FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration

Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc

I have. "Condemned, denigrated, and accused" of what"?
??????? have you been living in a hole?
do you live in the US???
Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration

Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc

I have. "Condemned, denigrated, and accused" of what"?
??????? have you been living in a hole?
do you live in the US???
Wait a minute. So let me see if I get this straight. So, because there are whites out there, (besides other middle class whites) who exercise open racism like the KKK,(Charlottesville), white supremacy groups, skin heads, David Duke, Trump, and others, we are somehow supposed to feel sorry for these people, and that they shouldn't be ignored? And if they are being accused, and rightfully so, exactly what do you mean when you said they are ignored? The white racists in this country are not ignored. And why do you lump (all white middle class people) in the same group with the racists? Your posts do not make much sense? You seem to be totally confused as to what you want to say?
The White House needs purged.

The FBI did not take sides.

Trump sided with Russia.

Your denial of the obvious corruption of the FBI shows that you side with them and are an enemy of the democratic process.

So, Obama told the FBI to investigate Hillary & had them make the announcement of reopening the investigation two weeks before the election. Yep, that makes sense.

Your use of deflection as a defense of the corruption of the FBI, is noted.

You are also an Enemy of the People.
Are you so dumb you say the FBI is an enemy of the people ?That their leaders ,,like Comey are Slime ? If you do you should be put up against the same wall as Trump
Rightards are brainwashed; scrubbed with Brillo pads. They’re cult members like those who belonged to the People’s Temple.

You are a brain damaged moron.
So the FBI thinks TRUMP is a spy for Russia? Seriously? A real spy like the one who worked for Feinstein for 20 years, or a "spy" like Carter Page who was accused of being a spy in the FISA yet has never been charged?

Your are right "the shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY...lol"

The FBI/DOJ was secretly investigating the POTUS based on flimsy speculation and they came up with nothing. This overreach and abuse of power is far worse that any Russian meddling.
NO KITTY Like the Rosenbergs Handing secrets over to the scumbags friend Putin

What secrets?
Report: Trump revealed Israeli commando and Mossad operation in Syria to Russians
So TRUMP shared information with Russia on ISIS having developed bombs to be used in laptops that could go through airport security undetected. Okay so TRUMP shared the information with Russia, now who shared the information with the media?

Trump blows up a covert Israeli operation and the reaction from his acolytes is...

... so what? Who cares?

Thanks for proving yet again just how brainwashed you cultists really are.

What covert Israel operation are you talking about? And it seems the issue wasn't with Russia knowing but Russia passing the information on to Obama's friends in Iran.

Putin never had to pass the information on since the US media did it for him by illegally leaking classified information.

Weird how so many seem to be saying who cares to the actually crime of leaking classified information to the media.
So TRUMP shared information with Russia on ISIS having developed bombs to be used in laptops that could go through airport security undetected. Okay so TRUMP shared the information with Russia, now who shared the information with the media?

Trump blows up a covert Israeli operation and the reaction from his acolytes is...

... so what? Who cares?

Thanks for proving yet again just how brainwashed you cultists really are.

What covert Israel operation are you talking about? And it seems the issue wasn't with Russia knowing but Russia passing the information on to Obama's friends in Iran.

Putin never had to pass the information on since the US media did it for him by illegally leaking classified information.

Weird how so many seem to be saying who cares to the actually crime of leaking classified information to the media.
I'll give you two guesses who opened his mouth first, and the first guess doesn't count. Enough said.
Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc

I have. "Condemned, denigrated, and accused" of what"?
??????? have you been living in a hole?
do you live in the US???
Wait a minute. So let me see if I get this straight. So, because there are whites out there, (besides other middle class whites) who exercise open racism like the KKK,(Charlottesville), white supremacy groups, skin heads, David Duke, Trump, and others, we are somehow supposed to feel sorry for these people, and that they shouldn't be ignored? And if they are being accused, and rightfully so, exactly what do you mean when you said they are ignored? The white racists in this country are not ignored. And why do you lump (all white middle class people) in the same group with the racists? Your posts do not make much sense? You seem to be totally confused as to what you want to say?
you are a bootcamper [ new guy ]
1. MOST of the stories in the MSM that call out whites for racism is BULLSHIT
2.blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
3. blacks about 13% of the population--whites about 67%--you can do math?
white on black murders - 189
black on white murders - 409
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
4.white supremacists murder less than 10 people per ---------- YEAR
blacks murder over eight people every---------------------------------------DAY
but what does the MSM spew everyDAY??
whites =RACIST
what do black entertainers/sports players/etc say: whites RACIST
this has been one of the MAJOR stories in the MSM for the last few years
WHITE cop shoots BLACKman
BUT--the cops are DEFENDING themselves against jackass dangerous black criminals
AND when blacks MURDER whites BECAUSE of hate--it rarely is in the MSM and/or not for long!!
etc etc etc etc
I've been over this many times on USMB with the facts/stats/links
Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration

Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?

Their interests were never represented in national policy. Economic and immigration policy was crafted with an eye to macro economic numbers ignoring how the loss of manufacturing jobs, and artificial flooding of the labor market,

seriously hurt the Middle Class whites.

