lives of millions of our fellow citizens, and trillions of dollars for no reason?
Welcome to crazy town. War with Russia?

That's quite the leap there Igor
Actually, what happened was that after Trump fired the snake Comey, his cronies in the FBI decided to launch a phony "investigation" based on the bogus idea that Trump was working for the Russians. Those cronies did not "fear" that Trump was working for the Russians. They knew he wasn't. This was just the excuse they used to start investigating Trump.
5 meetings with putin??
He also met with North Korea, and Chinas leaders....OH MY GOD!!!.....Trying to end world tensions, and MAKE US SAFE....WHERE IS MY WALL????

you're trying to take america and great institutions like our intelligence experts down FUCK YOU you republican traitorous prick

Those institutions took themselves down, when they took sides.

I'm just one of the people calling them on their actions.

They need to be PURGED.

The White House needs purged.

The FBI did not take sides.

Trump sided with Russia.

Your denial of the obvious corruption of the FBI shows that you side with them and are an enemy of the democratic process.

So, Obama told the FBI to investigate Hillary & had them make the announcement of reopening the investigation two weeks before the election. Yep, that makes sense.

Your use of deflection as a defense of the corruption of the FBI, is noted.

You are also an Enemy of the People.
Are you so dumb you say the FBI is an enemy of the people ?That their leaders ,,like Comey are Slime ? If you do you should be put up against the same wall as Trump
Watch "Obama tells Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" after election" on YouTube....IS THIS NOT OUTRIGHT RUSSIAM COLLUSION....THE SURRENDER MONKEY TELLS THE RUSSIAN PM HE WILL WORK FOR RUSSIAS BENEFIT!!!!!

Bigoted.\, rascist POS.
Actually, what happened was that after Trump fired the snake Comey, his cronies in the FBI decided to launch a phony "investigation" based on the bogus idea that Trump was working for the Russians. Those cronies did not "fear" that Trump was working for the Russians. They knew he wasn't. This was just the excuse they used to start investigating Trump.
5 meetings with putin??
He also met with North Korea, and Chinas leaders....OH MY GOD!!!.....Trying to end world tensions, and MAKE US SAFE....WHERE IS MY WALL????

Did he hide the content of these meetings?
and they started an investigation on UFOs
and the FBI has found Jimmy Hoffa's body ---------------------------------500 times !!!!!!!!!
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes their job more difficult. The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.

Yet Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada leaks EVERYTHING. It is his manner of communication. He leaked Trump's written answers to him in less than two hours.

Torquemada understands that he has no LEGAL grounds and is in fact in place to DISTRACT from the treason of Barack Mugabe Obama and the corrupt FBI. So Torquemada uses the complicit DNC controlled press to manipulate public opinion. His "leaks" are so common and regular that they are expected in advance, CNN and the NY Times have people assigned to passing on Mewler leaks. Anything Torquemada knows that can be twisted or perverted to harm Trump WILL be leaked to the corrupt press in short order.
and they started an investigation on UFOs
and the FBI has found Jimmy Hoffa's body ---------------------------------500 times !!!!!!!!!
Yeah make mock Why TF do you ah's keep covering up ,making bs excuses for this AH in our WH?
Actually, what happened was that after Trump fired the snake Comey, his cronies in the FBI decided to launch a phony "investigation" based on the bogus idea that Trump was working for the Russians. Those cronies did not "fear" that Trump was working for the Russians. They knew he wasn't. This was just the excuse they used to start investigating Trump.
5 meetings with putin??
He also met with North Korea, and Chinas leaders....OH MY GOD!!!.....Trying to end world tensions, and MAKE US SAFE....WHERE IS MY WALL????

Did he hide the content of these meetings?
Was THAT on a supposed closed mic, that picked it up by mistake?....And YOU don't know what went on in those meetings except what the Lap Dog MSM was told to print!
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.

When hilary was taking money as the Secretary of State from Russia and every other foreign government, did they open an investigation into her and her crime foundation? You know, as a public servant taking bribes? From Russia?

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