FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

Trump won the election by speaking out to a long ignored voting bloc, Middle Class whites.
And by appealing to their worst qualities.

Trade and Immigration in no way, appeals to anyone's worst qualities.

So, back up your bullshit, or apologize to the good people you just smeared, asshole.

When you specifically rail against immigration from non-white areas, you are a fucking racist & bigot.

Calling people from Mexico rapists & murderers is exactly what?

Telling people that a trade balance deficit is another country stealing from us is a lie, misleading & meant to dupe you & your ilk.

You sucked it up like a dry sponge in a cesspool.

1. The mass of illegal immigration is from Mexico. Dealing with that fact is not racist, you fucking moron.

2. Talking about the fact that rapists and murderers are among the millions of people coming across the border, unvetted, is called telling the Fucking Truth, you fucking race baiting moron.

3. Telling people that unfair and predatory trade practices from our trading "partners" is stealing from US, is just the fucking truth, you moron.

4. Because it was the Truth, you race baiting moron.

1) Calling them rapists & murders is being bigoted you fucking moron.

2) Trump said but some were good people that indicated that most are racists & murderers & bad people,

3) Trump called the trade deficits as losing money. That is wrong & duped dumbasses like you.

4) There are mechanisms to deal with unfair trade practices. If they were really going on, why weren't these mechanisms triggered?

1. Not when there are many rapists and murderers among them, you fool.

2. "Bad people" is pretty general. You are correct. Trump was insensitive to the feelings of people invading our country against our will. YOu are more concerned with that, then the unknown numbers of rapists and murderers that have invaded our country, and are here, raping and murdering.

You are fucking nuts.

3. If that was true, our trading partners would not have been squealing like stuck pigs ever time he mentioned it.

4. Because our trade deals were negotiated by Free Trade Ideologues, on our side, negotiating with people who were smart and looking out for the interests of their people, and willing to take advantage of a bunch of fools.

Free Traders have an ideological conviction that Free Trade is good, even if the other side is cheating. So they don't give a fuck about enforcement.
Oh, not just with Trump. It has been going on for years. They have just come totally freakingly unglued under Trump, because he takes them on.
Serious question; are you an alcoholic who is drunk from sun up to sun down? Is that why your posts are rambling with zero substance? Comey and McCabe got involved in order to influence the outcome of the election in favor of Hillary Clinton. Based on text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, this was done on orders from Barack Mugabe Obama.
Damn you're stupid. Remember the next email plot by team Trump that Comey fell for right before the election that showed nothing? And Comey was working for Clinton? That could only be coming from a retard like you.
Hillary's email criminality was a "plot?"

You're fucking hilarious!

The only "plot" was Comey's plot to obstruct justice by not charging her with numerous felonies.

There were no properly marked e-mails so there is no criminality.

Wrong. Did you watch the video of Gowdy interrogating Comey? Even if your claim was true, that wouldn't get Hillary off the hook.

I laugh as assfucks like you. You assfucks investigated Hillary for years & years & you cry about Trump being investigated.

Go home & cry to Mommy

You're a fucking imbecile, of course.

The Stalinists have taken to just brazenly lying and demanding that lies by them are equal to facts, because they hate Trump, and hating Trump is what's really important, CNN and the NY Times say so every day.
So you think if your are black & have a job, you don't face any racism?

So you think if you are white an live in America you don't face massive and overwhelming racism? Flat out hatred from the media, academia, and millennials?
Serious question; are you an alcoholic who is drunk from sun up to sun down? Is that why your posts are rambling with zero substance? Comey and McCabe got involved in order to influence the outcome of the election in favor of Hillary Clinton. Based on text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, this was done on orders from Barack Mugabe Obama.
Damn you're stupid. Remember the next email plot by team Trump that Comey fell for right before the election that showed nothing? And Comey was working for Clinton? That could only be coming from a retard like you.
Hillary's email criminality was a "plot?"

You're fucking hilarious!

The only "plot" was Comey's plot to obstruct justice by not charging her with numerous felonies.

There were no properly marked e-mails so there is no criminality.

I laugh as assfucks like you. You assfucks investigated Hillary for years & years & you cry about Trump being investigated.

Go home & cry to Mommy


Fucking liar.

Where are the classified e-mails that were properly marked at that time.

WASHINGTON — Government investigators said Friday that they had discovered classified information on the private email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used while secretary of state, stating unequivocally that those secrets never should have been stored outside of secure government computer systems.

Mrs. Clinton has said for months that she kept no classified information on the private server that she set up in her house so she would not have to carry both a personal phone and a work phone. Her campaign said Friday that any government secrets found on the server had been classified after the fact.