Trump saw this, and pounced on it, as a way for an outsider to get into the White House.
Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc

I have. "Condemned, denigrated, and accused" of what"?
??????? have you been living in a hole?
do you live in the US???
Wait a minute. So let me see if I get this straight. So, because there are whites out there, (besides other middle class whites) who exercise open racism like the KKK,(Charlottesville), white supremacy groups, skin heads, David Duke, Trump, and others, we are somehow supposed to feel sorry for these people, and that they shouldn't be ignored? And if they are being accused, and rightfully so, exactly what do you mean when you said they are ignored? The white racists in this country are not ignored. And why do you lump (all white middle class people) in the same group with the racists? Your posts do not make much sense? You seem to be totally confused as to what you want to say?
Your posts do not make much sense?
AND you do not back up your post with links/stats/etc
Guilty pleas and indictments are all the proof I need. But for cult retards like you who understand nothing about the law, will take their rightful seat on top of Trumps Hale Bopp.
Then you're willfully ignorant of how the plea bargain scam of a "legal system", that has been operating in this nation for decades, actually works.

IOW, appeal to ignorance is not an argument.
A "plea bargain' is nothing more than an agreement for leniency by those already found guilty to pursue that rotting head of the fish. It is not a scam. It's a strategy for justice against those who break the law. Your argument is for idiots.
Plea bargains aren't signed after a conviction, you stupid fucking moron. You should refrain from posting before you demonstrate your idiocy beyond all doubt.
And? What's that got to do with the price of tea in China? The result is the same. Investigators have the defendant by the balls, so they can pursue the head of the rotten fish, which is Trump. That's how law enforcement works. You got a problem with that? I don't. It's called justice you idiot against criminals like Trump who attacked our country.
If they had him by the balls, they wouldn't be agreeing to a plea bargain, you brain-dead dumbass. The result is certainly not the same. It's so they can pursue people for which they have no evidence.

Yeah, we know how law enforcement works, and all rational sensible people are appalled. It certainly isn't justice, and I do have a problem with it.

I marvel at how all you assholes, who defend Hillary to the hilt, are called in Trump a criminal. It just one of the long list of epithets that your party masters have instructed you to use.
You fed over Hillary for 10 or more years and came up with shit Meanwhile this dirty bastard this POS you put in the WH is awash in filth A real swine
Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc

I have. "Condemned, denigrated, and accused" of what"?
??????? have you been living in a hole?
do you live in the US???
Wait a minute. So let me see if I get this straight. So, because there are whites out there, (besides other middle class whites) who exercise open racism like the KKK,(Charlottesville), white supremacy groups, skin heads, David Duke, Trump, and others, we are somehow supposed to feel sorry for these people, and that they shouldn't be ignored? And if they are being accused, and rightfully so, exactly what do you mean when you said they are ignored? The white racists in this country are not ignored. And why do you lump (all white middle class people) in the same group with the racists? Your posts do not make much sense? You seem to be totally confused as to what you want to say?

1. Your conflation of whites and white racists is noted and held against you. Don't be a fucking asshole.

2. No group of Americans, or their interests should be ignored in national policy. That you spin "wanting interests represented in policy" with "feel sorry for" is just you being a fucking asshole. Stop that.

3. Are you seriously just hearing about this now? Were you in a fucking coma during the election or something? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration

Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc
Yes Christians aren't hypocrites ,,,,,,,,,Not much,,,,, God fearing ? lol lol
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc

I have. "Condemned, denigrated, and accused" of what"?
??????? have you been living in a hole?
do you live in the US???
Wait a minute. So let me see if I get this straight. So, because there are whites out there, (besides other middle class whites) who exercise open racism like the KKK,(Charlottesville), white supremacy groups, skin heads, David Duke, Trump, and others, we are somehow supposed to feel sorry for these people, and that they shouldn't be ignored? And if they are being accused, and rightfully so, exactly what do you mean when you said they are ignored? The white racists in this country are not ignored. And why do you lump (all white middle class people) in the same group with the racists? Your posts do not make much sense? You seem to be totally confused as to what you want to say?

1. Your conflation of whites and white racists is noted and held against you. Don't be a fucking asshole.

2. No group of Americans, or their interests should be ignored in national policy. That you spin "wanting interests represented in policy" with "feel sorry for" is just you being a fucking asshole. Stop that.

3. Are you seriously just hearing about this now? Were you in a fucking coma during the election or something? What the fuck is wrong with you?

You weren't asked. The other dumb ass was. Then here you come and can't answer the questions either, because the claims were bogus to begin with. Middle class whites were never ignored. That's reality. So you and Goober can stop with the (white middle class) pity party.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration

Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc
Yes Christians aren't hypocrites ,,,,,,,,,Not much,,,,, God fearing ? lol lol
christians-----? how did they get into this conversation
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration

Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.

That you are so offended by this, that you are wiling to support interference in the election process by domestic intelligence agencies, is, as has been pointed out, treasonous.

YOu are vile scum. And a warmonger.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc
Yes Christians aren't hypocrites ,,,,,,,,,Not much,,,,, God fearing ? lol lol

The only reasonable response to the post you replied to, would be to agree that whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/ect everyday.

That you did not do that, shows that you support that racism. Shame on you.
Can you cite specifically how the middle class whites were being ignored?
ever read the news?? whites are condemned/denigrated/accused/etc EVERYDAY
the MSM ignores them/etc

I have. "Condemned, denigrated, and accused" of what"?
??????? have you been living in a hole?
do you live in the US???
Wait a minute. So let me see if I get this straight. So, because there are whites out there, (besides other middle class whites) who exercise open racism like the KKK,(Charlottesville), white supremacy groups, skin heads, David Duke, Trump, and others, we are somehow supposed to feel sorry for these people, and that they shouldn't be ignored? And if they are being accused, and rightfully so, exactly what do you mean when you said they are ignored? The white racists in this country are not ignored. And why do you lump (all white middle class people) in the same group with the racists? Your posts do not make much sense? You seem to be totally confused as to what you want to say?
Your posts do not make much sense?
AND you do not back up your post with links/stats/etc
Spoiler alert there Goober, I wasn't the one who made the idiotic claims. You did.

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