But the inspectors general of the State Department and the nation’s intelligence agencies said the information they found was classified when it was sent and remains so now. Information is considered classified if its disclosure would likely harm national security, and such information can be sent or stored only on computer networks with special safeguards.

“This classified information never should have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” Steve A. Linick, the State Department inspector general, said in a statement signed by him and I. Charles McCullough III, the inspector general for the intelligence community.}

Hillary Clinton Emails Said to Contain Classified Data

You fucking liar.
Damn you're stupid. Remember the next email plot by team Trump that Comey fell for right before the election that showed nothing? And Comey was working for Clinton? That could only be coming from a retard like you.
Hillary's email criminality was a "plot?"

You're fucking hilarious!

The only "plot" was Comey's plot to obstruct justice by not charging her with numerous felonies.

There were no properly marked e-mails so there is no criminality.

I laugh as assfucks like you. You assfucks investigated Hillary for years & years & you cry about Trump being investigated.

Go home & cry to Mommy


Fucking liar.

Where are the classified e-mails that were properly marked at that time.

WASHINGTON — Government investigators said Friday that they had discovered classified information on the private email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used while secretary of state, stating unequivocally that those secrets never should have been stored outside of secure government computer systems.

Mrs. Clinton has said for months that she kept no classified information on the private server that she set up in her house so she would not have to carry both a personal phone and a work phone. Her campaign said Friday that any government secrets found on the server had been classified after the fact.

But the inspectors general of the State Department and the nation’s intelligence agencies said the information they found was classified when it was sent and remains so now. Information is considered classified if its disclosure would likely harm national security, and such information can be sent or stored only on computer networks with special safeguards.

“This classified information never should have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” Steve A. Linick, the State Department inspector general, said in a statement signed by him and I. Charles McCullough III, the inspector general for the intelligence community.}

Hillary Clinton Emails Said to Contain Classified Data

You fucking liar.
The only question remaining is "why isn't she in prison?"
So you think if you are white an live in America you don't face massive and overwhelming racism?
No, of course not, and you fucking idiots embarrass yourselves to make this claim. Goddamn you embarrass us all... get the fk out of my country, dildos...

Say Herr Hitler, the University of California has classes for blacks telling them they are evil and how to be contrite about how evil they are.

Black inferiority classes are mandatory for all black freshmen to put them in their place.

You have no problem with that, do you?
Hillary's email criminality was a "plot?"

You're fucking hilarious!

The only "plot" was Comey's plot to obstruct justice by not charging her with numerous felonies.

There were no properly marked e-mails so there is no criminality.

I laugh as assfucks like you. You assfucks investigated Hillary for years & years & you cry about Trump being investigated.

Go home & cry to Mommy


Fucking liar.

Where are the classified e-mails that were properly marked at that time.

WASHINGTON — Government investigators said Friday that they had discovered classified information on the private email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used while secretary of state, stating unequivocally that those secrets never should have been stored outside of secure government computer systems.

Mrs. Clinton has said for months that she kept no classified information on the private server that she set up in her house so she would not have to carry both a personal phone and a work phone. Her campaign said Friday that any government secrets found on the server had been classified after the fact.

But the inspectors general of the State Department and the nation’s intelligence agencies said the information they found was classified when it was sent and remains so now. Information is considered classified if its disclosure would likely harm national security, and such information can be sent or stored only on computer networks with special safeguards.

“This classified information never should have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” Steve A. Linick, the State Department inspector general, said in a statement signed by him and I. Charles McCullough III, the inspector general for the intelligence community.}

Hillary Clinton Emails Said to Contain Classified Data

You fucking liar.
The only question remaining is "why isn't she in prison?"

Oh, that's easy - laws don't apply to democrats. democrats are above the law.
Rightards are brainwashed; scrubbed with Brillo pads. They’re cult members like those who belonged to the People’s Temple.

You are a brain damaged moron.

How fortunate for me that is the belief held by a brainwashed cultist?

Meanwhile, trump continues to feed the investigation into his Russian connections by holding secret meetings with the Kremlin.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
You are a brain damaged moron.

How fortunate for me that is the belief held by a brainwashed cultist?

Meanwhile, trump continues to feed the investigation into his Russian connections by holding secret meetings with the Kremlin.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever

Still can't answer the question. As I expected.

You might want to consider what will happen, when you demonstrate to half the country, that democracy will not be allowed to work for them, anymore.
Sure has been working that way for a number of years now.
There were no properly marked e-mails so there is no criminality.

I laugh as assfucks like you. You assfucks investigated Hillary for years & years & you cry about Trump being investigated.

Go home & cry to Mommy


Fucking liar.

Where are the classified e-mails that were properly marked at that time.

WASHINGTON — Government investigators said Friday that they had discovered classified information on the private email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used while secretary of state, stating unequivocally that those secrets never should have been stored outside of secure government computer systems.

Mrs. Clinton has said for months that she kept no classified information on the private server that she set up in her house so she would not have to carry both a personal phone and a work phone. Her campaign said Friday that any government secrets found on the server had been classified after the fact.

But the inspectors general of the State Department and the nation’s intelligence agencies said the information they found was classified when it was sent and remains so now. Information is considered classified if its disclosure would likely harm national security, and such information can be sent or stored only on computer networks with special safeguards.

“This classified information never should have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” Steve A. Linick, the State Department inspector general, said in a statement signed by him and I. Charles McCullough III, the inspector general for the intelligence community.}

Hillary Clinton Emails Said to Contain Classified Data

You fucking liar.
The only question remaining is "why isn't she in prison?"

Oh, that's easy - laws don't apply to democrats. democrats are above the law.
You are a brain damaged moron.

How fortunate for me that is the belief held by a brainwashed cultist?

Meanwhile, trump continues to feed the investigation into his Russian connections by holding secret meetings with the Kremlin.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?
Rightards are brainwashed; scrubbed with Brillo pads. They’re cult members like those who belonged to the People’s Temple.

You are a brain damaged moron.

How fortunate for me that is the belief held by a brainwashed cultist?

Meanwhile, trump continues to feed the investigation into his Russian connections by holding secret meetings with the Kremlin.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
And you’re still lying as there is no which hunt.

So what is the “blow back” you speak of?

How fortunate for me that is the belief held by a brainwashed cultist?

Meanwhile, trump continues to feed the investigation into his Russian connections by holding secret meetings with the Kremlin.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?

1. Neither one of us have any idea what past Presidents may or may not have done.

2. What past President had to worry about a politically hostile FBI? This is on you libs, and your call for "resistance".

3. The FBI, does not have the credibility to make such a call anymore.

4. Only a mad fool, would consider for a second, such a mad and foolish idea.
You are a brain damaged moron.

How fortunate for me that is the belief held by a brainwashed cultist?

Meanwhile, trump continues to feed the investigation into his Russian connections by holding secret meetings with the Kremlin.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
And you’re still lying as there is no which hunt.

So what is the “blow back” you speak of?

1. Your denial of the witch hunt is dismissed, as idiocy.

2. I see that you have NOT considered either the implications of your attempt at a soft coup, nor the likely reactions. You are all morons, and fools. And assholes.

How fortunate for me that is the belief held by a brainwashed cultist?

Meanwhile, trump continues to feed the investigation into his Russian connections by holding secret meetings with the Kremlin.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
And you’re still lying as there is no which hunt.

So what is the “blow back” you speak of?

1. Your denial of the witch hunt is dismissed, as idiocy.

2. I see that you have NOT considered either the implications of your attempt at a soft coup, nor the likely reactions. You are all morons, and fools. And assholes.

After your mindless parroting trump calling it a witch hunt was dismissed.

Meanwhile, seems you use words you can’t define. What do you mean by “blow back?”
Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
And you’re still lying as there is no which hunt.

So what is the “blow back” you speak of?

1. Your denial of the witch hunt is dismissed, as idiocy.

2. I see that you have NOT considered either the implications of your attempt at a soft coup, nor the likely reactions. You are all morons, and fools. And assholes.

After your mindless parroting trump calling it a witch hunt was dismissed.

Meanwhile, seems you use words you can’t define. What do you mean by “blow back?”

I dismissed, your denial of the obvious witch hunt, you moron.

Also consider your pretense to not understand common english words to also be dismissed.

Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
And you’re still lying as there is no which hunt.

So what is the “blow back” you speak of?

1. Your denial of the witch hunt is dismissed, as idiocy.

2. I see that you have NOT considered either the implications of your attempt at a soft coup, nor the likely reactions. You are all morons, and fools. And assholes.

After your mindless parroting trump calling it a witch hunt was dismissed.

Meanwhile, seems you use words you can’t define. What do you mean by “blow back?”

Joo talkin to me, mang?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
And you’re still lying as there is no which hunt.

So what is the “blow back” you speak of?

1. Your denial of the witch hunt is dismissed, as idiocy.

2. I see that you have NOT considered either the implications of your attempt at a soft coup, nor the likely reactions. You are all morons, and fools. And assholes.

After your mindless parroting trump calling it a witch hunt was dismissed.

Meanwhile, seems you use words you can’t define. What do you mean by “blow back?”

I dismissed, your denial of the obvious witch hunt, you moron.

Also consider your pretense to not understand common english words to also be dismissed.

Yes, you did, after I pointed out you’re a mindless cultist for thinking it’s s witch hunt.

As far as blow back, that can mean anything from stomping feet to armed rebellion to anything in between. You’re asking posters to answer to that when you can’t even say what you mean by blow back.

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